Gay characters in children's cartoons


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Imp Emissary said:
CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:

CarlMinez said:
I'm surprised the OP spoke of animes and didn't mention any of the more obvious examples from, let's say, Disney films:

But how can it be gay if the naked animals have no, "equipment"? ( You know what I mean )
Nature will find a way!


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Akalistos said:
Fwee said:
I just want to point out that someone stated that they didn't want to teach their (hopefully hypothetical) kids about sex, and how I felt that was grossly irresponsible. I realize that this was supposed to be a discussion about portraying gays/lesbians in cartoons.
I would also like to point out that I'd love to carry on this discussion, but obviously there's a language barrier keeping me from putting together enough words to continue.
Good day, good night, good luck everyone. I give up. I can't stand this anymore. Please treat each other well, we only have each other in this world and if we're not picking each other up, we're only watching each other fall.
Now if you'll excuse me I have a date on Mount Fuji with the barrel of a revolver.
I plan to return from the afterlife three days later.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
At what point do you watch a show that includes to parents of a character and they immediately begin discussing sex? That doesn't happen with straight couples in these things and wouldn't happen with gay couples either. Hell, with that argument, EVERY show is about sex because all of the characters were born at some point right? Seriously now, stop changing the subject to fit your argument.
But you have to explain what is GAY and why it's ok... THAT POINT. Because, for a majority of kid, sex doesn't factor in their life. They see their parent and think it normal/default. They doesn't know they are the result of sex, only that a mother and a father is normal. THAT'S THE CONCEPT OF TABULA RASA... (not the game) where the human brain isn't full of knowledge but they learn with time. Hell, they theorize that babies are genius due to their uncanny ability to retain info. This is lost at the age of 4. The target audience for Cartoon: 4 to 10.

That's why, if you willing to show gay into cartoon, you need to explain sex, then gay, then why its ok and thank god it's illegal.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
You started this roleplaying on the subject of matrimony and then tried to force sex into it, and explaining marriage (gay or straight) to a child is not illegal where most Escapists live.
No, but for most of North-America it his. Britain too, if i remember... but I can't vouch for the rest of the world.

And yes, your idea is insane and far from being sanitary for children. Gay is OK, but not traumatizing children.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Akalistos said:
But you have to explain what is GAY and why it's ok... THAT POINT. Because, for a majority of kid, sex doesn't factor in their life. They see their parent and think it normal/default. They doesn't know they are the result of sex, only that a mother and a father is normal. THAT'S THE CONCEPT OF TABULA RASA... (not the game) where the human brain isn't full of knowledge but they learn with time. Hell, they theorize that babies are genius due to their uncanny ability to retain info. This is lost at the age of 4. The target audience for Cartoon: 4 to 10.

That's why, if you willing to show gay into cartoon, you need to explain sex, then gay, then why its ok and thank god it's illegal.
No you do not, in the same way you don't need to explain why its ok to have two parents of opposite genders. If the show treats it as that which is normal, than children will grow up to understand that it is normal/Okay to have.

And stop detracting from the original point here, we aren't discussing Tabula Rasa, or the intelligence in babies, and don't act like those things have anything at all to do with sex or gay relationships. And stop, for the love of god stop assuming that your countries laws are universally understood and accepted as reality throughout the globe.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Akalistos said:
Great, that will surely help kid when they are in therapy because of your Idea. Have you, or Have you not talk to a child psychologist of your idea before replying? Because, Like I said, I know one but the call from Britain to here will be at your expanse.
You're grammar is atrocious, I can barely make sense of what you are trying to say.

It seems to be you are suggesting a child-psychologists needs to be consulted for them to hear adults reading marriage vows to each other. That they may need therapy... for WHAT? Are you saying children should not be allowed to attend any wedding ceremonies? Should not even be informed of the CONCEPT of marriage till they are much older??!

Stop jerking us around.

You just don't like the idea of homosexuality and are desperately trying to justify all censorship of its existence from young people's lives.

You know full well that kids will find out about homosexuality in the playground and they will find out about it in a twisted negative way breeding another generation of cruel and unjustified prejudiced discrimination.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Fwee said:
Akalistos said:
Fwee said:
I just want to point out that someone stated that they didn't want to teach their (hopefully hypothetical) kids about sex, and how I felt that was grossly irresponsible. I realize that this was supposed to be a discussion about portraying gays/lesbians in cartoons.
I would also like to point out that I'd love to carry on this discussion, but obviously there's a language barrier keeping me from putting together enough words to continue.
Good day, good night, good luck everyone. I give up. I can't stand this anymore. Please treat each other well, we only have each other in this world and if we're not picking each other up, we're only watching each other fall.
Now if you'll excuse me I have a date on Mount Fuji with the barrel of a revolver.
I plan to return from the afterlife three days later.

That's the major point. Cartoon aren't meant for 20 year old secluded bastard who live in his basement and eat Pokey till they see dancing hyppo on the walls. It's meant for kid that didn't developed sexually and therefore, doesn't care. Kid that didn't reach puberty where you discover what you are and who you like. GET IT STRAIGHT... pun intended.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
But you have to explain what is GAY and why it's ok... THAT POINT. Because, for a majority of kid, sex doesn't factor in their life. They see their parent and think it normal/default. They doesn't know they are the result of sex, only that a mother and a father is normal. THAT'S THE CONCEPT OF TABULA RASA... (not the game) where the human brain isn't full of knowledge but they learn with time. Hell, they theorize that babies are genius due to their uncanny ability to retain info. This is lost at the age of 4. The target audience for Cartoon: 4 to 10.

That's why, if you willing to show gay into cartoon, you need to explain sex, then gay, then why its ok and thank god it's illegal.
No you do not, in the same way you don't need to explain why its ok to have two parents of opposite genders. If the show treats it as that which is normal, than children will grow up to understand that it is normal/Okay to have.

And stop detracting from the original point here, we aren't discussing Tabula Rasa, or the intelligence in babies, and don't act like those things have anything at all to do with sex or gay relationships. And stop, for the love of god stop assuming that your countries laws are universally understood and accepted as reality throughout the globe.
Don't you try changing the subject. I said it's normal for them, but gay isn't. Not for most of the kids. Like i said, to explain get your point across, you need to explain to your audience what's gay are all about. Because, like TREBLAINE said, it would fly over most kid. Like the X-men cartoon, because if you don't know, mutation was an allegory for HOMOSEXUALITY. And I grew up on that show without knowing the message. It was too subtle. I know now because I went through my puberty long ago and I can safely said, that it's not a good thing to rush sexuality to a child.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
there should not be gay characters on children's tv shows due to the fact that if a child watches it might make him think that homosexuality isent a bad thing making him more inclined to be a homosexual himself


New member
Nov 8, 2009
BrEnNo1023 said:
Duskflamer said:
Dear legend of the interwebz...I think you just said everything that needs to be said about this entire thread ^.^

That was actually quite beautiful to read. If it were in a youtube Vlog format, I'd totally sub :p
You're far too kind, all I said was what I felt needed to be said, and honestly unless there's a cartoon show writer reading this thread it doesn't amount to anything.

I'd also like to reiterate what others have said in that Sexuality is not entirely about sex. Something as innocuous as a character having a mother and father is a reference to sexuality, if you think sexuality should not be referenced in the slightest then you have to argue that kids shows cannot show any parent characters.

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
You started this roleplaying on the subject of matrimony and then tried to force sex into it, and explaining marriage (gay or straight) to a child is not illegal where most Escapists live.
No, but for most of North-America it his. Britain too, if i remember... but I can't vouch for the rest of the world.

And yes, your idea is insane and far from being sanitary for children. Gay is OK, but not traumatizing children.
I don't see how it's traumatizing to children. It's just one of the many things that they do not know about yet because they are young. They don't look at marriage as something sexual. All it says is "Boys can like other boys in a way that boys can like girls and vice-versa". It's not going to destroy their psyche. If we were as fragile as you made it out to be, we would all be complete messes when being taught multiplication.

Bran1470 said:
there should not be gay characters on children's tv shows due to the fact that if a child watches it might make him think that homosexuality isent a bad thing making him more inclined to be a homosexual himself
Cool story bro


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Treblaine said:
Akalistos said:
Great, that will surely help kid when they are in therapy because of your Idea. Have you, or Have you not talk to a child psychologist of your idea before replying? Because, Like I said, I know one but the call from Britain to here will be at your expanse.
You're grammar is atrocious, I can barely make sense of what you are trying to say.

It seems to be you are suggesting a child-psychologists needs to be consulted for them to hear adults reading marriage vows to each other. That they may need therapy... for WHAT? Are you saying children should not be allowed to attend any wedding ceremonies? Should not even be informed of the CONCEPT of marriage till they are much older??!

Stop jerking us around.

You just don't like the idea of homosexuality and are desperately trying to justify all censorship of its existence from young people's lives.

You know full well that kids will find out about homosexuality in the playground and they will find out about it in a twisted negative way breeding another generation of cruel and unjustified prejudiced discrimination.
No, that mean that your idea is base on nothing but wind. The real result would be catastrophic but at least you would know why by an expert and not a smoe who know just enough that it's stupid.

And I your "ARG GRAMMAR CAN READ" just another excuse not to understand.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I'm gay but i've never seen this new 'My Little Pony' show everyone is talking about, anyway it would be great if they did this, because yes in this day & age small children know all about being gay, also as a child I always had gay thoughts & fantasies but because there was never anyone who actually told me what being gay was I found out about it at around eight and thought it was some sort of alien term for crazy flamboyant people & it didn't affect me. Because of all this I didn't actually realise I was gay until I was 12/13... I came out at late 13 & am 14 now.
Also I think it's worth mentioning that I didn't know about any childrens TV show characters being gay until you mentioned 'Haku'.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Akalistos said:
Radoh said:
No you do not, in the same way you don't need to explain why its ok to have two parents of opposite genders. If the show treats it as that which is normal, than children will grow up to understand that it is normal/Okay to have.

And stop detracting from the original point here, we aren't discussing Tabula Rasa, or the intelligence in babies, and don't act like those things have anything at all to do with sex or gay relationships. And stop, for the love of god stop assuming that your countries laws are universally understood and accepted as reality throughout the globe.
Don't you try changing the subject. I said it's normal for them, but gay isn't. Not for most of the kids. Like i said, to explain get your point across, you need to explain to your audience what's gay are all about. Because, like TREBLAINE said, it would fly over most kid. Like the X-men cartoon, because if you don't know, mutation was an allegory for HOMOSEXUALITY. And I grew up on that show without knowing the message. It was too subtle. I know now because I went through my puberty long ago and I can safely said, that it's not a good thing to rush sexuality to a child.
Gay isn't normal for them why? Because you say so that's why. They are young, they are new to the world, nothing is weird to them because they don't know what's normal in the world yet. Thusly, suggesting that they would think homosexuality is weird does not apply to them, only to you.

You do not need to explain what gays are all about any more than you need to explain what straights are all about, because again: they are new to the world and all things are new to them.

No, mutation was not an allegory for homosexuality, otherwise they would not have been named Homo-Superior. Mutations were an allegory for being an outsider, which is much more broad a statement. You never knew that message not because it was subtle, but because it was non-existant. Besides, if it was, wouldn't that be detrimental to your entire argument? Mutants were cool, you loved them, wanted to be them, and looked to them as they were more interesting than boring old humans.

And for that last sentence, How does that have anything to do with the rest of the post? That was like giving a report on twelfth century Britain's economy and saying the moral of the story was pro-abortion.

You make no sense and are a hazard to whatever argument you've been trying to make.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
The idea bothers me, yes.

Why? Because there really is no reason to put nonsense like that into the heads of children.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
You started this roleplaying on the subject of matrimony and then tried to force sex into it, and explaining marriage (gay or straight) to a child is not illegal where most Escapists live.
No, but for most of North-America it his. Britain too, if i remember... but I can't vouch for the rest of the world.

And yes, your idea is insane and far from being sanitary for children. Gay is OK, but not traumatizing children.
I don't see how it's traumatizing to children. It's just one of the many things that they do not know about yet because they are young. They don't look at marriage as something sexual. All it says is "Boys can like other boys in a way that boys can like girls and vice-versa". It's not going to destroy their psyche. If we were as fragile as you made it out to be, we would all be complete messes when being taught multiplication.
To learn something, you need to understand it first. When you show two guy on screen to a child, he will think friend. Even if you talk about couple, it would fly over the child. No, to make them understand what a gay is, you need to actually teach them sexuality. This loop with everything i said before and repeating something akin to LULWAT doesn't make it more or less true. If you can't wrap around that, I'm glad because that mean the children are safe. And that's all i want.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Akalistos said:
Small Waves said:
Akalistos said:
YES IT HIS. Just look at the first 3 letter of sexuality. YOU CANNOT ENFORCE those change without having to corrupt young mind by forcing the concept of sex down their throat. It's also illegal to do so, and thank god for that. Teenager need that education and are the heart and root of the problem.
You started this roleplaying on the subject of matrimony and then tried to force sex into it, and explaining marriage (gay or straight) to a child is not illegal where most Escapists live.
No, but for most of North-America it his. Britain too, if i remember... but I can't vouch for the rest of the world.

And yes, your idea is insane and far from being sanitary for children. Gay is OK, but not traumatizing children.
Do NOT bad mouth MY country!

It is NOT illegal in my country for a kids cartoon to define marriage, especially if limited to the wedding vows I have previously listed which are so widely accepted as suitable to say in public. I'm also pretty it isn't illegal in the United States or Canada either.

There is NOTHING unsanitary about the marriage vows.

It is AGAINST gay rights to hide all reference to same-sex marriage from children, surely you must see the harm it does treating the very idea of same-sex relations as "unsanitary" and "traumatising" what it makes children think about homosexuality!?! It makes it alien and unaccepted, open to ostracism.


New member
May 4, 2011
Pyrokinesis said:
You do realize all you did was argue to the intent of the word natural with me?

So ill make my end of the bargain clear, by natural my intent of the word is "Designed for" or "Intended to" not "Occurs in nature" because we all know nature is just a game of bumping into walls until 1 of the species finds the door and opens it for everyone else. Theres not a whole lot of logic or perfect reasoning too it all so quite frankly giving a monkey a screwdriver and thinking he will use it the way it was naturally intended is just foolhardy.

On the topic of soul-ology that you have dismissed right off the bat, yes its not scientific, neither was gravity when it was first being thought of. The more correct term for the category is refereed to as Solipsism but it branches out.Its simply a theory and probably not a very wide spread one, its only legit concept reference is to that of Mass Effect 2's Thaine Krios sadly.

So its not just crazy barking like im sure you want to beleive there is some thought behind it.

So to sum it up:
Yes homosexuality Occurs in nature
No We were not designed for it
There are different theories of why it happens
Dont let a text-book written by the person before you close off yourself to new ideas, salt is all you need.
As I said, "designed for" in nature simply means "selected by evolution for." You appear to have ignored the entire rest of my post. Besides being irrelevant to any discussion of the ethics of homosexuality, there is good reason to suspect that bisexuality is often an adaptive behavior (and therefore something animals were designed for) and it is also probable that homosexuality is either adaptive in and of itself or is a side-effect of selecting for an adaptive trait. And I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "salt is all you need," but you aren't qualified to criticize textbooks. Science doesn't proceed by random guesses, unqualified intuitions, or vague pseudo-philosophical theories. You need to learn what the scientific theories are before you get to attack them.


New member
May 4, 2011
xqxm said:
The idea bothers me, yes.

Why? Because there really is no reason to put nonsense like that into the heads of children.
Nonsense like what? "Being gay is okay?"


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Radoh said:
Akalistos said:
Don't you try changing the subject. I said it's normal for them, but gay isn't. Not for most of the kids. Like i said, to explain get your point across, you need to explain to your audience what's gay are all about. Because, like TREBLAINE said, it would fly over most kid. Like the X-men cartoon, because if you don't know, mutation was an allegory for HOMOSEXUALITY. And I grew up on that show without knowing the message. It was too subtle. I know now because I went through my puberty long ago and I can safely said, that it's not a good thing to rush sexuality to a child.
Gay isn't normal for them why?
Because at this point in time, they aren't develop enough to get start seeing people, no matter the gender, attractive. Next question!

No, mutation was not an allegory for homosexuality, otherwise they would not have been named Homo-Superior. Mutations were an allegory for being an outsider, which is much more broad a statement.
Treblaine said:
You could do this by analogy. For example the whole X-men franchise has always been the biggest veiled allegory for homosexual discrimination:
-"I was born this way"
-the differences appear around puberty
-parents saying "have you tried no being mutant?"
-Fascist anti-mutant type rallies
It's well known and basically the theme of X-men. I'm sorry if you didn't get this.

And for that last sentence, How does that have anything to do with the rest of the post? That was like giving a report on twelfth century Britain's economy and saying the moral of the story was pro-abortion.

You make no sense and are a hazard to whatever argument you've been trying to make.
It make sense, you just need listen... but your filled with nerd rage at the moment for something you want on thing you watch and I'm pretty sure you aren't a 5 years old. Am I right, or am I right.