Gay characters in children's cartoons


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Radoh said:
LCP said:
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something?
Because Pedophilia does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.
Because Bestiality does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.
Because Necrophilia does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.

And just because a gay relationship can't have kids does not mean they aren't fit to be parents. I know gay couples who would make far better parents than actual parents, and if given the right they would be just like a regular family.
Because 2 adults consent to something it should be considered ok? I'm pretty sure prostitution consists of 2 consenting adults, yet it's frowned upon, and illegal in some countries.

2 consenting adults is the only difference... and permanent emotional damage is the only difference.

That last piece doesn't really count you could say that about anything.

meh, gonna go throw pallets at people..


Aug 16, 2009
Holy shit I have a great idea: let's all stop calling people with different opinions trolls and ignorant. As long as they're not purposely trying to attack your beliefs (which is different from just having different ones), no one is in the wrong, especially in a topic like this with so much gray area. So everyone just chill out.

OT: I have mixed feelings about this. But for the record I always thought RD was gay.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
MianusIzBleeding said:
Im sick of Ponies I swear to fucking God!

OT: Im pretty sure that Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants smokes the ol' spongecock
I see no wrong we've done. Just the avatars.

And I'm not sure what you did say was actually OT.....or appropriate o_O


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Sep 15, 2010
UnmotivatedSlacker said:
Teh Ty said:
I'm not completely sure, but wasn;t there a lesbian couple and a gay couple in sailor moon, but got changed in the american release? Or that may have been Card Captor Sakura.
It was Sailor Moon. I believe two of the scouts were lesbians and 2 of the villains were gay in the original. Couldn't tell you their names though.
Qunzite and Zoisite were the villans.

Haruka, aka Sailor Uranus, and Michiru, aka Sailor Neptune were the lesbian senshi.

Also, in the manga, it is heavily implied that Sailor Venus is bisexual, and (in the Moon Kingdom incarnation) may have had a relationship with Sailor Moon. However, none of that applies to their modern selves.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
Mrrrgggrlllrrrg said:
It sounds like a good intention for it to be that way but to be honest we dont know the characters sexual orientations definitively. It is akin to saying that a man who happens to act flamboyantly is homosexual if he's straight, it is unfair to the person and it harms them from acting the way they feel comfortable. Instead we shouldn't make assumptions and should take people as they are, if they happen to be gay or straight it shouldnt matter. Good intentions dont always lead to a good place.
In real life? Perhaps. We're talking about a fictional cartoon pony here. How is my being happy that a fictional cartoon pony is bisexual going to harm said fictional cartoon pony?

Besides the works of DeviantArt?
Because it is entertainment designed for children. Kids take lessons from TV sometimes and listen to older people. If someone they look up to interprets Rainbow Dash as homosexual with no proof of that the worst case is they take away that if you make assumptions it's okay. And I love it to death that the shows message is to look past differences, assumptions and prejudices destroy that message. Prejudice at the worst emphasizes differences to inspire hatred that is unjust.

Yes I am talking in worst case but if theres an example it's Kathleen Richter.

And to quote Lauren's response to Kathleen again; "As we all know, there are plenty of straight tomboys in the world, and assuming they are lesbians is extremely unfair to both straight and lesbian tomboys."

And to cover my ass again, I am not saying anything homosexual shouldnt be represented, I'm saying that prejudices and shallow judgements need to go. If they decide it to be canon that Rainbow be bi, I support it but by god making assumptions hurts us all.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
LCP said:
Radoh said:
LCP said:
Gay relationships can't have kids, simple.

I hate bringing this part up, but I'm stubborn as hell, what is the huge difference in sexual orientations that pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia (and probably more -ilias) can't be considered a valid option/choice/something?
Because Pedophilia does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.
Because Bestiality does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.
Because Necrophilia does not hold a relationship between two consenting adults.

And just because a gay relationship can't have kids does not mean they aren't fit to be parents. I know gay couples who would make far better parents than actual parents, and if given the right they would be just like a regular family.
Because 2 adults consent to something it should be considered ok? I'm pretty sure prostitution consists of 2 consenting adults, yet it's frowned upon, and illegal in some countries.

2 consenting adults is the only difference... and permanent emotional damage is the only difference.

That last piece doesn't really count you could say that about anything.

meh, gonna go throw pallets at people..
Right, but the thing with prostitution being illegal is because their income doesn't get taxed, or else they'd be porn stars.
Still though, this isn't what the thread is meant to be about, its supposed to be emotional attachment, not about sex. Two different barrel of fish to shoot.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
God I Hate the Ponies, can't talk to my friends, family or internet people with out having to be told about the greatness of the ponies, there everywhere and I can't stand it. FUCK when will this end?!?

On the other topic: I honestly believe the topics of sexuality has no place in children's programs, in particular ones gear towards "younger" children such as MLP:FiM.
This is not me being homophobic or anything I just believe children should have some level of innocence and not have adult issues forced on them.

Now I am aware that there are exceptions that have worked in the past such as Johnny Bravo which most of its main jokes all revolved around Bravo's nonexistent love life, But having said that I do believe that Johnny Bravo was aimed more to an older demographic.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Condor219 said:
MianusIzBleeding said:
Im sick of Ponies I swear to fucking God!

OT: Im pretty sure that Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants smokes the ol' spongecock
I see no wrong we've done. Just the avatars.

And I'm not sure what you did say was actually OT.....or appropriate o_O
Well, I brought up MLP only because we're talking about sexuality in children's programing, it is children's programming, and a lot of people here know what I'm talking about.

That and I don't watch much of any other children's programming so... Other than me I don't think anyone else has mentioned it.

ANImaniac89 said:
God I Hate the Ponies, can't talk to my friends, family or internet people with out having to be told about the greatness of the ponies, there everywhere and I can't stand it. FUCK when will this end?!?
Because we're totally telling you how great it is and forcing it onto you. Totally.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
SteveZim1017 said:
I would agree with that, which is why I specifically stated that as such 2 posts above that one.
I somehow missed that post. No reason to get hostile about it.

LCP said:
Difference (unless I'm mistaken) is that nobody can tell if someone's sterile or not untill a test is done. Isn't being sterile something bad on the most part?
Only if: a) it's not voluntary, and b) one acts on the assumption that the primary purpose of romantic relationships is procreation.

And it's not as if being gay, as Bara_no_Hime has pointed out, actually prevents people from reproducing if they so choose. It simply means that reproduction has to be planned in advance and requires a third party. (In other words, the child is guaranteed to not be an "accident.")

kortin said:
Another thing you can refer to: J.D. and Turk in Scrubs(if you have seen scrubs ofc). They aren't gay, but they still do anything any other couple would (aside from sex, kissing, hand holding etc). You would assume they are gay at first. Anyone would. It makes perfect sense to assume that right?
That's a live-action show aimed (theoretically) at adults. But yes, I'd also call them "heterosexual life partners." (Hell, Carla makes jokes about it.)


Sep 8, 2009
A Weary Exile said:
There is a very distinct lack of gay characters in children?s cartoons, at least here in America there certainly is, and I think that is because being gay still carries a taboo in this part of the world. What better way to get past this archaic stigma than to teach children that gays aren?t to be feared or hated? Including gay characters in children?s television programs could do a lot to help with this, not using their homosexuality to define them but merely as a part of their character as a whole.
1. I'm totally with you on this, and think you're dead on right.

2. That very fact I quoted above? Would be exactly the reason those morally opposed to homosexuality don't want this to happen. They know it too.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Bags159 said:
Condor219 said:
MianusIzBleeding said:
Im sick of Ponies I swear to fucking God!

OT: Im pretty sure that Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants smokes the ol' spongecock
I see no wrong we've done. Just the avatars.

And I'm not sure what you did say was actually OT.....or appropriate o_O
Well, I brought up MLP only because we're talking about sexuality in children's programing, it is children's programming, and a lot of people here know what I'm talking about.

That and I don't watch much of any other children's programming so... Other than me I don't think anyone else has mentioned it.

ANImaniac89 said:
God I Hate the Ponies, can't talk to my friends, family or internet people with out having to be told about the greatness of the ponies, there everywhere and I can't stand it. FUCK when will this end?!?
Because we're totally telling you how great it is and forcing it onto you. Totally.
Bara_No_Hime went with your example for a while; you weren't the only one. Also, that display of sarcasm was awesome.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
And how would it exactly illustrate it? Making them really flamboyant? Wouldn't that make the kids all think that gay people are totally weird?


New member
Sep 15, 2009
SuperMse said:
shedra said:
In Doctor Who, (Which is a show I could consider a family/kids show) there have been two homosexual characters that I know of. And it doesn't matter that they are. It hardly ever comes up. Only in passing conversation.

As far as exposing homosexuality to smaller children.

(both girls)
They don't form a lack of acceptance for alternative lifestyles until later.
Magenta's a boy. It's stated numerous times in the show. Not many people realize this, but it's true. I guess the creators wanted to subvert gender roles- nifty.
Read Magenta's article.

Tsaba said:
shedra said:
first, wtf show is that?!
second, isn't that about the time when blue's clues kind of jumped the shark?
Yo Gabba Gabba. It's hilarious.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
LCP said:
Because 2 adults consent to something it should be considered ok? I'm pretty sure prostitution consists of 2 consenting adults, yet it's frowned upon, and illegal in some countries.
Which doesn't necessarily mean that it's innately "wrong." But that's still another can of worms.

2 consenting adults is the only difference... and permanent emotional damage is the only difference.
I'd say that "consenting adults" is a pretty damn big difference. It's between theoretical equals, as opposed to being exploitative.

And whether or not someone's going to be screwed up by it for life? That makes all the difference in the world.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Troublesome Lagomorph said:
And how would it exactly illustrate it? Making them really flamboyant? Wouldn't that make the kids all think that gay people are totally weird?
No, that would perpetuate negative stereotypes and that's no fun for anybody. Expressing interest/having a crush on someone however, would illustrate it rather nicely.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Watch an episode of any kid's TV show aired on Valentine's day...

Hetero relationships are featured throughout kids tv. What's so wrong in implying one gay character?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Troublesome Lagomorph said:
And how would it exactly illustrate it? Making them really flamboyant? Wouldn't that make the kids all think that gay people are totally weird?
Probably the same way they illustrate straight relationships; ave someone crush on someone of the same gender.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Urgh76 said:
Debbie from Rugrats
Just because a female character wears a shirt with a Venus symbol on it and is somewhat loud and crude doesn't mean that she's necessarily a lesbian. In fact, I think she's got a husband.


New member
May 27, 2009
Farseer Lolotea said:
Urgh76 said:
Debbie from Rugrats
Just because a female character wears a shirt with a Venus symbol on it and is somewhat loud and crude doesn't mean that she's necessarily a lesbian.
Yeah, and I just found out that she actually had a husband O>O

So my bad XD