Clever, good sir. (Really, you got me good with that one.)The Plunk said:It's not a stereotype if it's true, only 1% of gamers are female, as this picture shows:"It is pretty openly sexist - girls being cheap, obviously, but it's also pandering to the old stereotype that gamers are guys," she continued.
well that's like justifying fried chicken jokes towards black people. It's not an excuse at allKorne said:They are not being serious! It is a joke... maybe not a good one, but a joke none the less. Some of my favorite comedians have made rediculous jokes that I could take offensive, but it's a joke, so I laugh it off. If it did offend me enough, I just wouldn't watch them. But if you are seriously offended by this simple joke, it seems like you have some insecurities that need to be worked out.cpt blackamar said:well me for one as it accuses my girlfriend of being easy, as well as the fact that I hate being part of a gender that seems to relish putting the other side down, for little more than lacking a Y chromosomeKorne said:I like to compare it to the old advertisement for Daikatana that said, "John Romero's about to make you his *****." That advertisement also sparked activists, which besides the use of the word '*****', should not be thought of as offensive. Who see's this and honestly feels worse about themselves?cpt blackamar said:I think, while liberal with her inturpratation, it's perfectly valid, it is a sexist ad, and uses powerful slang to it's advantage. She wasn't doing it for attention, she was doing it as she was offended. I'm offended by it, and I don't even have ovariesKorne said:I'm not saying it because she is a woman... I would say the same think if it was effecting a man that is being a bit oversensitive over a harmless joke. And you are twisting words (both mine and the guy's).xXxJessicaxXx said:Oh so the minute a woman gets offended by somthing its her being an attention whore? :/ Sorry that excuse is kind of wearing thin. It suggests that women aren't welcome to be a part of the gaming industry and even the guy defending it has confirmed that 'women are the minority so we can treat them how we want.' That seems sexist to me.
by not being british, you don't understand just how strong the term is here. Any brit would understand its' double meaning, and many would be offended by it, and gamestation would know that as well. They deserve flak from thisfundayz said:The wording IS ambiguous but as a reasonable person what seems more likely? That the store is trying to insult their potential customers' girlfriends or that the store is flaunting their low price as compared to more expensive activities.xXxJessicaxXx said:I don't think the joke means what you think it means.
It refers to the fact that you girlfriend is a cheap ho. This game is even cheaper!!! yay. etc.
Like a washing detergent add would say 'it's brighter than white!'
Not british but calling a girl cheap means pretty much the same in all western countries(and most likely all throughout the world). As far as the INTENDED message of the ad goes, read my reply to Jess above.cpt blackamar said:can't tell if you're british or not, but if you're not, calling a girl cheap is slang for calling them a whore, and it is very strong. They knew what they were saying, they did it to be offensive
oh now just fuck off there. I'm not even going to accept that level of ignorance as a valid point. Women died trying to get equal rights. Women felt they were oppressed by society, if they didn't get married by 30, they were often removed from wills, if they got pregnant before marriage, they were in a world of trouble. Yes, middle eastern women have it far worse now, but don't be so ignorant as to say it never happened over hereFiresti Keralimah said:...You do realize that women in western culture, as a whole, have never actually been oppressed, right?cpt blackamar said:you are however on the gender that hasn't had to fight, and still fight for equal rights for centuries now, are you?IronicBeet said:Right, and there's never any ads that show women being smarter/more competent than men, right? Sexism is a one-way street, everybody knows that!
Of course, I don't mean to imply that my sarcasm says that I'm offended by the opposite happening. I don't get offended by man/woman bashing because I'm not a little baby-man.
Why are you such a dick to people? It's not even this one post, most of your other posts are attacking someone who made a fine comment, or people you just disagree with. You don't even explain your opinion, you just call them names and act as if your superior like some pretentious child who has a few opinions.CommonSense1013 said:Stupid women always getting offended by our harmless jokes which objectify them as they should be
I probably should have made myself clearer, but I couldn't be bothered. I meant discriminated against in the loosest sense of the word and more leaning towards just plain out sexism, rather than genuine discrimination. Besides, I was under the impression that there were acts in place to prevent discrimination in the workplace, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986 springs to mind, I don't know the ins and outs but my knowledge extends to it saying that it is unlawful to discriminate against someone based on gender in the workplace.Marble Dragon said:Ahahahahahaha -- wait, were you serious? That's the most ignorant statement I've read in weeks. Maybe you live in some magical fairyland where women are paid more than men and treated like actual human beings by the majority of people. (In the world, not just the little corner you inhabit.) Apparently, a lot of guys live there. And no, I'm not saying that sexism against men is okay. But sexism against women is provably more common, and often has greater effects. (An ad saying men are slobs, versus a life spent giving sex to a man you hate, because he's rich and your parents gave you to him. Yeah, both happen. Which do you think I care about more?)The Unworthy Gentleman said:Double standards. Men are discriminated against so much more than women if you ask me.