Gay Zombie Film Banned, Screened Anyway, Destroyed


New member
May 12, 2010
Actually, I too would have burned the movie, not for the movie itself, but because the Director sounds another Uwe Boll guy. Taking a movie which has gay zombies performing necrophilia is NOT ARTISTIC!

Call it shocking and provocative if you will, but what ARTISTIC BLOODY MERIT does it have?


New member
Dec 20, 2009
well it's a refreshing change to have a homosexual zombie movie hero, although evidently these guys took it waaaaaaay yoo far

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Cowabungaa said:
Honestly, I have to say that this picture looks more like the opening of a new supermarket, rather than a frightening, dictorial speech. I mean, look at the people standing next to him; they seem so freaking blasé about the whole deal.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Police: "We've come to destroy your illegal film"

Director: "Auh, non mousier... ah ahm ummm... I have already destroyed it"

Police: "really, do you have any evidence of that?"

Director: "auh haw haw... see evidence, it is destroyed no. S-here can be no charges now, oui mon ami?"

Police: "wow, what a stroke of luck. That mere fact totally exonerates you and most of all I completely believe you. I mean it's not like you could just be lying to save your own skin and your precious film - and actually just have the film hidden somewhere"

Director: "..."


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I wonder if it would have been banned if it was straight sex instead of gay sex that was depicted, if not, that would be huge bigotry.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Quaxar said:
Flamezdudes said:
Quaxar said:
Sounds like someone's trying to compete with A Serbian Film

2733 said:
this breaks both my heart and mind, I'm surprised I survived
Well, next time perhaps you should try breaking your neck too then.
Gah! Don't mention that film! Heathen! It was quite sick... although my friend REALLY enjoyed it.
Wait... so you're saying there are people who actually saw that film?
Yes. I looked it up and looked at the film on Youtube, I was also on Skype at the time and since my friend was wondering why I was going "UGH!" so much I showed it the film. He just started laughing and really enjoyed himself...


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Aphroditty said:
Cowabungaa said:
Thanks Australia, thanks for giving me more and more reasons not to go to that place. Police raids to destroy offensive materials, gee where I do I know that from... Oh! That's right:
Actually, most countries with anti-narcotic, anti-child pornography, and anti-gun laws eliminate those sorts of offensive materials via police raids as well (which could easily include your nation).
Addictive Narcotics
Child abuse
Arms trafficking

As bad as some French movies are... they aren't THAT bad.

He is not objecting over the fact that the police and judiciary have the power to raid people's homes... but rather that they do it over things that should be protected as freedom of speech and expression.

No one has been hurt or could be hurt by this lewd film. More harm is caused by the legal process of police raids and fear of them than did or ever could have ever come from this film.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Based on what they did to Left 4 Dead I'm wondering if it's not about censoring "indecency" rather that some high ranking Australian official has a crippling fear of zombies.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Necromancer1991 said:
A shock film get banned in Austrailia, OMG STOP THE PRESSES! But really though the movie sound more like pretentious garbage than anything else.
If you can tell pretentious from that little, could you give me the lotto numbers for a couple of weeks? That conclusion, even if it just "sounds like" it to you, sounds like ESP or prejudicial bull. Either way....


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Flamezdudes said:
Quaxar said:
Flamezdudes said:
Quaxar said:
Sounds like someone's trying to compete with A Serbian Film

2733 said:
this breaks both my heart and mind, I'm surprised I survived
Well, next time perhaps you should try breaking your neck too then.
Gah! Don't mention that film! Heathen! It was quite sick... although my friend REALLY enjoyed it.
Wait... so you're saying there are people who actually saw that film?
Yes. I looked it up and looked at the film on Youtube, I was also on Skype at the time and since my friend was wondering why I was going "UGH!" so much I showed it the film. He just started laughing and really enjoyed himself...
So at least one person not only watched but liked the film? Wow, I guess you can sell everything somehow.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
AceAngel said:
Actually, I too would have burned the movie, not for the movie itself, but because the Director sounds another Uwe Boll guy. Taking a movie which has gay zombies performing necrophilia is NOT ARTISTIC!

Call it shocking and provocative if you will, but what ARTISTIC BLOODY MERIT does it have?
Heh, I love every single insinuation and wrongly-defined term in this paragraph.
It's like some of you haven't even an idea what the issue is in this situation.

dochmbi said:
I wonder if it would have been banned if it was straight sex instead of gay sex that was depicted, if not, that would be huge bigotry.
Why wonder? They mentioned it, didn't they?
It's why some are so desperate to focus on the "necrophilia" in the movie, even though noone seems to be able to describe what exactly occurs. The joke of course is that we're apparently dealing with "zombie porn" and not one person has thrown up the obvious question-mark.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
For once i respect the rating board's actions. Just as i don't consider artistically painted pictures of nude children art, i also don't consider films with necrophilia art. And just as the government would have destroyed paedophilia pictures/films of children, they destroyed films depicting necrophilia.