Gay characters in children's cartoons


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:

CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:

But how can it be gay if the naked animals have no, "equipment"? ( You know what I mean )


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Akalistos said:
Treblaine said:
Akalistos said:
I assume you mean Sex, but no. If you put sexuality into children cartoon, you CAN'T really done it without the Sex aspect. Like light and dark, you need to introduce them to sex before getting to the orientations. You may tries as you like, but you wouldn't be able to define sexuality without sex, because they are the same concept to begin with.
Uuuuh, yes you can.

Children have heard of the concept of marriage LOOOOONG before they learn about the "birds and the bees".

All you have to do is say "David and Michael are going to get married" that's it. You don't have to mention honeymoon activities nor anything explicit, why the hell would you have to.

If a kid picked up a wedding invitation:

"Peter and Jane are getting married"

would the kid really say:
"marriage? Why are they getting married, are they going to 'do something' afterwards, I MUST KNOW or this whole thing makes absolutely NO SENSE to me! For some illogical reason I cannot comprehend the idea that two people love each other and want that recognised by their family and friends in a big party!"

Gimme a break, I'll show you exactly how to introduce it:

David: "Welcome to our village Fluorescent Ninja warrior, I am Master Dave and this is my husband Steve"
Naruto: "Hello Master Dave. Hello Steve. I have come from the land of Hyrule on a quest to blah blah blah, the exposition about plot"

It's that easy to have a conversation without it turning to sex.
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
OK, want to play ball eh? Now for reference, read the voice of Master Dave as that of Brian Blessed

Master Dave: "What do you mean 'what's a husband' you mean you've never heard of marriage before? Right, Steve and I are a married couple, because we love each other. That makes Steve my Husband and I am his husband. You're pretty thick for a ninja, then again you are supposed to be a Ninja, a master of stealth and you are wearing a fluorescent orange suit!"

PS: "if you are going to be impertinent enough to ask 'what's marriage?' I'll repeat what I said in front of the congregation at our wedding:

*turns to Steve*

'I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I, Dave, take you, Steve, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.'

(and if you are such a dick as to object to the "have and to hold" line then you can take your allegations of perversion to the Vatican! As they wrote those vows and expect them to be read out in church to all the families and children accompanying. I suppose to prejudices minds it's OK for a man and a woman to openly exclaim that they intend to "have and to hold" each other yet is obscene for two men to say the same to each other.)

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Of course they do.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Imp Emissary said:
CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:
But how can it be gay if the naked animals have no, "equipment"? ( You know what I mean )
Because again, attraction is not the same as sexual attraction. You know what you like before you have the desire to have sex with it.

For instance: Do you love your significant other? Do you love your mother the same way? What about your dog or your friends? Different loves for different scenarios.

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
I do agree that it should be more posetive gay and lesbian rolemodels for kids, and not stereotypes that are the butt of the joke (pardon the pun).
I think the reason for the lack of these are that we (meaning the paranoid moms and poleticians whoi think they know what we think) have nothing against homosexual people, but we don't want them as rolomodels because we still think of being gay as a negative.

Now that's good hypocrisy!
Saying that it's O.K to be gay, that gay people are people too, but being gay isn't good enough for our kids, its only lesser people who are gay.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Knock this off, you aren't convincing anypony over to your side of this with this pedantic little train of thought.
Neither are you. Kid need sexual education as much as a hobo need drug.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Akalistos said:
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Knock this off, you aren't convincing anypony over to your side of this with this pedantic little train of thought.
Neither are you. Kid need sexual education as much as a hobo need drug.
Again, once more, and another time too, THIS ISN'T ABOUT SEX! Get that through your head, we are talking about attraction, not sex.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Akalistos said:
Fwee said:
Kipohippo said:
Plus, i dont want to have to explain ANYTHING about sex to my children. Keep it simple.
Sing along with me:
Teeeeenaaaaaage Pregnancyyyyyyy~
Unwanted kids all oooover the trailerrrrrrr!
I'm assuming you don't have kids yet, but if someone doesn't get past their own discomfort with the way they got on this planet in order to raise their children to be well-informed decision makers, then they're BAD PARENTS.
Kid pregnancy was around for millennia. Hell, it was the practice in the middle age. Some kid ofter sold for farm animals. Hell, one of my friend and I had the luxe to look at an old wedding list kept by priest. I went back to the 1490... We found a wedding between a 40 year old and a 14.

And in the 1900, kid where sent to the relatives where they would give birth and then give their child into adoption before being allowed back into the family. It's hardly an excuse.
I'd discuss this with you, but I can't stand your grammar. Actually, I'm still game. Just wanted to put it out there. French-Canadian? Anyway:

Who cares what people did a century ago, much less the 1490's? Are we still going to put people on trial for being witches and allow husbands to beat their wives with a stick as long as it's no thicker than their thumbs? This is the present we're talking about and frankly I'm amazed I'm getting into this kind of discussion over a character in a cartoon of all things.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Treblaine said:
Akalistos said:
Treblaine said:
Akalistos said:
I assume you mean Sex, but no. If you put sexuality into children cartoon, you CAN'T really done it without the Sex aspect. Like light and dark, you need to introduce them to sex before getting to the orientations. You may tries as you like, but you wouldn't be able to define sexuality without sex, because they are the same concept to begin with.
Uuuuh, yes you can.

Children have heard of the concept of marriage LOOOOONG before they learn about the "birds and the bees".

All you have to do is say "David and Michael are going to get married" that's it. You don't have to mention honeymoon activities nor anything explicit, why the hell would you have to.

If a kid picked up a wedding invitation:

"Peter and Jane are getting married"

would the kid really say:
"marriage? Why are they getting married, are they going to 'do something' afterwards, I MUST KNOW or this whole thing makes absolutely NO SENSE to me! For some illogical reason I cannot comprehend the idea that two people love each other and want that recognised by their family and friends in a big party!"

Gimme a break, I'll show you exactly how to introduce it:

David: "Welcome to our village Fluorescent Ninja warrior, I am Master Dave and this is my husband Steve"
Naruto: "Hello Master Dave. Hello Steve. I have come from the land of Hyrule on a quest to blah blah blah, the exposition about plot"

It's that easy to have a conversation without it turning to sex.
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
OK, want to play ball eh? Now for reference, read the voice of Master Dave as that of Brian Blessed

Master Dave: "What do you mean 'what's a husband' you mean you've never heard of marriage before? Right, Steve and I are a married couple, because we love each other. That makes Steve my Husband and I am his husband. You're pretty thick for a ninja, then again you are supposed to be a Ninja, a master of stealth and you are wearing a fluorescent orange suit!"

PS: "if you are going to be impertinent enough to ask 'what's marriage?' I'll repeat what I said in front of the congregation at our wedding:

*turns to Steve*

'I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I, Dave, take you, Steve, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.'

(and if you are such a dick as to object to the "have and to hold" line then you can take your allegations of perversion to the Vatican! As they wrote those vows and expect them to be read out in church to all the families and children accompanying. I suppose to prejudices minds it's OK for a man and a woman to openly exclaim that they intend to "have and to hold" each other yet is obscene for two men to say the same to each other.)
Great, that will surely help kid when they are in therapy because of your Idea. Have you, or Have you not talk to a child psychologist of your idea before replying? Because, Like I said, I know one but the call from Britain to here will be at your expanse.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Of course they do.
Like a sleepover then. So they are friend.

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
Akalistos said:
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Knock this off, you aren't convincing anypony over to your side of this with this pedantic little train of thought.
Neither are you. Kid need sexual education as much as a hobo need drug.
Since when was Holy Matrimony a subject for sex education? It's a legal/religious union, not a license to make love.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Knock this off, you aren't convincing anypony over to your side of this with this pedantic little train of thought.
Neither are you. Kid need sexual education as much as a hobo need drug.
Again, once more, and another time too, THIS ISN'T ABOUT SEX! Get that through your head, we are talking about attraction, not sex.
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Radoh said:
Imp Emissary said:
Also, I have one question; Who the hell is Rainbow Dash, and why do I feel this has something to do with all the pony avatars?
Rainbow Dash is the rainbow-maned pony from the show My Little Pony. You should do some research on it.
I find myself connecting with this Spike character. ( I HATE spelling. Just now it made
me change the way I wrote this comment because I couldn't spell.....well I can't tell you
because I can't spell it.)
Damn you English!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Fwee said:
Akalistos said:
Fwee said:
Kipohippo said:
Plus, i dont want to have to explain ANYTHING about sex to my children. Keep it simple.
Sing along with me:
Teeeeenaaaaaage Pregnancyyyyyyy~
Unwanted kids all oooover the trailerrrrrrr!
I'm assuming you don't have kids yet, but if someone doesn't get past their own discomfort with the way they got on this planet in order to raise their children to be well-informed decision makers, then they're BAD PARENTS.
Kid pregnancy was around for millennia. Hell, it was the practice in the middle age. Some kid ofter sold for farm animals. Hell, one of my friend and I had the luxe to look at an old wedding list kept by priest. I went back to the 1490... We found a wedding between a 40 year old and a 14.

And in the 1900, kid where sent to the relatives where they would give birth and then give their child into adoption before being allowed back into the family. It's hardly an excuse.
I'd discuss this with you, but I can't stand your grammar. Actually, I'm still game. Just wanted to put it out there. French-Canadian? Anyway:
Who cares what people did a century ago, much less the 1490's? Are we still going to put people on trial for being witches and allow husbands to beat their wives with a stick as long as it's no thicker than their thumbs? This is the present we're talking about and frankly I'm amazed I'm getting into this kind of discussion over a character in a cartoon of all things.
Because your PSA did little back then... in fact, the PSA did as little now too. Those thing have an history and history will repeat itself. Beside, like you said It's teen pregnancy, not KID PREGNANCY. At that point in their development, they couldn't care less about sex. GIRL/BOY are gross to them. Ergo, your plan would fail.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
At what point do you watch a show that includes to parents of a character and they immediately begin discussing sex? That doesn't happen with straight couples in these things and wouldn't happen with gay couples either. Hell, with that argument, EVERY show is about sex because all of the characters were born at some point right? Seriously now, stop changing the subject to fit your argument.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
As a Dutch person I lack the cultural background to understand the whole dilema. One of the few things that made me proud to be Dutch, is that we raise our children without any taboos. Be it drugs, sex, alcohol no taboos, nothing everything can be discused at any time. Most parents that I know never use the "Stork delivers babies" or "Babies come from behind the gabage" if a child ask where babies come from. The parents sit them down and explain. And no that is not harmful, and no a child won't think "Hey I'm going to try that too". And while you explain sex you can also explain homosexuality. Any discomfort is your own fault, a child does not feel discomfort because of the subject unless you cause it. And if sex and sexuality is something that causes discomfort to you, then you're not mature enough to raise children.
The only taboo you should raise your child with is taboos itself.

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
You started this roleplaying on the subject of matrimony and then tried to force sex into it, and explaining marriage (gay or straight) to a child is not illegal where most Escapists live.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
What's an Husband?
Edit: yes, I'm taking the role of the child to prove you are wrong
A husband is a man who is married to another person. For example, your daddy is my husband, which makes me his wife. A wife is a girl who is married to another person. Now, if that man is marrying another man, they are both husbands because they are married to each other, and if a girl is marrying another girl, they are both wives.

Also, I knew what "husband" meant before I was in preschool. No child is this naive.
So, they are friend?
Really good friends who share the same relationship as Mommy and Daddy.
What? Like you sleep in the same bed?
Knock this off, you aren't convincing anypony over to your side of this with this pedantic little train of thought.
Neither are you. Kid need sexual education as much as a hobo need drug.
Since when was Holy Matrimony a subject for sex education? It's a legal/religious union, not a license to make love.
Because HOLY MATRIMONY must mean they have the consent of the church, which they don't have yet. The difference between two friend and two gay living together is sex. Homosexuality, like his name, is a type of sexuality. Sexality mean act of sex. YOU CAN'T EVADE THE NOTION OF SEX WHEN YOU SPEAK OF HOMOSEXUALITY.

All you say all is marriage, but even if two man were to wed, if they aren't attracted to man, are they still gay?

[Written by a guy that would love to fight for gay right but prefer safeguarding Children from stupid ideas.]


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Radoh said:
Imp Emissary said:
CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:
But how can it be gay if the naked animals have no, "equipment"? ( You know what I mean )
Because again, attraction is not the same as sexual attraction. You know what you like before you have the desire to have sex with it.

For instance: Do you love your significant other? Do you love your mother the same way? What about your dog or your friends? Different loves for different scenarios.
Ok. I see what ya mean. I could be a little kid and have a crush on a girl or boy but not want to have sex. Understandable.
Also, I just want to restate something from a previous chat; I HATE SPELLING! You go to hell spelling! You go to hell and you DIE!


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Imp Emissary said:
Radoh said:
Imp Emissary said:
CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:
But how can it be gay if the naked animals have no, "equipment"? ( You know what I mean )
Because again, attraction is not the same as sexual attraction. You know what you like before you have the desire to have sex with it.

For instance: Do you love your significant other? Do you love your mother the same way? What about your dog or your friends? Different loves for different scenarios.
Ok. I see what ya mean. I could be a little kid and have a crush on a girl or boy but not want to have sex. Understandable.
Also, I just want to restate something from a previous chat; I HATE SPELLING! You go to hell spelling! You go to hell and you DIE!
I wanted you so badly to misspell something in that sentence so I could be cruel and correct you on it.
OT: I'm glad I could clear that up for you. Out of this entire thread I explained that to like twelve people and you're the first to acknowledge it. You've reestablished my happy demeanor, and I thank you for it.