Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


New member
Apr 1, 2008
Super Mario Sunshine: Not that it was that bad of a game, and i can't fault Nintendo for trying something a little different, I just really couldn't enjoy the game. It didn't feel like Mario to me.

Red Steel: I decided i wasn't going to buy it because it was such a good idea in theory and i didn't want to put my self through the disappointment of seeing a good concept reduced to burning wreckage. Long after it came out, i was at bestbuy with my best friend of over 17 years, and he points it out on the shelf. He suckered me in with a bargain price and the promise of insane split screen action. I haven't spoken to him in 6 months...

Pimp My Ride: Before everyone questions my credibility as a gamer, I bought the game as a joke gift for a christmas party, but when the exchanging game was over I ended up taking it home -_-'

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
PaintChips said:
Mech Assault. Whoever thought turning Mechwarrior into a console/action game was a good idea deserves to be beaten to death with his own dismembered arms. It wasn't a bad game, in the same way that the recent Shadowrun wasn't technically a bad game, but it was such a departure from the rest of the series that I was just disappointed.
Yeah, I never did finish Mech Assault. It's not that it's a console game that's the issue, it's the bland AI and the autotargetting that made the gameplay, well, less-than-exciting. I liked some of the terrain interactivity, though, and preemptively collapsing glaciers upon enemies was fun for a while.

I didn't put it on The List, though, as I'd only spent $10 on a used copy for a lark and I got at least $10 worth of entertainment out of it.

-- Steve


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Army of Two, by far. The first time in recent years that I've seriously listened to game recommendations from friends, and likely the last time for awhile. I plan to post my own review of it later, but to summarize....If you want to finish the line on the back of the package that says "When one man isn't enough...", simply do like the developers apparently did and add "Team him up with a three year old in a suit that makes him look 20-something years old and hand him a gun." The teammate AI is just that awful, unless the definition of "Hold position" suddenly became "Run around in a circle wherever you want while enemies fire on you" and no one decided to tell me.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Assassins Creed - Overhyped and repetitive. I do like it, but I can't bring myself to do the horrible tasks before every mission.

Elder Scrolls IV - Overhyped and repetitive. RPG's just aren't what they used to be.

Final Fantasy X-2 - I wish I watched some footage first. I just bought it. I loved VIII, I loved IX and I loved X. So why would X-2 be bad, I thought to myself. I was very wrong. I enjoyed XII, but the series is changing and will soon be like Resident Evil.

Unreal Tournament 3 - Seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I wish I just bought the original again.

Resident Evil 4 - Again, I just bought it. I expected it to be some sort of amaing cross between Nemesis and, well, Nemesis, I suppose.

Medal OF Honor Airborne - Impulse buy. And it's horrible.

Bioshock - Great first time. Good second time. 'Meh' the third time. I guess I don't really regret this, though. It did give me a good 30 hours play time.

Mario Kart DS - I wanted a good racing game and people suggested this. Just not my type of game, I guess.


Apr 28, 2008
Noolsey said:
Unreal Tournament 3 - Seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I wish I just bought the original again.
It's pretty much the same game as UT99.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Armies of Exigo: EA's attempt at copying Blizzard and failing miserably in the process.
Command and Conquer Generals: EA's attempt at copying Blizzard in a modern setting and failing miserably in the process.
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars: You could remove everything exept the light tanks and the players wouldn't notice.
Age of Empires 3: Microsoft's attempt at copying Blizzard and failing miserably in the process.
Bioshock: Rented it, played up to Fontaine on Xbox, thought it was good and bought it for PC - 5 min of extra gameplay and a SecuRom virus that killed my MIITW
Assasin's Creed: Booooring.

Psyco Slim

New member
Apr 16, 2008
FIFA Street 3................a fuckin shame to all soccer playing gamers like myself

here is one of the main things that pissed me off. these players are supposed 2 be the best in the world, so why on god's flat earth would u have NEW-FUCKIN'-ZEALAND (who by the way have only appered at 1 World Cup and didnt even win a game) and not have Argentina (who have won 2 World Cups in '78 and '86)


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Don't know if anyones ever heard of it, but the worst game I've ever purchased was Olympic soccer for the PS1. No idea why or when i bought but it was quite possibly one of the worst decisions of my life. Still keep it to this day as a reminder of how stupid i can be.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I typically research the living hell out of a game before I buy it, in addition to renting it or borrowing a copy from a friend, so I have precious few that I really regret buying.

1. Dropship: United Peace Force: Someone already said this one, and I agree wholeheartedly. Thankfully, the friendly people at my local Software Etc. (today known as Gamestop) allowed me to trade it towards Ace Combat 4 (back when it was teh shiznit), so I no longer regret that.

2. Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: I bought this when it first came out, and instantly regretted it, as it was so bland and unentertaining that I took it back the next day, and traded it for Crimson Skies, which was cheaper and has provided me with fun for the better part of a decade now.

3. Auto Assault: This is truly my case of succumbing to the hype. This looked truly awesome, but upon playing it, I found it was little more than a jerkily executed hybrid of Earth & Beyond and Powerslide. Unfortunately, the game is now defunct, so the software is still sitting on my shelf, sneering at me for my stupidity, and I will forever be unable to get any money back for it. Oh well. Maybe I can use the CD for a target if I go skeet shooting sometime.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Ghost Recond Advanced Warfighter2. It was fun when I didn't need my allies. But when it gets harder, and you need your friends, they become retards who take five minutes to move to the place you want them to while you're getting your ass filled with bullets.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Master of Orion 3. Bought it for $10 and STILL regret it! That's a cop-out tho. I guess I regret buying X3: Reunion. Egosoft never changed the game's formula from X:BTF and the slow gameplay just doesn't do it for me.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
144 said:
nilcypher said:
No More Heroes, I don't think that I've hated a game so much on a long time.
Just out of curiosity, what didn't you like about it...I intend to get it, and I want to hear your opinion of it.
I wrote a review of it, if you're interested. It's in the review section a few pages back. But be warned that my opinion is significantly different to most peoples.

LB Jeffries wrote a great, and more positive review of it. It's on his home page, which is listed in his profile. It's definitely worth reading too.


New member
Dec 31, 2007
Im glad no one has said Jericho, I loved that game. Interesting story, cool action, a few bad things here and there, whatever, still a great game

I regret buying Civ 4. I played it for 2 hours, hotseating with my friend, we both found it confusing and boring. It just takes to long for your people to get better and evolve. If you want tanks, you have to

A. Start at the beginning and play for 20+ grueling hours
B. Start right at tanks

Its kinda stupid.

I regret buying GH3. Worst fucking game ever. It took too long to master normal mode, then there is the fact that you cant play 1/6 of the hard songs, and you can hardly play any of the expert songs, unless you are so pro it hurts your fingers every time you play