Gay Zombie Film Banned, Screened Anyway, Destroyed


New member
Apr 9, 2010
olendvcook said:
Necromancer1991 said:
A shock film get banned in Austrailia, OMG STOP THE PRESSES! But really though the movie sound more like pretentious garbage than anything else.
Here is an idea, read the whole fucking article.
I did, they banned it, they still showed it, cops came AFTER the owner burn the film (pretty much open and shut if you ask me), I mean really another movie like this would be "A Serbian Film", people won't shut up about how "intelligent" it's "Symbolism" is, but really it's just a shock movie, symbolism or not there are better ways to prove a point than to make shock movies (or torture porn if your a snobby film critic). Also people seem to jump the gun a bit when people use the word "Pretentious", what it more or less means, is that the item is question is convinced it's the best thing to grace it's respective area ever (more or less just a intelligent way of saying "The movie is a douche"). Yes the police raid was overkill, but when a government bans something, people always get butthurt and assume the government is "overstepping it's bounds", I mean really just reading a plot summary and I kinda see why they banned it.

Pist0l 07

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Seriously why did they do this. If it is completely obscene with no artistic merit, call it porn and label it appropriatly. If it does have some artistic value, label it R or NC17 or whatever Australia uses down there. Unless the sex truly was with a dead, still corpse and not just some zombie on zombie sex then all you do is further the cause of the director. By the sound of it the movie is a shock film designed to get people to overreact and it looks like the Australian goverment just did that. If it really is as sensless as people say it is, which I don't doubt, then call it porn and all these problems go away.


Wishes he had fewer cap letters.
Mar 7, 2008
Bruce "G'day Bruce!"

Bruce "Oh hallo Bruce."

Bruce "How arr ya, Bruce?"

Bruce "Bit crook Bruce."

Bruce "Where's Bruce?"

Bruce "e's not 'ere Bruce"

Bruce "Blimey. it's hot in here Bruce!"

Bruce "Hot enuff to boil a monkeys's bum!"

Bruce "That's a strange expression, Bruce."

Bruce "Well Bruce, I heard the Prime Minister use it. "It's hot enough to boil a monkey's bum in here, your Majesty," he said and she smiled quietly to herself."


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Australia...just...why? Everybody hates China, why would you try to be like them?

thefrizzlefry said:
Also: Am I the only one here that WANTS to see that movie??
I'm with you.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Wow a guy made a movie like that and people are more disgusted by the police? so you would rather watch a movie about a homeless, schizophrenic, necrophiliac, homosexual zombie. the police wanted to get rid of it so it wouldn't destroy young minds. man people can be silly sometimes. and police on other countries can do stupid things too.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I would have to wonder if there would still be a furor over this movie if it didn't have necrophilia. Because without that it seems rather meh and I doubt the government would have raised a huff over it.
Casual Shinji said:
Cowabungaa said:
Honestly, I have to say that this picture looks more like the opening of a new supermarket, rather than a frightening, dictorial speech. I mean, look at the people standing next to him; they seem so freaking blasé about the whole deal.
"I say to you, fine citizens, to shop smart, shop S-Mart! ...or you will be tried and executed!"
newwiseman said:
The Australian government has tried to outlaw porn on the internet before.

I'm surprised that movie made it through customs without bursting into flames.
So far the only porn law I have heard coming out of Australia was that porn actresses had to be at least a certain cup size, for anything smaller would only excite pedophiles.
Though one wonders if the plastic surgeon lobby didn't have something to do with that.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
So basically it's a porno, but they added a spice of necrophilia, a "zombie" and skitzophrenia to make it artistic.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
General_Potatoes said:
Wow a guy made a movie like that and people are more disgusted by the police? so you would rather watch a movie about a homeless, schizophrenic, necrophiliac, homosexual zombie. the police wanted to get rid of it so it wouldn't destroy young minds. man people can be silly sometimes. and police on other countries can do stupid things too.
First of all yes I would rather watch a movie about a homeless, schizophrenic, necrophiliac, homosexual zombie than have the police ever try to destroy it. For them to do that is some facist bullshit, plain and simple.

If the movie sounds terrible to you, guess what? You have the choice to not watch it. Go to youtube and pick any video you want and you'll probably see someone insulting and making death threats towards Justin Beiber. A lot of people hate him, should the police go murder him, or rip out his vocal cords so he can't sing anymore? No because people have a choice to not listen to his music, it shouldn't be up to the government what media people produce.

If a kid saw this movie, its their parents fault for letting them get access to it, its not like someone was handing out free copies around elementary schools.

I lose more and more respect for Australia every day it seems.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
he believed the film "artistically significant,"

LOL! of the day.

Films CONSIDERED Artistically or Culturally significant include:

Blade Runner
Apocalypse Now
Citizen Kane
One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest


New member
May 8, 2010
Personally for me the film itself is neither here nor there.

What really pisses me off having been born and raised in Australia, if there is one thing I hate about this country its government censorship our government will not rest until they have banned every single god damn controversial thing that finds its way into the land of Aus.

Even if its not controversial you name it movies, comics, games they even go as far as to censor our internet for christ sake and they try and find a new reason for doing this time and time again pushing new potential laws under our noses every three months or so.

In short fuck off A.C.B. your not our god damn mothers stop banning seemingly regular content every time you can't rate something 15+ because you don't feel like implementing a real ratings system and if its the children your worried about, don't if their parents can't warrant what their minors can and can't see than its their problem, stop punishing the rest of Australia because of a few retarded individuals.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
What the FUCK...

Seriously, there's nothing more I can add to this discussion but that. Good night, everyone.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Punchline is awesome XD

The guy defended it prior to seeing it. after seeing it he realized he made a terrible terrible mistake? XD


New member
Aug 9, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Woodsey said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
And this is why the channel tunnel must be filled in!
Your grasp on geography is truly a wonder to behold.
Well, he's a French porn star! They mustn't be allowed access to our womenfolk!....Wait a our menfolk! Move aside boys, that tunnel's getting sealed now!
Oh the innuendos.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
DTWolfwood said:
Punchline is awesome XD

The guy defended it prior to seeing it. after seeing it he realized he made a terrible terrible mistake? XD
If only Uwe Boll could do the same.