Gearbox Trying to Honor 12 Years of Duke Nukem Pre-Orders

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
sweatm said:
What about pre-orders with retails that have gone out of business? My DNF pre-order was back in 1997 with Babbages. (Anyone else remember them?)
Yeah I was going to bring this up, a lot of stores have gone out of business since then or all but disappeared in that time Including some high profile retailers like Game Crazy.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Their website should have something like "send in your Duke Nukem preorder and we'll sell you the game for $40" in the event that Gamestop or wherever the original preorder was made refuses to honor the deal.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I like the cut of his gib. This man is a gent and a scholar. I might just buy it after this.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
It's nice to see that some devs actually give a shit about their consumers. Gearbox was in no way responsible for those orders going unfulfilled, and I can't imagine anyone would think poorly of them for not doing something about it. I mean, the developers have nothing to do with pre-orders. They didn't have to do this, but they did. Good for them.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
MurderousToaster said:
Is it bizarre that I constantly think of him as Randy Pitchfork?
you mean that's NOT his name?

OT: I didn't pre-order so oh well but sounds like they're doing a good job. Looking forward to buying this.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Something should be done? Fuck yes something should be done. You should honor every single pre-order


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm not old enough to have cared about the whole Duke Nukem Forever fiasco, but that trailer from 2001 actually looked really epic. I only hope this modern iteration can be as good as that (possibly faked) trailer would've been in its time.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
sweatm said:
What about pre-orders with retails that have gone out of business? My DNF pre-order was back in 1997 with Babbages. (Anyone else remember them?)
Did babbages go under, or merge with another business? If they merged, I would contact that companies customer service dept. If they went under... swear heavily?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Wow. That is surprising. But yeah the retailers should have given people back their money by now.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
mayney93 said:
the guys at gearbox seems quite a bunch of nice guys, did anyone hear of the dev that saved a fair few peoples lifes, this? what next are they going to solve the middle east problem, and win the Nobel peace prize?
Well, they don't have to do much to win that.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
It's funny because my older brother and I almost pre-order DNF back in 1997... Or rather our dear Dad almost pre-ordered it for us. :p I can't remember what the reason was but we didn't end up doing it.

And no, my father was not ignorant for getting kids Duke Nukem. He knew all about the child protection locks etc so he knew we could handle it.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Macho Man Randy Pitchford here for us again. He may be kind of crazy, but he is a pretty cool dude when it comes to this kind of stuff.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Do receipts even last that long? Because I have trouble reading them after a couple of months. I'd hate to see what a twelve year old one looks like.

Oh, wait a minute. *runs off*

Found it!

Okay, I take it back. I found the reciept for my SNES...that my mother bought my brother in 1990. So I guess if you keep them safe and out of the sun and away from moisture, they should be good.

Anyway, good for Gearbox.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
go gearbox, making gamer studios look good and not giant machines who see their audience as walking wallets

Im looking at you Activision


New member
Nov 17, 2009
RvLeshrac said:
Uh, it would be legally actionable for Gamestop, or any other retailer, to simply keep someone's money without providing the product when delivered, though not quite outright illegal.

So why do Gamestop, BBY, et al. still have these preorders? Why in the hell haven't they refunded all the money?
As I understand it, a pre-order is something of a down payment with limited value. It basically secures you a copy, typically within a given time frame, from release of the game to some point there-after. Even then, you need to pay off the balance of the game; as an example, if it's a game worth 40$, and you paid 5$ to pre-order, you'd need your receipt and 35$ to make good on the pre-order. Technically speaking, it's a safety for the retailer; by obtaining a down payment, they can at least offset the inevitable outcome of gamers pre-ordering and never picking the game up.

Now, I would agree; the cancelation of a game means there IS nothing to put money down on, and from a moral and (possibly) legal standpoint, the money ought to be refunded. The issue here is, until VERY recently and not even then for real, the game was never canceled. Now, assume you pre-ordered it in 1999. Would you even remember where your receipt was in order to bring it to task? And by the time you DID find it, if you still had it, Gearbox might have announced it was releasing the game... thus returning the pre-order to its original status.

OT, if Gearbox pulls this off, I would say they're amongst the good guys in the industry, bar none. Class move.


This is a Forum Title.
Oct 2, 2008
poiuppx said:
RvLeshrac said:
Uh, it would be legally actionable for Gamestop, or any other retailer, to simply keep someone's money without providing the product when delivered, though not quite outright illegal.

So why do Gamestop, BBY, et al. still have these preorders? Why in the hell haven't they refunded all the money?
As I understand it, a pre-order is something of a down payment with limited value. It basically secures you a copy, typically within a given time frame, from release of the game to some point there-after. Even then, you need to pay off the balance of the game; as an example, if it's a game worth 40$, and you paid 5$ to pre-order, you'd need your receipt and 35$ to make good on the pre-order. Technically speaking, it's a safety for the retailer; by obtaining a down payment, they can at least offset the inevitable outcome of gamers pre-ordering and never picking the game up.

Now, I would agree; the cancelation of a game means there IS nothing to put money down on, and from a moral and (possibly) legal standpoint, the money ought to be refunded. The issue here is, until VERY recently and not even then for real, the game was never canceled. Now, assume you pre-ordered it in 1999. Would you even remember where your receipt was in order to bring it to task? And by the time you DID find it, if you still had it, Gearbox might have announced it was releasing the game... thus returning the pre-order to its original status.

OT, if Gearbox pulls this off, I would say they're amongst the good guys in the industry, bar none. Class move.
A large percentage of people put down the entire cost of the game as a pre-order deposit.

It would be tough for Gamestop to prove in court that they "couldn't" return the deposit without a receipt, since they logically have to have a record of who owes what, along with their contact information, in order to fill the orders.

Silver Patriot

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2008
mjc0961 said:
I can already see GameStop getting out the big rusty "screw you" rod to jam up consumer's buttholes. Even if they said "Yeah, okay, we'll honor preorders", the cheap crap they use to print receipts has probably long since faded away by now, so anyone coming in with that is going to be showing a cashier a blank piece of old yellow paper, which means since they can't see it says "Duke Nukem Forever", no game for you unless you pay full price.
I bought Halo: Reach 3 weeks ago. The receipt is already blank. Seriously. WTH?


New member
May 20, 2008
people who preordered the game at such an early stage prior to an official release date being officially announced really should have had better sense!