Khell_Sennet post=7.72320.757341 said:
Thank you Jobz.
Thank you for actually reading the post, thinking about it, and understanding its meaning. Now can we all line up and follow his example, and not just fly off the handle at any comment that doesn't fully endorse people gobbing off about their sexual preference in public, be it gay, straight, or otherwise?
For the most part, I've interpreted none-to-few of the above posts as fully endorsing people gobbing off about their sexual preference in public. There's a general feeling from the opposition that you and others are spending too much time blaming the issue on a bogeyman (the public broadcast of personal preferences, which makes up very little of my personal experience with the issue) and ignoring the aspect of hate speech.
Sure, there's no effective way to deal with indirect hate speech on XBL short of more active moderation (are any of us really disappointed by any of the bans that have happened so far in this thread? I think the one may have been going for irony, but at least that was a temporary ban.). This does NOT mean that the problem lies with the people who take offense when their way of life is denigrated by others in a public forum. Was "asking for it" by putting themselves on the internet?
Here's part of the problem: in public, in mixed company, we tend to keep our mouths shut. If you step into a crowded elevator with your buddy, you're probably going to keep your conversation PG. When we get into a game lobby, we're suddenly playing WITH those people, having a social experience with them. We probably just need to train ourselves to treat strangers on a game server just like strangers on a subway. Avoid eye contact, get where we're going, and keep our opinions to ourselves, even if we overhear something distasteful in their conversation. Sure, any kind of cooperative experience where you don't have enough friends to populate a team is ruined, but really, how much success have you ever had joining Big Team Battle all by yourself?
P.S. Maybe you shouldn't express your opinion about this sort of thing in a public forum if you don't want to get jumped all over for it by the PC police. Nobody asked for your opinion, so don't get yourself in such a fit over it.