GameStop CEO Says Next Xbox Won't Block Used Games


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I think it would be too harmful to console sales to block used sales considering how rampant they are. Theres also the complications of replacing a broken console invalidating your entire library. We have a right, upon buying a physical product, to said product and if we decide to re-sell it that is our decision. Anyone who thinks they have a right to come between that be they publisher, dev or manufacturer has another thing coming.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Foolproof said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Woodsey said:
Duh. I will eat my own face if they actually (completely) block used games being playable. And then you'll have seen everything.

DVS BSTrD said:
RaikuFA said:
DVS BSTrD said:
You're the CEO of GameStop.

You're not the one actually MAKING it!

Why the fuck should we care what you have to say about it?
Cause Gamestop can refuse to stock it and the games for it. That'd put a huge dent in Microsofts sales.
So of course, IF the new X-box actually DID include "anti-used game" tech, they'd be SURE to tell GameStop wouldn't they?
You're absolutely right: GameStop would sell the consoles for years, completely oblivious to it's limiting functionality. There is absolutely no way they'd be able to find out about it blocking used games from being played unless MS told them.
They'll keep selling the consoles for years because people will still be BUYING them for years, weather they play used games or not.
Never underestimate the power of commercialism:
You're not listening. If Gamestop can't sell used games for this thing, they won't make enough of a profit to be worth carrying it. So why would they keep selling it if they don't make any money on it?
Because then they have nothing to sell and stand to go out of business while the console is bought and sold at other retailers. It would be more harmful to gamestop but they do have power and I doubt microsoft want to see them go.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
FoolKiller said:
SonOfVoorhees said:
I think digital download only will destroy the games business more than used gaming because alot of people buy new knowing they can resell it to buy there next game. If they cant resell it then it will make them more choosy about which games they buy full price.
Finally. Someone else who gets this. All I would do is be sure I want a game forever before buying. And I would wait for a year and then look for bargains. And I would have had to play at a friend's house first (I don't trust demos since they themselves say its not representative of the final product).
Game prices would fall and the market would become more competetive. Hell maybe streaming maybe the answer in which case consoles are meaningless. However with the savings in costs and ability to have definitive stats I think publishers will be pushing for this shift in the near future even without the elimination of used games.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Actually, as a selfish bastard I am, I hope new consoles won't have any sort of used-game protection or 100% digital model.
Why you ask? Well, publishers of course, who are more and more annoyed by the used market every year. Maybe it would lure them back to making decent PC games for a change, and we could live happily ever after.

One can dream...


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
VonKlaw said:
I too think that Microsoft won't have an anti-used game system in its next console, do I get an article written about me, since both me and Mr.Gamestop CEO don't have a fucking clue what Microsoft will actually do know, we don't work in their development department?
Your article is on the Daily Mail and they're doing a one hour special on Fox News about you.

OT: I can't really see why GameStop thinks Microsoft values them. It's not like they are the only place where we can get games from. I don't buy used games, but I do not want see this anti used game system any more than those who do.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Frostbite3789 said:
In other completely unrelated news, the CEO of GameStop was seen shitting his pants and sweating profusely.
We all should be "shitting" our "pants and sweating profusely" at the possibility of the next generation of consoles blocking used games from being played on them.
Even more so at the possibility of the next generation of consoles being digital-download only.

Not everyone can afford to buy games new all the time.
Not everyone has high-speed internet.
Not everyone has their consoles connected to the internet.

It doesn't matter how much we may dislike GameStop, if this guy can use his influence to prevent a bad decision, that could result in damaging our already battered economy even more, from happening then we have to swallow our pride and support him.
Wither we like it, or not.

Sometimes a deal with the devil is the only deal that can be made.
It sucks, but it's the truth.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I still can't muster any enthusiasm or argument about the used market, seeing how I haven't had access to this mythical thing... ever.


New member
May 8, 2009
Ok stop, everyone here raise their hand if you think Gamestop ends up making a net profit for Xbox? Factor in the loss of profit due to used sales, Microsoft aren't idiots so you know they've calculated this. Now factor in the amount of products Gamestop moves for Microsoft, which I'm sure Microsoft has calculated as well.

...No, Microsoft is not losing money from Gamestop, they are raking in huge amounts of cash. Now picture this partnership, Microsoft doesn't want Gamestop stop stocking their games and game system, Microsoft wants Gamestop to love them and continue in their profitable business venture, of course there won't be a block on used games and of course the heads at Microsoft has told this to the CEO/board of Gamestop.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
FoolKiller said:
albino boo said:
Only used games have minimal deprecation over the first 6 months ie the used game is worth 95% of its retail price. So the other retail models have been around longer but have much higher deprecation than the games and thus cannot be used as model.
Where are you getting this data from?

Maybe some of the AAA titles aren't depreciating all that much but the rest are. Fallout: New Vegas was 50% less than launch at 6 months, and that was arguably one of the better titles. Mass Effect 2 dropped like a rock in a similar time frame. And I've seen games that lose 70% in two weeks because no one buys it. And this is the new game's price.

We're talking about the amount you get for a game when you trade it in used because that is where the depreciation lies. Yes, a car loses thousands in value when you drive it off the lot but games lose a lot too. I have seen at most $40 dollars being paid (as trade-in never as cash) for a $60 game. Most of the time I see a new-release game within a week only getting $30 to $35 in trade-in because the early adopters got bored and decided not to keep the game around. Nowhere do I see $57 dollars being paid for a game that is $60 brand new.

Look at the price change 7.99 to 1 cent used, is the deprecation on games as extreme as that? Obviously not. So in the real world, guess what, used book are worth less than used games. How many books at 1 cent would you have to sell to make the same amount of money that they make at 7.99 price? 1000s at least. It costs more to have the book delivered than it does to buy.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
SonOfVoorhees said:
I think digital download only will destroy the games business more than used gaming because alot of people buy new knowing they can resell it to buy there next game. If they cant resell it then it will make them more choosy about which games they buy full price.
I fail to see the problem with this.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
I like how the general consensus is "herp derp he doesn't know wtf he's talkin about!" All he's done is state the obvious. The same thing anyone with a brain could conclude the last time these threads popped up.

Attempting to destroy the used games market when you have competitors (and not just console competitors, digital distribution like Steam, who sell new games at discounted prices) who will use that against you is suicide. Microsoft is NOT that dumb, despite any personal opinion of them/their hardware/their fanbase.

You don't have to be actively working on the console to see that.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Mouse_Crouse said:
As much as I do love my digital games. Trying to kill the used market with a 'no-used game' console would be a bad idea in my opinion. The courts (in the US and many others) have upheld the consumers right to do with their product what they please, including selling the used copies and transferring their license along with it. Project 10 dollar and the like is a terrible system and I hope it dies off. You don't see the same complaining from the book sellers, music stores, and car dealerships. They know it's an important function in their business and it needs to stay around. Those industries have been around for much longer and they haven't died off because of used sales. The video game industry needs to adapt, not try to crush consumer rights.
Most definitely. I'm so tired of the high-ups in the video game industry being so freaking entitled. No one else whines and throws a hissy-fit when someone sells their product after they used it. You don't see Ford/Chevrolet/Toyota bitching about used car sales.

Off-Topic, I totally forgot that this wasn't reddit and tried to give you an upvote.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Foolproof said:
DVS BSTrD said:
You're the CEO of GameStop.

You're not the one actually MAKING it!

Why the fuck should we care what you have to say about it?
Because he's the CEO of the single largest (by a wide margin) distributor of videogames?
Exaclty... I listen to when my largest buyer says something. Could MS go elsehwere, sure, but that's not a good business model. Besides, people buy new knowing the can trade it, it would also hurt the new purchase market.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Foolproof said:
ablac said:
Foolproof said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Woodsey said:
Duh. I will eat my own face if they actually (completely) block used games being playable. And then you'll have seen everything.

DVS BSTrD said:
RaikuFA said:
DVS BSTrD said:
You're the CEO of GameStop.

You're not the one actually MAKING it!

Why the fuck should we care what you have to say about it?
Cause Gamestop can refuse to stock it and the games for it. That'd put a huge dent in Microsofts sales.
So of course, IF the new X-box actually DID include "anti-used game" tech, they'd be SURE to tell GameStop wouldn't they?
You're absolutely right: GameStop would sell the consoles for years, completely oblivious to it's limiting functionality. There is absolutely no way they'd be able to find out about it blocking used games from being played unless MS told them.
They'll keep selling the consoles for years because people will still be BUYING them for years, weather they play used games or not.
Never underestimate the power of commercialism:
You're not listening. If Gamestop can't sell used games for this thing, they won't make enough of a profit to be worth carrying it. So why would they keep selling it if they don't make any money on it?
Because then they have nothing to sell and stand to go out of business while the console is bought and sold at other retailers. It would be more harmful to gamestop but they do have power and I doubt microsoft want to see them go.
Because as we all know, Sony and Nintendo don't exist.
Hmm maybe go out of business was a dum thing to say and i take that back i wasnt thinking though i thought this was Sony as well. However the point still stands that Gamestop wont simply stop stocking all microsoft stuff because they stand to lose more giving up the new console rather than simply taking a hit to used sales.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
You're the CEO of GameStop.

You're not the one actually MAKING it!

Why the fuck should we care what you have to say about it?
To be fair, he wasn't saying it to us, he was mollifying shareholders. I guess the extension of your question is "why is this news?" Since he didn't actually post this to us.

RaikuFA said:
Cause Gamestop can refuse to stock it and the games for it. That'd put a huge dent in Microsofts sales.
Pyrrhic victory comes to mind. Though the question is "why do we care" regarding his claims on the product itself.

DVS BSTrD said:
So of course, IF the new X-box actually DID include "anti-used game" tech, they'd be SURE to tell GameStop wouldn't they?
To be fair, this would be confirmed well before launch.

Keava said:
Actually, as a selfish bastard I am, I hope new consoles won't have any sort of used-game protection or 100% digital model.
Why you ask? Well, publishers of course, who are more and more annoyed by the used market every year. Maybe it would lure them back to making decent PC games for a change, and we could live happily ever after.

One can dream...
So you hope something bad happens to another group so that publishers would possibly but very unlikely look back to your platform....

That's a little beyond selfish.

NiPah said:
Now factor in the amount of products Gamestop moves for Microsoft, which I'm sure Microsoft has calculated as well.
I'm sure they've all done the math, but just because they've done the math doesn't mean they're not going to continue crusading against them, anyway. As it goes for the publishers in general.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
So you hope something bad happens to another group so that publishers would possibly but very unlikely look back to your platform....

That's a little beyond selfish.
D'aw. That "something bad" bit made me chuckle. It's not like You get physically hurt by not being able to buy used games, sorry if You feel that way.
The lack of used market for PC games never stopped me from playing games You know? Magick.

And if sales on crappy games will go down because of it, that's even better, it will either force the developers to adjust the price to quality or actually release good games instead. If a 60$ game only lasts someone for a week I don't really see it worth those 60$ to begin with.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
RaikuFA said:
DVS BSTrD said:
You're the CEO of GameStop.

You're not the one actually MAKING it!

Why the fuck should we care what you have to say about it?
Cause Gamestop can refuse to stock it and the games for it. That'd put a huge dent in Microsofts sales.
Thing is Game not being able to sell Mass Effect 3 didn't seem to hurt its sale in the UK much. If the Publishers and Console makers ever do decide to play hardball the big retail chains would be screwed. Places like Amazon and the Supermarkets would be happy to carry on selling the titles and they couldn't care less about used sales.

Not that I think they would be like that, just that if they did it wouldnt hurt the publishers as much as some people think it would. The loss of good will from the consumer is the biggest problem they would face, not the loss of the gaming retail chains.