Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


New member
Sep 10, 2007
Definitely bioshock for me, but not for the reason you may think. It turns out buying a game that is played underwater isnt good for someone with aquaphobia.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Enter The Matrix. An OK game but it has some flaws. Black button to shoot? Why? I've gotten rid of it though.

Enemy of Gravity

New member
Apr 30, 2008
I have bought some unquestionable turds. The most offensive would have to be "TimeStalkers" for the Dreamcast. From the awful music, "Pokemon" style monster capturing, combat that was a cure for insomnia, dungeons that rivaled the best artistic masterpieces drawn in kindergarten, and the punishing level system. WHY AM I ALWAYS REDUCED TO LEVEL ONE EVERY TIME I DEFEAT A BOSS?! I contemplated physically destroying the disc so that it wouldn't depreciate the Dreamcast as a whole. $29 dollars here.

The second had to be World of Warcraft. Why does everyone playing that game have a personality disorder? I've spoken on forums, in towns, I've aided other players during fights. I've done everything possible to join a party but people are content to play with their exclusive friends and to hell with everyone else. Isn't it a community based game? $58 dollars there.

Star Trek: New worlds unfortunately spurned me next. I had high hopes for this game. The designers were from the team that created "Starfleet Command"; one of the best strategy games I've ever played, and it was a technical crap fest. The story was interesting, the interface was visually captivating, the audio felt cannon, and yet they screwed up everything else. You couldn't save (a sin in RTS games), there were graphical glitches galore, and it had a difficulty curve that demanded you to use the level skip code. $60 there.

Lastly it would have to be Final Fantasy XII. I know I'm going to be assulted here but, how does this qualify as a game? You use scripts to let the game play for you. Sure it's nice to not have to worry about who's on potion duty, but I wondered where the "walk to the next story trigger" script was to be collected. If I turned off the scrips then I would have to rely on the cliched stolid political japanese story which is dreged in pretentiousness. Characters that are as bland as they are pretty. A colour scheme so vibrant that it seems as if a rainbow is carving out your eyes. And the most infuriating point was the derivative fetch quests.

Princess: "Okay I got the magic stone, can we retake the kingdom now?"
Ubiquitous sage: "No you need an army."
Princess: "Okay, I've got an army now."
Ubiquitous Sage: "Now you need the other two magic stones."

Yay! Artificial extensions! $59.99 for that tripe.

Sasha Janre

New member
Apr 30, 2008
I don't know if anyone's ever played it, but Baroque. It seemed to have such a cool story and I was willing to put up with "hardcore dungeon crawling" for it, but gameplay blew, and it was horribly executed. Not to mention frustratingly vague.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Klingon Honor Guard. A first-person shooter with a Star Trek theme -- what could go wrong? This game was so bad that I actually brought it back to the store and they refunded my money.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Bioshock. It was a great game and I enjoyed playing it for the whole roughly 10 hours it took me to completely complete it. It should have been a rental as it doesn't have much replay either. I would also agree with Lego SW but I got a good 50 hours out of it and I still play online from time to time.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Unlimited Saga for me as well. I hope you're happy killing off an enjoyable series Square Enix.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
conqueror Kenny said:
shadow skill said:
Gears of War.
What that was a great game could you at least justify it?
Mine wil be Lost Planet: It was just too slow and just couldnt find the fun in it, Whenever you got in a v.s the game got stupidly easy. Also the thermal energy just annyed me. The fact you had to keep killing to keep going really annoyed me.
I have to agree here, I just don't find a third person shooter with 4 enemy types, 6 guns, and a handful up (unbearably small) multiplayer maps much fun. I liked the precieved "innovation" and the graphics, but the gameplay was severely lacking.

Sasha Janre

New member
Apr 30, 2008
jezz8me said:
Final Fatasy XII it was murder to the name final fantasy and would probably be an ok game if not named final fantasy but it was and it didn't feel right the chareters were the most hateble i hav ever seen and BAHUMUT WAS A SHIP!!!!
I understand why people hate FFXII so much, but I do admire they were trying to do something different with the series. True, Gambits kind of ruined it and the summons were now ships, but they still kept that tradition of those summon names in there somewhere. The game's not for everyone, I guess. Strangely enough, I racked up 110 hours in FFXII doing the hunts and hey, the voice acting was far better than X.

Though is that saying much? XD;


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
I don't buy many games, specifically because most of the suck. I've tried many but bought few. Of course, every now and then I buy a game without trying it and it usually turns out poorly.

Red Steel: I've never been a fan of console first-person shooters, but the controls were terrible. A friend and I tried playing multiplayer and gave up after ten minutes. I never would have bought it, but I got my Wii the first day they came out and it was one of the few games available. $60 I'll never get back.

Guitar Hero 3: Who didn't buy this game? I loved 1 and 2, but 3 lost me -- the characters were stupider than usual, the song selection left a lot to be desired, and the more difficult songs were just an insane racket. I paid way too much for that game to be so disappointed. I got a lot more enjoyment out of Rock Band, even if it did cost a fair bit more.

Need for Speed Carbon (Wii): I'm generally a fan of racing games and used to love playing High Stakes, but Carbon was a combination of poor controls, annoying busy races, and a lot of driving around just to start a race. Sure, customizing your car is cool, but that doesn't make a racing game good -- it still needs racing. Thankfully I didn't buy it, but I pity my sister for my less-than-impressed reaction to this Christmas present.

MMORPGs: I've played WoW for nearly a year, and though I found the grind excrutiating at times, it was overall a good game with lots of things done right. But tired of the grind, I looked at others. LOTRO, DDO, City of Heros, Guild Wars -- every one of them, despite each having some redeeming qualities, has all of the negatives of WoW and few of the positives. Thankfully some of these I gave up on after the 7 day trial, but others I paid the initial $20 for, only to cancel my subscription a week later.

There are many other games I would never buy, but these are the ones I bought and regretted.


New member
Jan 15, 2008
THAW, or Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
wait, wait, i can explain:
i rented #4 many times, but never bought it, then later rented underground 1 many times, never bought it, rented underground 2 a few times, never bought it, and i always regretted never buying them. and one day im in EB and i look over and see the new (therefore it has to be better, right?) tony hawk game sitting on the shelf for $60, and i happened to have about 80 bucks for blow that night.
whenever i look at my ps2 game collection, i always glare at that game that never shouldve been...


New member
Jan 21, 2008
X3 - Reunion: Good god it was boring. Total waste of £5 but at least it gave me something to moan about on PulseBox.



New member
Apr 30, 2008
SSBB: I HATED it, the only point of the game is to be a big service to Nintendo fanboys, which I have NEVER considered myself to be. The characters are unbalanced, the graphics look last-gen, there is no skill involved, and all you do is move and mash the attack button. Oh, and the level editor is the most pathetic I have seen in years.

FFXII: Playing FFXII, I felt that I wasn't so much "playing" the game as much as "experiencing" it. It felt like watching any fantasy movie you care to name with all of the things you don't like to watch (characters walking from place to place in a non-epic way, overly long dialog sequences with no real point or effect) and very little of the things you do want to see (epic battles, awesome special effects, etc.) The main thing that left me baffled was the combat. Who on Earth decided that combat should consist of you clicking a monster then repeatedly attacking it with no input whatsoever unless you wanted to cast an underpowered spell. I returned it and bought Oblivion, which isn't painfully linear, requires you to actually have input in combat, and has a sprawling, open game world with tons of customization.

World of Warcraft: The biggest waste of money ever. $50 for the game plus $14 for each month? Not mention that the game basically uses the same combat from FFXII, but with crap graphics, a ridiculously immature and annoying community, and painful grind. Also, every single person follows the exact same path and the only element of customization is picking a skill for your character to specialize in, which only causes others to make fun of your choice. I don't see how people get so hopelessly addicted to it, it is not fun, it does not compel me to keep playing for "one more quest", and it doesn't make me want to stay on and chat with all the cool people in the community, probably because they don't exist to begin with.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
lemme see...

NWN2 - just never got into it. Bought it on the basis of the advice of a friend and could never properly enjoy it.
TES3 Morrowind - im sure it's an awesome game, but the fact that i bought it about a week before Oblivion was released and that Oblivion then proceeded to absorb the next month or 4 of my life, then another couple months again more recently, led me to view it as "kinda meh"
Onimusha 2 - another game that's apparently good, but paled in comparison to its immediate sequel in my eyes (i do love that Jean Reno ;)
God Hand - A game about punching people... what more could a man ask for? here's one thing: not buying it with Hitman Contracts; that game made me never play God Hand again, purely because i never got round to it... might go play that once im finished here, actually...
Red Ninja - another friend told me it was an "underrated gem"... forgot he was a crap hentai artist and actually paid real money for one of the worst games ive played in years... and im not even sure why.
MGS3 Subsistence: absolutely adored MGS3 (and MGS2, as well as Substance, for that matter) but there just wasnt enough in it to justify my re-buying it for £25, especially because it took me so long to have an internet connection (via my PS3) that the servers had been long shut down. ah well, i can still enjoy the new camera...
Turok (PS3) - thought it would stand up to the N64 ecstacy of Seeds of Evil, and wipe away the crappier parts of Evolution... it really didnt, the worst of my PS3 games, and i bought Genji: DotB
Genji: DotB - im not actually that bitter about the game itself; it was enjoyable enough to play, and i adored the 1st one enough for this game to be a disk shaped turd and id still have enjoyed it... but, as the 1st PS3 game i bought with my own money, i wasnt too put off by the £45 price tag... till the next day when i saw it pre-owned for £8... i died a little that day...

Glad i never had to pay for STALKER, though, borrowing it from a friend was one of my wiser moves; it was just too damn long, my interest waned quickly when i was having to drop everything i had to get somewhere before i died of mutant dog rape. good game n all, but so damned slow.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Dragon quest for the ps2 drove me insane with plinky plonky music and enemys that wouldn't scare a baby knat luckly got my money back

Devil may cry 2 was way too easy enjoy the games just for the combat but when the enemies aren't that difficult well it sucks

elder scrolls three with all the hype and some shop guys recomendation i bought it just got bored was too free roam for me and confusin and boring incredibly boring

now i know a few have said call of duty 4 i got this free from work for the pc and found it too be the best fps i have ever played yes the single player is quick to get through on the easier settings but the multiplayer is awesome


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Fuckula Rasa
Hellfuck London
Vanguard, Saga of Fuck

As you can see, I'm a little angry about these titles.