What most of you are conveniently failing to remember is that, viewed in our social context, interpreting this as "You are cheap, this game is cheaper" is perfectly reasonable.
Let's say I said, "Codblops is easier then your mom." It doesn't matter that, in a literal sense, I could argue that I'm saying your mom is hard (Giggidy), what it will mostly be read as is, "Your mom is easy, Codblops is easier."
I don't know why, but the internet is some sort of useless hotbed for misogyny and ignorant, worthless fucks trying to pretend they have the moral high ground.
And to those of you crying that us poor, defenceless men are vicitimised on TV: Yeh, you're right. You know what? Do something about it. Write the company a letter. Don't buy their products. Make it unprofitable for them to release ads like that. Get off your lazy ass and do something about it rather than just sit and complain and mire yourselves further in the sickening internet culture of hating women.
TL;DR: Dear internet, STFU