Gay characters in children's cartoons


New member
Apr 23, 2010
A Weary Exile said:
That's ridiculous. Do you really think one gay character will completely change a child's sexual orientation? Am I straight because Bugs Bunny loved the ladies? Cartoons don't hold that much influence over the minds of children, you give them too little credit.
On the available evidence Bugs Bunny was transgendered.

I agree with the OP, it shouldn't be about sex, but it should be about love, or even you know "like" like.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
In order for their to begay characters in kids cartoons there must also be heterosexual characters. For the most part childrens cartoons are not the sort of medium that is encouraged to explore themes of sexuality. The few places where it does appear it is a case of "married couple x" or "parents" in which case the former could easily be replaced with a non conventional couple and the only people who would notice would be the adults. Changes can be made without drawing sexuality to the forefront of the show, however the reactions of adults to said show would colour childrens perceptions more than the inclusion of a gay couple in the show itself.


Oct 6, 2009
shedra said:
In Doctor Who, (Which is a show I could consider a family/kids show) there have been two homosexual characters that I know of. And it doesn't matter that they are. It hardly ever comes up. Only in passing conversation.

As far as exposing homosexuality to smaller children.

(both girls)
They don't form a lack of acceptance for alternative lifestyles until later.
first, wtf show is that?!
second, isn't that about the time when blue's clues kind of jumped the shark?

Mavinchious Maximus

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Apr 13, 2011
Kipohippo said:
I think you guys are over shooting this. Being straight is biologically normal. Should we not present that as a norm? Yes, homosexuality is a part of life, but we dont need to stuff it into entertainment for the hell of it. Especially a kid's show. If a kid is going to be gay, let them find that out for themselves instead of doing it because this character from this show is gay.

Edit: Plus, i dont want to have to explain ANYTHING about sex to my children. Keep it simple.
I completely agree, children's cartoons shouldn't influence the child's sexuality.


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Jan 14, 2009
Farseer Lolotea said:
SteveZim1017 said:
I must also point out that there are many posts on here that seem to assume that unless blatantly expressed otherwise a character must be straight. There a Many Many characters on shows that have shown no inkling towards gay or straight, if you are assuming them all to be straigh that is your own bias.
If a character becomes infatuated with a character of the opposite sex, that's at least an implication (albeit in a G-rated fashion) that the character is heterosexual.
I would agree with that, which is why I specifically stated that as such 2 posts above that one.


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Jan 28, 2011
Bara_no_Hime said:
Kipohippo said:
I think you guys are over shooting this. Being straight is biologically normal. Should we not present that as a norm? Yes, homosexuality is a part of life, but we dont need to stuff it into entertainment for the hell of it. Especially a kid's show. If a kid is going to be gay, let them find that out for themselves instead of doing it because this character from this show is gay.

Edit: Plus, i dont want to have to explain ANYTHING about sex to my children. Keep it simple.
You don't need to explain anything about sex - explain about love.


Being straight is biologically normal? Um, no. Homosexuality exists all throughout nature. Homosexuality is as biologically "normal" as heterosexuality.

Please don't make such ignorant and offensive statements.

So many people that think that it's not "normal". Normal is whatever you are taught all your life. Young Nazi's were taught that all others are inferior, we all know this is not true, but to them was "normal". Racism, sexism and any ism is ridiculous. Homosexuality is real and people need to be more understanding. I also hate the word tolerance, tolerance meant you are tolerating, or putting up with someone or something. I (just me, not saying others need to follow) prefer to use acceptance I accept that not all people are the same and that some are different colors, different sexual preference and different religion. I do not shelter my children from other people, I want them to love and accept all people.

That is all, I don't want to go on a rant, but as an answer to your question, I'm ok with homosexuality being in kids shows. This argument against is not different than a racist wanting all black people off of their kids shows. it's so stupid.



New member
Dec 24, 2008
Farseer Lolotea said:
proctorninja2 said:
damn ninjas just about to say that, yeah i think he is i mean i remember reading about the Catholic Church trying to get him banned because of the episode about him and patrick raising a clam
Actually, "Word of God" says that he's borderline asexual with slight hetero tendencies. He and Patrick are just "heterosexual life partners" (that is, two straight characters who nonetheless practically act like a couple). Ditto Bert and Ernie; I don't recall there ever being anything regarding them being brothers.

Not that that ever stops the 'shippers, or anything...

Tsaba said:
You know what I think, why are kids sitting in front of a TV when they could be outside in the Sun? I think TV shows are a distraction and they tackle too much content to fill so much time, I do think it's too far for small children to see intimate relation ships such as crushes.

I also think that as children get older, we can cover material such as crushes and beyond.
You're probably right, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

LCP said:
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.
I should have known this argument was going to come up. By that logic, anyone who's attracted to someone whom they know to be sterile is "defective."

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something? I don't see a huge jump from them to gay, if you subtract doing damage.
Because consenting, unrelated, sapient adults.
Difference (unless I'm mistaken) is that nobody can tell if someone's sterile or not untill a test is done. Isn't being sterile something bad on the most part?

Canid117 said:
LCP said:
Farseer Lolotea said:
LCP said:
I have trouble believing it's not a choice... Just me... Because if it's not a choice it's a defect...
So what's your justification for thinking that it has to be one or the other, as opposed to merely being more akin to laterality?
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something? I don't see a huge jump from them to gay, if you subtract doing damage. Why shouldn't some things be considered acceptable while others aren't. I choose not to vouch for any of them. Gay just seems to be the borderland of the sexual orientations(probably not using the right word)

I hope it makes sense, i almost never do, partly blame my English..
Pedophilia has a negative psychological impact on the younger party. Bestiality isn't illegal but it is looked down upon by society due to a lack of any possibility of an emotional relationship and necrophilia is seen as violating the wishes of the deceased.
Valid arguments!

I can take the pedo as a reason. However, necro- Who said the deceased didn't allow them to? and Bestiality- Saying that a human and an animal can't be emotionally attached makes no sense


New member
Sep 15, 2010
deckai said:
BUT... from the Nature point of view, a homosexual being would be considered a failure, if it would live his sexual orientation out. A homosexual could not reproduce which is the measurement for how successful a being is, Nature-wise.
You are wrong. If you're going to use science, you should get it right.

Homosexuals exist in nature - all mammals have homosexual members. And those members REPRODUCE. Even before Sperm Banks, gay individuals would still "take one for the team" and have children the old fashioned way. It's a preference, not a rule.

Homosexuality is a desire - it doesn't prevent us from getting pregnant (or from getting someone pregnant) - we just prefer the alternative.

Do research on homosexual animals in the wild. They reproduce.

So please, do not try to spread intolerance or ignorance in the guise of weakly researched science.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Pretty sure he is trolling.
I'm not. Any sex in kids shows, imo, is not okay. Sure, have a flamboyant character, but that just plays on stereotypes. I feel the same about macho men and helpless princeses. Plus, whats the big diffrence between homosexuality and hetrosexuality? The sex. So, when my future kid walks up to me and asks me why spongebob and patrick can't get married but spongebob and sandy can, what do I say? Imo, best to educate them about this seperatley.
Tell your child that in your state marriage is not legally allowed between people of the same gender. Do the characters even need to get married? Can't it just be a grade school crush like every other relationship between a protagonist and a side character in cartoons that has ever existed. By the time they are old enough to actually bother watching the cartoon on a regular basis or care about the characters your kids will already have a sexual orientation. They may not know what it is yet but your kids will either be gay or straight or bi by the time they are five and Rainbow Dash isn't going to change that especially seeing as how the relationship would only be shown as an emotional one.
I dont think you have much experience with kids. THEY ARE FUCKING CURIOUS. Just seeing a man and a man together will spark 15 questions. Besides playing on sterotypes or putting a man with another man, there isnt a easy way to represent this in a kids show.
If you are too afraid to answer your childrens questions then I hope your aren't afraid of them finding those answers elsewhere. Would you rather you be in control of what your children learn or would you rather they stumble onto gay porn at the age of six?
Again, not the issue. The issue is with the media exposing my kids to stuff i dont want to show them yet. Also, how the hell is a kid going to learn the word gay from a kids show. Thats just devious of the show...
Then don't let them watch the show. I knew what Gay was by the time I was six and my parents were a model of excellent parenting. You are responsible for the emotional and intellectual development of your children and you are in control of the cartoons they watch. If you want to instill in them a fear of homosexuals then go for it because they will learn the word gay from their peers and there is plenty of chance they will Google the term and stumble across what the internet has to offer. Either raise your children to be reasonable individuals who understand that gays exist or you shelter them from that and they either grow up to be bigoted against gays or they learn about it in a way that you do not control.
You assume too much. Im done arguing with you.
According to the internet rules of debate that means I win.


Oct 6, 2009
Farseer Lolotea said:
Tsaba said:
You know what I think, why are kids sitting in front of a TV when they could be outside in the Sun? I think TV shows are a distraction and they tackle too much content to fill so much time, I do think it's too far for small children to see intimate relation ships such as crushes.

I also think that as children get older, we can cover material such as crushes and beyond.
You're probably right, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.
Yea it is, thanks for understanding and not trying to read in between the lines.

EDIT: just noticed post count.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
LCP said:
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something?
Because Pedophilia does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.
Because Bestiality does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.
Because Necrophilia does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.

And just because a gay relationship can't have kids does not mean they aren't fit to be parents. I know gay couples who would make far better parents than actual parents, and if given the right they would be just like a regular family.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Kipohippo said:
Who are tv networks to tell you what your kids should and shouldnt know? This is why i think it should be left up to the parents.
Sesame Street teaches kids all sorts of stuff, all the time. If you take that attitude you would never let your kid watch any tv at all...


New member
Sep 15, 2010
utopaline said:
^^ No problem.

Have any other thoughts to add? The mods get a little... grumpy about low content posts, so it might be best if you added some additional thoughts.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Farseer Lolotea said:
proctorninja2 said:
damn ninjas just about to say that, yeah i think he is i mean i remember reading about the Catholic Church trying to get him banned because of the episode about him and patrick raising a clam
Actually, "Word of God" says that he's borderline asexual with slight hetero tendencies. He and Patrick are just "heterosexual life partners" (that is, two straight characters who nonetheless practically act like a couple). Ditto Bert and Ernie; I don't recall there ever being anything regarding them being brothers.
Another thing you can refer to: J.D. and Turk in Scrubs(if you have seen scrubs ofc). They aren't gay, but they still do anything any other couple would (aside from sex, kissing, hand holding etc). You would assume they are gay at first. Anyone would. It makes perfect sense to assume that right?


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Teh Ty said:
I'm not completely sure, but wasn;t there a lesbian couple and a gay couple in sailor moon, but got changed in the american release? Or that may have been Card Captor Sakura.
It was Sailor Moon. I believe two of the scouts were lesbians and 2 of the villains were gay in the original. Couldn't tell you their names though.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Kipohippo said:
Canid117 said:
Pretty sure he is trolling.
I'm not. Any sex in kids shows, imo, is not okay. Sure, have a flamboyant character, but that just plays on stereotypes. I feel the same about macho men and helpless princeses. Plus, whats the big diffrence between homosexuality and hetrosexuality? The sex. So, when my future kid walks up to me and asks me why spongebob and patrick can't get married but spongebob and sandy can, what do I say? Imo, best to educate them about this seperatley.
Tell your child that in your state marriage is not legally allowed between people of the same gender. Do the characters even need to get married? Can't it just be a grade school crush like every other relationship between a protagonist and a side character in cartoons that has ever existed. By the time they are old enough to actually bother watching the cartoon on a regular basis or care about the characters your kids will already have a sexual orientation. They may not know what it is yet but your kids will either be gay or straight or bi by the time they are five and Rainbow Dash isn't going to change that especially seeing as how the relationship would only be shown as an emotional one.
I dont think you have much experience with kids. THEY ARE FUCKING CURIOUS. Just seeing a man and a man together will spark 15 questions. Besides playing on sterotypes or putting a man with another man, there isnt a easy way to represent this in a kids show.
If you are too afraid to answer your childrens questions then I hope your aren't afraid of them finding those answers elsewhere. Would you rather you be in control of what your children learn or would you rather they stumble onto gay porn at the age of six?
Again, not the issue. The issue is with the media exposing my kids to stuff i dont want to show them yet. Also, how the hell is a kid going to learn the word gay from a kids show. Thats just devious of the show...
Then don't let them watch the show. I knew what Gay was by the time I was six and my parents were a model of excellent parenting. You are responsible for the emotional and intellectual development of your children and you are in control of the cartoons they watch. If you want to instill in them a fear of homosexuals then go for it because they will learn the word gay from their peers and there is plenty of chance they will Google the term and stumble across what the internet has to offer. Either raise your children to be reasonable individuals who understand that gays exist or you shelter them from that and they either grow up to be bigoted against gays or they learn about it in a way that you do not control.
You assume too much. Im done arguing with you.
According to the internet rules of debate that means I win.
It actually means two things.
1. Im sick of arguing pointless shit with people. My opinion, is my opinion.

2. I have to get my hair cut already.
So you accept defeat?



May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Bara_no_Hime said:
deckai said:
BUT... from the Nature point of view, a homosexual being would be considered a failure, if it would live his sexual orientation out. A homosexual could not reproduce which is the measurement for how successful a being is, Nature-wise.
You are wrong. If you're going to use science, you should get it right.

Homosexuals exist in nature - all mammals have homosexual members. And those members REPRODUCE. Even before Sperm Banks, gay individuals would still "take one for the team" and have children the old fashioned way. It's a preference, not a rule.

Homosexuality is a desire - it doesn't prevent us from getting pregnant (or from getting someone pregnant) - we just prefer the alternative.

Do research on homosexual animals in the wild. They reproduce.

So please, do not try to spread intolerance or ignorance in the guise of weakly researched science.
This sums up exactly what I've already said to people with the same arguments for homosexuality being some 'defect'. We can have children if we want to, (unless someone is infertile or sterile, or some other reason) anyone can have children regardless of sexual orientation.