Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

Lee Oyd

New member
Apr 26, 2013
Legion said:
That would be the entire industry. Safe maybe sports sims and Silent Hill. Maybe KOF pre-Playmore. Dragon's Crown itself looks plenty serious to me whenever breasts aren't onscreen. As does DOA for that matter.

(Don't think I'm letting male characters go. Shitty design knows no gender.)

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
CrimsonBlaze said:
Seriously, Atlas and Vanillaware?
There's exhuberance, and then there's... th-this.

Saying the one on the bottom right looks disturbing is an understatement. Holy shit girl, how small is your head?!

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Let the guy draw his women how he wants. Everybody's making such a fuzz over this as if they never saw a damn anime or read manga or played Soul Calibur.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Father Time said:
Call of Duty
Bioshock series
Katamari games
Twisted Metal
Games where you're controlling a spaceship shooting at stuff
at least 90% of racing games
Age of Empires 3
The Ship

and I can keep going.

Really if you're going to say there are no games without scantily clad women my only conclusion is that you aren't looking.

You're the third person to do this. Jesus, does everyone on this forum have to take everything so fucking literally.

Also, most of the games you can list that don't have sexualised women don't have women in them at all.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Queen Michael said:
Colin Murray said:
It was the 'journalists' interpretation that being called gay was a negative thing.
Not really, that was the entire point of the original quote and accompanying picture. What the artist was saying was basically "Jason Schreier doesn't like the sorceress or the amazon. What is he, gay?" Gayness is treated as a bad thing, or if not actually bad thing then at least the punchline to a joke. And it is homophobic to treat gayness as a punchline.
That's your interpretation, all he "actually said" was "Maybe this is what Jason Schreier prefers" along with a DELIGHTFUL image of PLAYFUL DWARVES. Who happened to be shirtless.

There's now yet another article up with a letter from Kamitani where he says

"...However, this image is something I created on my own, and will not see the light of day in any publication.
I felt it was a shame to just throw it out, and thought I?d just post it on my own Facebook.
That?s when I remembered Jason?s article and thought that I?d post it as a little joke with a comment.
I used an automated translator to try and make a lighthearted joke in English,
but clearly that wasn?t the case. I was very surprised to see the crazy aftermath..."

Edit: Breaking news!

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Colin Murray said:
Queen Michael said:
Colin Murray said:
It was the 'journalists' interpretation that being called gay was a negative thing.
Not really, that was the entire point of the original quote and accompanying picture. What the artist was saying was basically "Jason Schreier doesn't like the sorceress or the amazon. What is he, gay?" Gayness is treated as a bad thing, or if not actually bad thing then at least the punchline to a joke. And it is homophobic to treat gayness as a punchline.
That's your interpretation, all he "actually said" was "Maybe this is what Jason Schreier prefers" along with a DELIGHTFUL image of PLAYFUL DWARVES. Who happened to be shirtless.
In theory he might not have meant anything bad, but in practice I feel certain that he knew how it'd be interpreted. It's not like he just felt like making a picture of something that the journalist might like in order to be nice.
Nov 24, 2010
Father Time said:
Colour-Scientist said:
I was going to type a response but this.

Also, it bothers me when people say "if over-sexualised women bother you, just buy another game". What other fucking game? They're in every game.
2)Call of Duty
3)Bioshock series
4)Katamari games
5)Twisted Metal
7)Games where you're controlling a spaceship shooting at stuff
10)at least 90% of racing games
13)Age of Empires 3
14)The Ship

and I can keep going.

Really if you're going to say there are no games without scantily clad women my only conclusion is that you aren't looking.
yeah, ther arent any scantily s´dressed women-not hard if there are barely women at all..

so a few nice categorys for your list:

a).Women are irrelevant because gender doest matter or because the DONT EXIST IN THESE GAMES (token girls or irrelevant npc arent in):1,(yes, its very irrelevant whether chell is f or m-i think i didnt noticed it first time.)
b)women are TRESURES, Prizes, DAMSEL :means objects. No real character, background, they are there to motivate but utterly irrelevant for the gameplay. They are nice side objects (eg in racing games)2,(0,66% of nr 3 ),8,9,10,12(and 98% of all ego shooter)
c) games where you are the women: 1
d) games with good made female characters-but there are solely for the player or too dumb to live alone or are characters but mcguffins the same time(well made mcguffins, but mcguffins nonetheless)(0,33% of nr 3)
e)Game where there is a female character, not scantily clothes, very well built character, independent from the main character (eg no damsel in distress or powerless or lie a child which has to be saved or whatever): ...

so, where were we?

good female characters? no
in most of your games female characters doesnt exist or are as important as a flower in the background, so they doesnt count. (eh racer, most fps, most stuff like katamari or such)or its not important. chell being a she wasnt something i´ve noticed.(that's not bad, but if you dont know whether the chara you move is f or m or ? that the category sex/gender is irrelevant here.)

if they exist they are most time damsels, prizes, so like moving objects without any character and utterly incompetent as acting persons in the game (zelda is best example-in the male form, shiek, zelda is a fucking badass. but mere seconds she degrade into the blondeharíred-improper-dressed-well-mannered-princess her brain gets dumb down and she gets trapped. (same as tetra-pirate queen, killer, badassery deluxe. then she gets kidnapped, becomes a princess and gets bored to death while link has all the fun(which he has been capable of having if you look at her career as a captain-and being a captain is something you have to earn and earn.)

so jeah, that arent any naked fucktoys. these are on one hand pretty background objects, mcguffins or just in-existent and on the other hand there is one well written female besides liz(which is a mcguffin ..)-clementine. the walking dad, aeh, dead was a very good example HOW TO write female characters.

i dont know twisted metal, so i cant think about a good category.

captcha: on the ball

kick? sure.

Evan Waters

New member
Dec 12, 2007
The only poorly thought-out discourse I see here are the people bending over backwards to once again make clear that there is no sexism in gaming whatsoever, nosiree Bob! Seriously, the "HOW DARE YOU CALL US SEXIST" reactions to stories like this are always more hysterical and knee-jerk than any of the initial criticisms- fanboys act like the censors are at the door, waiting to take away all their precious boob shots and dismembered torso statuettes and jiggle physics. I have no seen no boycotts of the game or the publisher being organized, merely people pointing out that it's a little... creepy. That's the worst of it.

Look. Cheesecake is fine. I like cheesecake. But I do not insist that cheesecake be served at every meal. I can go without for substantial periods of time. Why is gaming in such a state of arrested adolescence that the slightest suggestion that we forego the GGG breasts and thong underwear for at least this game meet with such hysterical floundering? Does every fantasy RPG need to look like Heavy Metal (which I own)?

Expressions of sex and sexuality have their place, but too often things like this are done without thinking, as a default- "Female character = hot chick with big boobs". We need more female characters who aren't sex goddesses, and criticizing a game for treating its female characters first and foremost as sexual objects is a perfectly legitimate response. It does not mean that Joe Lieberman is going to take away your copies of Tomb Raider. Relax.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Desert Punk said:
Chemical Alia said:
Also, this is the first time I've seen that character and holy shit, ahahahahahaha. That's actually something that made its way into a basically finished video game, fucking lol! Some juvenile delinquent kid in my 5th grade class used to draw girls that looked like that (only without the creepy blank, featureless samefaces and wizard hats), and I think he was actually better at it. I also think he's in jail now. This is amazing.
People in glass houses ought not throw stones, eh gearbox?

You are the last person that should be judging other peoples art assets.
Whoa, hey. This is my personal opinion as an artist in general, and has nothing to do with the company I work at. I'm not Gearbox, I'm a single person with my own artistic style and sensibilities (much like the artist whose characters creeped me out) separate from my workplace, and I don't really see what that has to do with anything. There are plenty of places and threads where you can discuss ACM that are actually about Aliens.

If you don't like the work in my portfolio that I created, then by all means feel free to go to town and trash it all you want. :)

Edit: And for the record, I always speak on behalf of MYSELF, not my workplace. That user title was added by an Escapist mod or admin, and I'm not even able to edit it. If I could have, I would have done so ages ago because this is annoying.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Some people are calling it homophobic. I wouldn't call it that. More just a joke about questioning one's sexuality.

I don't know everything about the case and context. In certain instances it can be in jest and harmless. In worst it definitely can be used in a homophobic fashion. As well generally dismissing a legitimate concert in a tactless fashion.

From what I can see it was a harmless joke. It isn't like someone said "haha, he doesn't like seeing boobs what a [gay slur here], I guess you'd like seeing some naked men wouldn't you boy?". That being said, it does come off as rather dismissive. It could have just been playful, but still, attempting a legitimate serious response seems a whole lot more productive.


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Chemical Alia said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
What do you mean the way women look is more important?

So...what? My gender is reduced to our appearance in your eyes and we have nothing else more important than that.

Am I understanding you right? If that's what you mean that's just INCREDIBLY sexist.

As for the sorceress...I have huge tits irl if I thought that was the problem there would be a lot of self hate going on every time I looked in the mirror.

The problem with the sorceress for me is that she's depicted not as a powerful magic user but as a halloween themed pole dancer. If she had the same proportions but was depicted melting some faces instead of with her stave rammed up her buttcrack then hell I would be totally okay with it. As it is I look between her an the picture of the male sorcerer and I just think...fuck off.

Women can look sexy and attractive without being sexualised to the point they look stupid. Does that make sense?
I wanted to come in here and say something, but then you said basically what I wanted to say but way better. I want to see more women getting interested in games and game development, but stuff like this only serves to further cement the idea that you're stepping into a male hobby rather than something that is more inclusive.

Also, this is the first time I've seen that character and holy shit, ahahahahahaha. That's actually something that made its way into a basically finished video game, fucking lol! Some juvenile delinquent kid in my 5th grade class used to draw girls that looked like that (only without the creepy blank, featureless samefaces and wizard hats), and I think he was actually better at it. I also think he's in jail now. This is amazing.

I dont know bro, somehow I think starting Duke Nukem Forever by receiving a blowjob from two twins is a little bit worse than that.

That, and Im pretty sure that there are 5th grade class kids that have done better games than Aliens: Colonial Marines.

So, there's that. And this

Also, you are quite ignorant when it comes to seeing what a art style is. Everything in the game is exaggerated. Simples as that. Show me a 5th grade kid that can draw this



New member
Oct 2, 2012

Why is it always that characters with features associated with sex appeal are seen as an attack against women these days? What happened to the biggest whining over sexually charged characters being a joke about it at worst? Why is sex appeal seen as a negative thing all the sudden?

I miss when videogames were just fun, instead of all this politics bullshit.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Figured I'd share my own response to this whole debacle.

Mind you, it isn't a debacle for the developer. It's a debacle for the press.


New member
May 1, 2013
Chemical Alia said:
Also, this is the first time I've seen that character and holy shit, ahahahahahaha. That's actually something that made its way into a basically finished video game, fucking lol! Some juvenile delinquent kid in my 5th grade class used to draw girls that looked like that (only without the creepy blank, featureless samefaces and wizard hats), and I think he was actually better at it. I also think he's in jail now. This is amazing.
If this is how the western game industry thinks they should act, then you're the one who has some growing up to do. Even if the designs are in poor taste, that is a really horrible thing to say about a colleague and you should apologize for it.