Gay characters in children's cartoons

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Urgh76 said:
Yeah, and I just found out that she actually had a husband O>O

So my bad XD
No big deal; it happens. (I vaguely remembered that character, but you confused me a bit when you called her "Debbie." Her name is actually Betty.)


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Bara_no_Hime said:
Kipohippo said:
I think you guys are over shooting this. Being straight is biologically normal. Should we not present that as a norm? Yes, homosexuality is a part of life, but we dont need to stuff it into entertainment for the hell of it. Especially a kid's show. If a kid is going to be gay, let them find that out for themselves instead of doing it because this character from this show is gay.

Edit: Plus, i dont want to have to explain ANYTHING about sex to my children. Keep it simple.
You don't need to explain anything about sex - explain about love.


Being straight is biologically normal? Um, no. Homosexuality exists all throughout nature. Homosexuality is as biologically "normal" as heterosexuality.

Please don't make such ignorant and offensive statements.
I think what he meant by normal is actually statistically normal rather than a judgmental "normal" of one's opinion.

Fact is there are homosexuality found all across the animal kingdom. But it is also another fact that these are not the majority instances found as well. Hence I would actually say that homosexuality is observed in animals rather than claiming it is "normal"

And also, I don't like the idea of LGBT using animals as example for why their actions should be accepted. Becuz if we wanna use animals as societal example, then we should all have polygamy. It's not that I'm against LGBT, but I personally believe using human rights as an argument is much more stronger than "hey some monkeys exhibit gay behaviors, means I'm alright too!"

Last time i checked, wild animals can be savage, some also commit rape and I don't see people accepting murderers and rapists.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
If only you were in Tokyo to discuss such things with Ishihara...


New member
Jan 28, 2009
In my opinion, children's shows should not address the complex psychological minefield that is fleshing out one's sexual identity. Since sexuality is a complete non-issue before puberty, why bother including the topic at all. Additionally, other than stating outright that a character belongs to one sexual group or another, just how does a writer portray the character in a manner identifying said character with the aforementioned without using stereotypes? I definitely agree that society needs to nut up and stop treating homosexuals as bogey-men, but exposing children to sexuality in any form seems irresponsible to me. I guess to condense my opinion, I think that children should have strong role models, and I think that part of being a role model means that you choosing the right moment to teach certain things to those that look up to you.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
For anyone still wondering about biological effects on sexual orientation, this video helps spell things out pretty well
and yes, both sides are exaggerated, but only to bring out the arguments.

OP: homosexual characters seem fine to me. Banning homosexuals in television because they are not near the majority makes as much sense as banning Jews, or Germans, or trombone players, or people who like curling.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
shedra said:
SuperMse said:
shedra said:
In Doctor Who, (Which is a show I could consider a family/kids show) there have been two homosexual characters that I know of. And it doesn't matter that they are. It hardly ever comes up. Only in passing conversation.

As far as exposing homosexuality to smaller children.

(both girls)
They don't form a lack of acceptance for alternative lifestyles until later.
Magenta's a boy. It's stated numerous times in the show. Not many people realize this, but it's true. I guess the creators wanted to subvert gender roles- nifty.
Read Magenta's article.
Huh. I could have sworn I remembered Steve calling her a boy. I apologize for my mistake- I need time to process this new information.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Canid117 said:
LCP said:
Farseer Lolotea said:
LCP said:
I have trouble believing it's not a choice... Just me... Because if it's not a choice it's a defect...
So what's your justification for thinking that it has to be one or the other, as opposed to merely being more akin to laterality?
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something? I don't see a huge jump from them to gay, if you subtract doing damage. Why shouldn't some things be considered acceptable while others aren't. I choose not to vouch for any of them. Gay just seems to be the borderland of the sexual orientations(probably not using the right word)

I hope it makes sense, i almost never do, partly blame my English..
Pedophilia has a negative psychological impact on the younger party. Bestiality isn't illegal but it is looked down upon by society due to a lack of any possibility of an emotional relationship and necrophilia is seen as violating the wishes of the deceased.
erm regards to your bestiality:


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Should it be done? -Yes
How to do it? -Add a gay couple. Don't make it to obvious. 2 friends (which are obviously same sex) which are mostly together and sometimes hold hands. Done.

Saying that sexuality shouldn't be part of children shows is hypocritical since heterosexuality is present simply by the fact that there are boys and girls and at least 1 girl will have a crush on a boy. Every show has it. So why shouldn't it have a boy having a crush on another boy, or girl/girl crush. I remember watching Hey Arnold. Helga had a crush on Arnold, jet he never found out. It was obvious that Helga is straight, jet sex was never mentioned. The only sexual content was linking someone. Not sex but liking.

It won't hurt anyone, but will help a lot of children to identify them self. It would at least helped me...


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Farseer Lolotea said:
LCP said:
Because 2 adults consent to something it should be considered ok? I'm pretty sure prostitution consists of 2 consenting adults, yet it's frowned upon, and illegal in some countries.
Which doesn't necessarily mean that it's innately "wrong." But that's still another can of worms.
A can of worms I'd GLADLY tear open, seeing as I've dabbled with prostitution myself.


New member
May 4, 2011
I can't see where love and romantic relationships come into kids shows that often and even then it's just little crushes a peck on the cheek etc. So in that case I don't think i'd have a problem with having gay characters kids shows, it would just need to be handled the right way. I'd support this but I can't see it happening any time soon.
Aug 17, 2009
Umm...Why do children's cartoons need to address sexuality in the first place? How can a character on a show where you can't even say the word "sex" have a sexual orientation? Do they act camp? If so, then they're not an accurate representation of a homosexual, if not, I can't see how you could even notice this.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:
Umm...Why do children's cartoons need to address sexuality in the first place? How can a character on a show where you can't even say the word "sex" have a sexual orientation? Do they act camp? If so, then they're not an accurate representation of a homosexual, if not, I can't see how you could even notice this.
Again, no. You see people in these shows that have those crushes? Having a character have a crush on another addresses this as natural. Also apparently in Kim Possible, one of the characters has two moms and this is not called in the show as being weird.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
i think there is no reason to have gay characters in childrens shows. perhaps 12+ MAYBE but before that no reason. the pure reason for this is that its a kids show. there shouldnt really be any relationshipy stuff in it in the first place.

to extend this, sure, there are familys and stuff, and they COULD make a family have two daddys or two mommys, but honestly, what would be the point? it would confuse kids. when i was in elementary school there was literally NO familys that had gay parents. when i was in high school there was a couple, but it was still 99% straight. it would just raise a bunch of questions 90% of parents shouldnt have to deal with until thier kids are old enough to have questions about thier sexuality.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
SuperMse said:
shedra said:
SuperMse said:
shedra said:
In Doctor Who, (Which is a show I could consider a family/kids show) there have been two homosexual characters that I know of. And it doesn't matter that they are. It hardly ever comes up. Only in passing conversation.

As far as exposing homosexuality to smaller children.

(both girls)
They don't form a lack of acceptance for alternative lifestyles until later.
Magenta's a boy. It's stated numerous times in the show. Not many people realize this, but it's true. I guess the creators wanted to subvert gender roles- nifty.
Read Magenta's article.
Huh. I could have sworn I remembered Steve calling her a boy. I apologize for my mistake- I need time to process this new information.
Certainly. Get back to me when you're feeling better.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
powell86 said:
Canid117 said:
LCP said:
Farseer Lolotea said:
LCP said:
I have trouble believing it's not a choice... Just me... Because if it's not a choice it's a defect...
So what's your justification for thinking that it has to be one or the other, as opposed to merely being more akin to laterality?
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something? I don't see a huge jump from them to gay, if you subtract doing damage. Why shouldn't some things be considered acceptable while others aren't. I choose not to vouch for any of them. Gay just seems to be the borderland of the sexual orientations(probably not using the right word)

I hope it makes sense, i almost never do, partly blame my English..
Pedophilia has a negative psychological impact on the younger party. Bestiality isn't illegal but it is looked down upon by society due to a lack of any possibility of an emotional relationship and necrophilia is seen as violating the wishes of the deceased.
erm regards to your bestiality:
Well looks like I was wrong about the legal issue. Still not the point of the post though.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Uuugh...another thread conceived by that My Little Pony show...I swear, I'm tempted to eat steroids just to avoid turning into a mindless MLP fanatic...

MUCH MORE ON TOPIC: I think the problem isn't so much with children not accepting homosexuality as it is with teens/adults being surrounded by a culture that outright forbids (and/or looks heavily down upon) any same-sex behavior. I believe there's a TED Talk about how a study showed that children were more open to different solutions to problems than were teens and adults. It's not too far imagine that the teens' and adults' minds had also gone much more "One-Way" in terms of logical thought process.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Canid117 said:
Well looks like I was wrong about the legal issue. Still not the point of the post though.
haha yeah, thats why i didn't say anything much. it's just a fyi. cuz your argument is still valid with or without the bestiality portion. But I would prefer your argument not made weaker due to misinformation.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
homosexuals in real kids shows, which are supposed to teach life lessons, are supposed to ignore them? i think not.