Gearbox Trying to Honor 12 Years of Duke Nukem Pre-Orders


New member
Jan 12, 2010
we were able to nuke two cities in teh time it took this damn game to come out... I agree, For shame.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
wow people pre-ordered DNF? a letter from nigeria is a more lucrative investment of money, at least you get a touching letter from it


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I didn't pre-order, but I want to know what you win.

And I don't think you need an existing store's pre-order slip, you just need ANY pre-order slip.

It has to be something awesome though. Duke outfit? free game? Duke Nukem Bubble Gum?

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Sacman said:
Yes, my pre order s finally worth something!!!
It was always worth something. -$5 is something after all.

wammnebu said:
wow people pre-ordered DNF? a letter from nigeria is a more lucrative investment of money, at least you get a touching letter from it
Keep in mind that you could pre-order the game a decade ago at some stores. It wasn't a bad joke at the time. A 3+ year development cycle wasn't unheard of. The original Unreal took longer than that for example.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Eclectic Dreck said:
Sacman said:
Yes, my pre order s finally worth something!!!
It was always worth something. -$5 is something after all.

wammnebu said:
wow people pre-ordered DNF? a letter from nigeria is a more lucrative investment of money, at least you get a touching letter from it
Keep in mind that you could pre-order the game a decade ago at some stores. It wasn't a bad joke at the time. A 3+ year development cycle wasn't unheard of. The original Unreal took longer than that for example.
I know it won't help those that paid it off in full, but since as you said "$5 is something afterall" and most people put just the $5 down on a game, how about releasing it at 54.99 so at least people get something for their money and time and the retailers don't have to do a lot of extra (costly) work for something that was out of their control.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
This'll be nice for those who preordered the game. John McCain preordered Duke Nukem Forever when he was a young boy.

My great-grandfather preordered this game while he was pioneering in western Canada.

French geographers with outdated maps let President Jefferson preorder Duke Nukem Forever for less than 3 cents an acre.

A group of Dutch settlers preordered Duke Nukem Forever for $24 worth of beads.

Gutenberg's printing press let him mass-produce preorder receipts for Duke Nukem Forever, instead of making monks dedicate their lives to writing a receipt.

Easter Island natives developed a system of preordering Duke Nukem Forever and writing down their receipts, but all of the scribes in their culture were killed by European invasion.

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were buried with their Duke Nukem Forever preorders entombed with them, so their spirits could pick up a copy of the game in the afterlife.

Early agricultural communities in northern Africa initially congregated among population centers in order to allow nomads to have fixed populations. This ensured that one ancient farmer could get his buddies to vouch for him when he claimed to have preordered Duke Nukem Forever.

Carvings on hippopotamus bones discovered in ancient caves suggest that Neanderthals documented the phases of the moon, and used them to track the delays in development of Duke Nukem Forever.

Ancient hunter-gatherers struggled to hunt sufficient prey, and used every part of the animal after killing the mighty Woolly Duke Nukem Forever Preorder Mammoth.

Duke Nukem Forever preorders were first brought to Earth by lightning strikes, but early hominids learned to harness their dangerous powers for heat and light.

tl;dr: Seriously. OLD.

Alex White

New member
Sep 26, 2010
At anytime, if a person decides to cancel a preorder they can (at Gamestop at least). If people didn't cancel DNF for 10 years I think thats their own fault.

The preorder information is also in the computer under your account. The only issue is that it has to be at the same store that you preordered it at. The reason behind this is that the preorder is a localized product. Your preorder is store specific because you get sent a copy to where ever you put money down so that they have enough copies opening day

Alex White

New member
Sep 26, 2010
Chamale said:
This'll be nice for those who preordered the game. John McCain preordered Duke Nukem Forever when he was a young boy.

My great-grandfather preordered this game while he was pioneering in western Canada.

French geographers with outdated maps let President Jefferson preorder Duke Nukem Forever for less than 3 cents an acre.

A group of Dutch settlers preordered Duke Nukem Forever for $24 worth of beads.

Gutenberg's printing press let him mass-produce preorder receipts for Duke Nukem Forever, instead of making monks dedicate their lives to writing a receipt.

Easter Island natives developed a system of preordering Duke Nukem Forever and writing down their receipts, but all of the scribes in their culture were killed by European invasion.

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were buried with their Duke Nukem Forever preorders entombed with them, so their spirits could pick up a copy of the game in the afterlife.

Early agricultural communities in northern Africa initially congregated among population centers in order to allow nomads to have fixed populations. This ensured that one ancient farmer could get his buddies to vouch for him when he claimed to have preordered Duke Nukem Forever.

Carvings on hippopotamus bones discovered in ancient caves suggest that Neanderthals documented the phases of the moon, and used them to track the delays in development of Duke Nukem Forever.

Ancient hunter-gatherers struggled to hunt sufficient prey, and used every part of the animal after killing the mighty Woolly Duke Nukem Forever Preorder Mammoth.

Duke Nukem Forever preorders were first brought to Earth by lightning strikes, but early hominids learned to harness their dangerous powers for heat and light.

tl;dr: Seriously. OLD.
And thank you for this. I cried from laughing

Mark B

New member
Nov 5, 2007
Well if you think about it it sale which they can count against the cost of the game.
If there are more than a million pre-orders then it will have already paid for the production costs of an average triple A game.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
That's rather nice of them. I hope people who pre-ordered do manage to get everything to work out. :)

The Journey

New member
Jul 12, 2010
This is almost like a rise of a hero to battle the tyrant that is Activision and Kotick. I give gearbox my support and may even go and buy their other games. I might buy DNF, but only if it's actually any good. I actually liked their other games, so the aforementioned plan isn't so hard to put my mind to.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Chuffing 'ell! How many pre-orders is that?!

Will there be enough copies for the rest of us?


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Awesome! Again Gearbox are great and looking out for their fans. Its just a shame they are still under 2K who inflicted limited install DRM on Borderlands and cut out half of the content from mafia 2 to sell it to us 3 weeks later in a $10 DLC pack.

Yay Gearbox! Boo 2K.


New member
May 29, 2009
This might just force me into buying it if they actually do that.

I agree, the easiest thing is to just Mail them the receipt and then THEY give you the game direct from manufacturer so-to-speak so they can just lob off the price themselves.

Personally, I think the older pre-orders, like decade-plus should just get the game for free.

I wonder if the pre-orders are adjusted for inflation?

$5.00 in 97 is $6.65 in current dollars. So an extra dollar or two off the game?