Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


New member
Feb 7, 2008
I'm pretty picky with games now and haven't bought many stikers of late. My mum bought a Zorro game which I played for a minute before deciding that cleaning out the contents of my ears was more exciting. As for games I wish I hadn't bought, I would say the original half life pack. Don't get me wrong, it kicked arse but I lent the half life disc to someone and they didn't return it so now I have the other dics, which i can't put on the new computer because you need the first one. Also CoD4, only because it now completely owns my life. Most addictive multiplayer ever.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Oblivion. Heard nothing but good things 'bout it. I played it, then, felt it was shit, and traded it in.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Spinwhiz said:
asiepshtain said:
This is going to show my age, and is a real bad memory for my for first post in The Escapist.
The worst game I ever bought was E.T. for the atari.
Good god, yeah, just plain awful. It's bad when Atari had to bury their own game to try and erase its existence.
Not every copy was buried... that's right, I still have one, and a genuine, functional Atari 2600 to play it on, so I can confirm that, yes, it deserves all the hate you can throw at it.

That, and (finally contributing something) Garfield: Caught in the act for the Sega Genesis. I never got past the first level, even with cheating and reading strategy guides, and that, in my mind, makes it almost as bad as E.T.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
I regret buying Bioshock when it was first released. It was fun, I even played it through twice to get the two endings, which did change my strategy a bit, but in the end, I could have easily been satisifed with a single playthrough. Not worth the money I paid.

Hellgate: London. I actually bought this because a friend wanted to play it with me. Then he stopped playing it after a month. Good thing too, because I was finding it very dreary. The incredbily repetitious fighting/shooting and the incredibly idiotic boss fights just drove me crazy. I just wish I hadn't paid for it.

Just Cause. Another game that seemed like great fun in theory. But the developers put so little effort into the world itself, besides making it look good, that the missions was all there was to the game. And those just boiled down to endless gunfights or frustrating car chases anyways.

ORB (Off World Resource Base). I was a huge fan of Homeworld and its incarnates (still am) so this game was hugely appealing. Until I played it and could barely beat the first real mission without cheating and was completely bored by its mind boggingly slow pace by the fourth.

Medal of Honour Airborne. Short single player with average gameplay and lackluster multiplayer. The only thing I really liked about this game was the "lean" system. It was a pretty good function that I wish other FPS games implemented similarly. Actually being able to look over cover and not have to release the Crouch key was a pretty good mechanic.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Mech Assault. Whoever thought turning Mechwarrior into a console/action game was a good idea deserves to be beaten to death with his own dismembered arms. It wasn't a bad game, in the same way that the recent Shadowrun wasn't technically a bad game, but it was such a departure from the rest of the series that I was just disappointed.

Also, the recent Shadowrun.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
scoobyduped said:
Call of Duty 3 for the PS2.

The Turning Point demo wasn't worth the time it took to download.
I bought Turning Point, took it back within 2 hours, God that was terrible.


Apr 24, 2008
Unreal tournament 3:

there's a reason i play RTS, i suck balls at FPS, why do i fall into the trap every damn year!?!?!

that said, all my friends regret getting Dawn of War... Mwahahahahahahaha


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Final Fatasy XII it was murder to the name final fantasy and would probably be an ok game if not named final fantasy but it was and it didn't feel right the chareters were the most hateble i hav ever seen and BAHUMUT WAS A SHIP!!!!


New member
Apr 20, 2008
zacaron said:
sim city societies i got it a week before yahtzee's review it was a waste of money

It feels like having accidently glued your hand to a mug brim-full with gorilla discharge and then you keep forgetting not to drink of it!


New member
Nov 7, 2007
Andrenavarro said:
NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 - My first attempt at playing a game of the series. But the annoying D&D based gameplay...
erm....hate to say it but thats hows its always been since baldurs gate. maybe you should have understood the series before buying


New member
Apr 12, 2008
TMNT for PSP, for those of you fortunate enough not play it I'll elaborate:

Take all the frustrating, but satisfying when mastered, platforming from all the re-vamped Prince of what is modern day Iran games and take out the part which makes it satisfying,ie unique sequences and the illusion of a world (its linear, but it looks like a real world) then dumb it down so that the circle, triangle and square buttons all cause you to jump in that direction to a pre-scripted point. It makes Crash Bandicoot 1 or 2 look like the world's greatest free-roaming game ever!!
The combat is dull, slow, simplistic, requires too much precise timing and challenges your ability to maintain control and not seek out the developers and malicious slay them the way ninjas should (This is describing the only interesting battle).
I bought it because I loved those mutants, even the hardly read comics where they actually do ninja stuff (kill things in a messy and sneaky fashion) but this is just too terrible, it caps Daikatanna for worst game, not quite ET, but definitely worse than Daikatanna.

Other than that Divine Divinity, all the originality of unlicensed D&D with all the stability of an mass murderer playing the unpatched version of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
At least I only payed $15 and got two other better games with it (Stubbs the Zombie, and UFO Aftermath)


New member
Feb 15, 2008
X-Com: Terror From The Deep - I loved UFO sooooo much and Terror turned out to be exactly the same game but less cool looking and 500 times harder. And it was hard to start with!

Myst - Wanted to like it so badly but just couldn't get anywhere without cheating so basically gave up.

Tenchu on PSP - Just not the same game without proper controls and camera angles.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
I have to say the Ghost Recon 2 really left a lot to be desired for me. I liked the very first GR, but this one was just...boring. Not to mention when you run out of ammo you are just screwed. Why the hell can't I melee I guy? I had to run around and just got shot up to start again. Way to go RedStorm!


Apr 28, 2008
Fondant said:
Rainbow 6 for PS1. I have never seen another game to quite match it's ugliness, or the boredom it ensued.
I'm sorry you bought that :(


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Digital Devil Saga Part 1 for the PS2, 2 hours of balls hard dungeon crawl for 15 minutes of story? No thanks (strangely enough DDS2 is AWESOME!)

Makai Kingdom, thought it would be cool, turned out to be nothing but an excuse for strategy battles.

Persona 3 (sort of), had I known the original would have been released with FES I might have waited, probably not though.

Devil May Cry 2, aweful, aweful game.

The Shivering Isles Expansion, I didn't know I would get bored of Oblivion so soon after I bought it.

Super Paper Mario, because I forgot I hate platformers, and now my OCD roomie and my girlfriend are obsessed with it.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Call of Duty 4.

Before I get flamed, I just want to say that I regret paying full price for COD4 as it is basically half of a game with no replay value. Had it been released at the $29.95 it is worth, I would not regret it in any way. It would have been a good (not great) deal for that price. Luckily I was able to sell it on Amazon used to some poor schmuck for $35 US. So in the end, it was actually a good deal. I am just plain sick of being taken to the cleaners by developers that put together half a game on an aging engine and selling it for full price when it should be a bargain title from the start.