GameStop Offends Fatties With Wii Fit Promotion


Nov 8, 2008
Monkfish Acc. said:
notyouraveragejoe said:
Rath709 said:
Quite frankly, if you're a morbidly obese person intent on "picking up a cheap copy of Haze", then I feel you deserve to be offended into losing some weight and gaining some perspective.
This is one of the only reasons I insult fat people. I mean if we insult fat people (and look down on them) as a society we're encouraging them to lose weight. For this reason alone I insult fat people, I believe that it'll get them to feel guilty and try to slim down.

But hey thats just my two cents.

And on the ad campaign. Damn that is the ultimate fat burn on a wide scale. I applaud it in its ability to be insulting.
Not really. Most fat people eat because something is making them feel empty, and they're trying to fill that emptiness. Low self-esteem from being fat is only making them feel more empty, making them want to eat more, so they get more fat, and feel more empty, and so-on, so forth. Insulting a fat person solves nothing, in most cases it simply exasperates things.

But, I find people who think like you tend to refuse to be swayed. Fat people are fat because they're lazy and greedy, right?
I do understand some people are fat because they eat to fill a void. That leads to a cycle where there depressed because they eat and they eat because they're depressed. However in my personal most of the people I know who are considered fat are only fat because they're lazy. They eat because they give into the urge to eat and don't excercise to counter it thus far gaining weight. Then they expect to be treated better with special privileges because of their "handicap." Those are the people that deserve to be insulted until they break down like little girls.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Ya know, I'm one of the fat guys in question here, and Cheeze put it pretty damn well, is there any need to have a go at us, short of wanting to make vocal your own need to feel superior?

Sure, by allowing myself to gain weight, I may have 'let myself down' but I've not offended or hurt anyone but myself, I think that places me above many groups of people who get far less negative attention at present.

James Corden of 'Gavin and Stacey' said something rather relevant, (he's quite a big guy too), that he was talking to friends, they're people who will happily snort coke off the back of a nightclub toilet, that ' I was in McDonalds ...' and the druggies will cut him off with 'How can you put that muck in your body!', yeah, so its a piece of humour, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's more than a grain of truth buried within tho.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Also makes me think of when people tell people with depression to 'get a grip' or 'buck their ideas up and get on with it' or 'stop feeling sorry for yourself', that's on a par with tipping a guy out of his wheelchair and shouting 'come on! dance for me, monkey boy!'

No, I'm not saying all fat people are fat because of mental issues, I'm sure most just like pie and don't have much willpower. However, the idea of going out and taking pleasure in shattering people's spirit and self esteem, because they've enjoyed more donuts than you, seems a very hollow way to live.

come on, so we take up a few more inches on the street, you may find if you looked tho, we tend to try make ourselves smaller and try not to get in the way because we don't wish to be noticed so much.

It's also no surprise we've got this way as a society simply because most easy to prepare food is so high in calories, yet evolution hasn't caught up to make us only want maybe a quarter of the amount that we used to.

Still there's always the hope of that magic pill that absorbs most of the calories out of food, will people be happy then? When I'm still eating as much, but I'm as slim and toned as everyone else? (Yes I can be fairly active, I just eat too much and the 'wrong things'.)

Damn, I normally try to avoid these topics as its a personal matter, and I don't like to read how abusive people can get to me, but I can't ignore it this time.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
fletch_talon said:
MaxTheReaper said:
I3uster said:
If you are a fattie you have 2 options:
1. lose weight
2. get terrorized by people

fatties have a choice of looking like they look now, amking fun of em isnt bad, unlike making fun of somone who isnt responsible for his looks.

So what is the difference? If you are fat, loose weight and you wont get terrorized by people like me (also you would live longer and more healthy)
Well, yeah. Or people could just stop being fucking cunts.
But that's a lot like trying to play basketball with the Sun, now isn't it.
Personally, I'm not overweight. It still bothers me that it's okay to make fun of one group, but not another.
"Man, them gays, they sure do suck a lot of cock." - Banned from life.
"Hahaha look at the fatties!" - Totally cool.
I see an inherent problem here.
Gays - Cannot change sexual preference (please don't argue with this, I can only handle so much stupidity in one day and I have to work today so no doubt I'll get my fill there)
Fat people - Have numerous ways in which to lose weight

Gays - Are not endangering their health through their lifestyle (provided they're safe and sensible but that goes for straight couples too)
Fat people - Risk of numerous diseases (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) increases, whilst mobility, energy and the ability to attract the opposite sex decreases.
No, I agree. I'm not one of the crazy religious extremists who think that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, and that gays are just being gay for the hell of it.
It was just an example, though. Like someone else pointed out, there are extenuating circumstances in some cases.
More than that, though, I think that protecting one group from mockery while openly making fun of another is a bit hypocritical.
its not, one group can change it, so they deserve gettin terrorized by people.
Its like being emo, if you dont like it then stop dressing like a girl.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Hunde Des Krieg said:
I know like five people that are all skinny as hell and eat twice as much as me at any meal and most of them never excercise at all. It is so annoying.
People with high metabolisms starve faster, they also have shorter, natural life spans, you however, should outlive them provided you take care of yourself.

Keane Ng said:
You don't need to think of keeping in shape as a second job, just think of it as a hobby. It feels good, you exercise and afterward you feel better about yourself and your body feels better too.
This public service announcement was brought to you by: Keane Ng, "Always there for you, always."


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'd rather be a "lardass" than a gamestop employee.

It doesn't take too much for the employees at gamestop to ridicule you, try buying a new game you didn't preorder.

Ironically enough, my wife's fat friend got laughed at when she went into the Flushing gamestop looking for a WiiFit. Turned out that they were laughing at her because she wasn't aware that nobody had the wiifit: because of the plummeting US $, Nintendo was sending their Fits to regions that got them more money per unit.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
notyouraveragejoe said:
Let's call the desire of people to insult fat people for what it is--the desire of the insecure to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down.
Absolutely true. If you're the sort of person who can look at another and mentally tick off a list of 'things youre allowed to hate them for' and then act on those impulses, then you're probably a bit of a dick. So if you can call them fat, and laugh, I suspect there's a part of you who would cheerfully pick on any accepted target group, or even unacceptable targets when you think the coast is clear. Plus it's always surprisingly easy to make room for something else on your list.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
If you work in an office building like me. Try running up and down the stairs during your breaks/lunch. Works pretty good for me.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I think some of the people in this thread are taking this to far.
Its always nice to see a heated discussion about Race, health and religion, but in the end it was just a companies really bad idea for a marketing ploy.

Hell, they did something no one else had done. Sure for the most part it didn't work, but thats what this kinda thing is for.
Taking Risks.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
antipunt said:
*posted closed*
That's good. I'd hate to find that you were trying to tell me to learn english when you yourself don't know any.
dood calm the **** down. I closed it b/c I made a mistake. SHEEESSH so SENSITIVE.
but now you're just being a jerk. so yes, it's sad how you're telling me to learn a language when you have NO IDEA what 'post closed' by its own poster means in terms of insinuation you boob


New member
Nov 16, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
I3uster said:
MaxTheReaper said:
fletch_talon said:
MaxTheReaper said:
I3uster said:
If you are a fattie you have 2 options:
1. lose weight
2. get terrorized by people

fatties have a choice of looking like they look now, amking fun of em isnt bad, unlike making fun of somone who isnt responsible for his looks.

So what is the difference? If you are fat, loose weight and you wont get terrorized by people like me (also you would live longer and more healthy)
Well, yeah. Or people could just stop being fucking cunts.
But that's a lot like trying to play basketball with the Sun, now isn't it.
Personally, I'm not overweight. It still bothers me that it's okay to make fun of one group, but not another.
"Man, them gays, they sure do suck a lot of cock." - Banned from life.
"Hahaha look at the fatties!" - Totally cool.
I see an inherent problem here.
Gays - Cannot change sexual preference (please don't argue with this, I can only handle so much stupidity in one day and I have to work today so no doubt I'll get my fill there)
Fat people - Have numerous ways in which to lose weight

Gays - Are not endangering their health through their lifestyle (provided they're safe and sensible but that goes for straight couples too)
Fat people - Risk of numerous diseases (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) increases, whilst mobility, energy and the ability to attract the opposite sex decreases.
No, I agree. I'm not one of the crazy religious extremists who think that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, and that gays are just being gay for the hell of it.
It was just an example, though. Like someone else pointed out, there are extenuating circumstances in some cases.
More than that, though, I think that protecting one group from mockery while openly making fun of another is a bit hypocritical.
its not, one group can change it, so they deserve gettin terrorized by people.
Its like being emo, if you dont like it then stop dressing like a girl.
Yes, and they can just stop dressing like a girl. But some people, with certain afflictions, can't just "stop being fatz lol" because, as some people here have pointed out:
A) It's not as easy as asking magical pixies to help you lose weight.
B) People are dicks. It probably doesn't make people want to go to the gym if they're being laughed at.
C) Your grasp of the English language best.

EDIT: I sware to Gawd the next time I double post I will hurt someone, probably myself.
A) It is hard, but it is helping you
B)Well, i was getting laughed at and BECAUSE of this I started working out
C) I am Austrian and 15 years old