Games you wish you HADN'T bought...

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
conqueror Kenny said:
shadow skill said:
Gears of War.
What that was a great game could you at least justify it?
Mine wil be Lost Planet: It was just too slow and just couldnt find the fun in it, Whenever you got in a v.s the game got stupidly easy. Also the thermal energy just annyed me. The fact you had to keep killing to keep going really annoyed me.
Play that game with the southpaw stick options and you will understand why I hated Gears of War. It's all but impossible to move Marcus with the right analog stick and hold down the A button....


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Oh, so many...

PRINCE OF PERSIA: WARRIOR WITHIN - After loving Sands of Time, I immediately bought the sequel. The hardcore metal music during the combat, a terribly confusing map and the destruction of the Prince as a character turned the game into turd within two hours of playtime. And, as Yahtzee brilliantly said, the Prince apparently let his mom cut his hair. "Emo Within" indeed.

NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 - My first attempt at playing a game of the series. But the annoying D&D based gameplay and the hideous turn-based combat destroyed the game for me. Not to mention the engine needed to be optimized.

MEDAL OF HONOR: AIRBORNE - It's still the first game, but now with thirty seconds of parachuting in the beggining of each mission, and now you can choose what objectives to do first. "See, it's not linear anymore!", EA Games says with a smile. Linear or not, dear EA, destroying AA guns has already gotten old.

FLIGHT SIMULATOR X - It's only fun with all the options in the max and high resolution. You see the problem right there.

SWAT 4 - Simply giving me a bunch of maps to kill perpetrators in is not enough, Sierra. An actual story would have been nice.

Conqueror Kenny

New member
Jan 14, 2008
shadow skill said:
conqueror Kenny said:
shadow skill said:
Gears of War.
What that was a great game could you at least justify it?
Mine wil be Lost Planet: It was just too slow and just couldnt find the fun in it, Whenever you got in a v.s the game got stupidly easy. Also the thermal energy just annyed me. The fact you had to keep killing to keep going really annoyed me.
Play that game with the southpaw stick options and you will understand why I hated Gears of War. It's all but impossible to move Marcus with the right analog stick and hold down the A button....
well im sure im just being arrogant but why not just change the controls then?

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
None, really. I don't buy a lot of games, so I'm really picky when I do get one.

The closest I guess would be Dawn of War: Winter Assault, as I couldn't endure the single-player campaign past the third or fourth mission. Still, I enjoyed the skermish/multiplayer play in it enough that I never considered selling the game or trading it in.

-- Steve

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Conqueror Kenny: Well my aiming is shit with my right thumb so the default controls wouldn't help me; and Legacy has its own problems which has something to do with reverting to the default stick controls under a certain condition. (Go check Epic's boards to find out what the problem is.) Those fools at Epic who made that game decided it was a good idea to not include an option to remap the face buttons into a useable configuration basically making the game nigh unplayable for anyone who did not use the default controls.


New member
Apr 11, 2008
Master of Orion 3 was a total turd. I only paid 6 bucks for it at Big Lots on a whim (having been a HUGE fan of the first two) and I still was pissed off.

Microsoft's Shadowrun - Let me get this straight, I am a HUGE geeky fan boy of this setting. Table top, novels. . . I love it. This. Game. Pissed. Me. Off. So. Damn. Much.

And finally, Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall. Don't get me wrong, good game. Awe inspiring in scope for it's time. I nearly failed 4 classes in one semester at college because of it. Think of a $40 game nearly costing you almost $900 in books and tuition. Yeah, I regret that one.


Apr 28, 2008
Universe At War: Earth Assault
I was just really in the mood for an RTS at the time.

Final Fantasy XI
Spent 90 dollars on the game, played it for 3 weeks.
Nov 28, 2007
Gears of War for me. I found the controls to be stiff, the AI to be brain-dead, and overall wished after purchasing it that I had gotten the GTA Trilogy instead.


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Perfect Dark Zero


Starwars starfighter II (or something like that)

Mario Party 4 (which I got free)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
shadow skill said:
Play that game with the southpaw stick options and you will understand why I hated Gears of War. It's all but impossible to move Marcus with the right analog stick and hold down the A button....
Hmmm, you use the southpaw options? I'm a lefty too, but find that the so called left handed (i.e. Southpaw - god knows why they think anyone would know what that is outside of the USA. Saw it on wikipedia) just don't help on any console - after all, the buttons remain on the same side for the righties guardless, so you can't really use the natural thumb for it.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
For me it was Mario Party 8

Resulted in me ALWAYS checking media reviews of it and also resulted in me never going to Best Buy again.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Pokemon Battle Revolution- The only entertainment value of that game is seeing the best attacks in 3D form. Hyper Beam looks fantastic, but it is without a doubt THE worst Pokemon game ever.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Shadowrun for the 360...HORRIBLE game indeed.

Also Motor Storm and that one mech game for the 360....forget what it was called but it was the defination of a horrible game for sure. I returned it the next DAY.

Flatout UC was bad as well.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Recent ; SSBB (pac-man has better connection between joystick and console)
Past ; Soul Calibur 3 (I just keep playing SC2)
Back When ; mischef makers (bargain bin n64 and still not worth it)
In a galaxy ...long ago; Street Fighter 2 for the PC (old 286 days- why keyboard desn't work for fighters)
So long ago it hurts to admit it ; ET on the Atari 2600
I can't remember the intelevision ones I regretted but that is just senility


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Unlimited Saga by Square-Enix - hardly any graphics at all and was a hardcore rpg game. i hated it so much... there are prolly more but cant think at the moment :p