Gearbox Wants Female Duke Nukem Game


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
"Why I'm so great: By Duke Nukem" Haha! Duke II reference.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I think Gearbox should get Duke out the door before they start wondering about Duchess.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I was just talking about this with someone, a possible, "Dame Nukem" (Which I think is the best name choice). She would actually be remarkably similar to Duke. Lots of vanity, a bit of a dominatrix vibe, unrealistic proportions (As unrealistic as Dukes), uses femininity to exploit men in a wisecracking fashion...Gearbox should do it as an expansion.


New member
May 19, 2009
If we get a female Duke Nukem. Can we males start crying out about sexism and being offended by the game. because I would love to have change to do that. Because I can't cry out about sexism towards my gender, because I am a male... OH!!! the discrimination! Of not being able to be be offended. /sob...

:D Then we can rally the... Masculinists? On the barricades because we are offended by something WHOPII!

But we will end up again to the Feminist crying how the Female Duke Nukem doesn't potray them properly. But hey neither does the male version - because I for sure am nothing like that.


Jan 23, 2008
cainx10a said:
Ain't Bayonetta the female Duke Nukem? :p
First thought in my head.

Maybe a mix of Arkham Asylum's Harley Quinn's style with Bayonetta's stronger personality and some of her style too.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Has there even been a female protagonist character of this kind in any action movie? Games could be breakin new egomaniac ground! Sweet, sexy, soft, and cuddly feminine grounds...

..huh... Trailed off there...


New member
Sep 23, 2009
SinisterGehe said:
But hey neither does the male version - because I for sure am nothing like that.
Tell that to a modern self-righteous "feminist". I'll grab the popcorn. Haha.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I would play it. That actually sounds like a lot of fun! haha

I could actually picture it, too. "Capture the dude" could even involve a kick in the nuts in place of the reassuring slap!


New member
Dec 27, 2008
SirBryghtside said:
cainx10a said:
Ain't Bayonetta the female Duke Nukem? :p
I guess so, and people pointed out that she was oversexualised.

*looks at picture of Duke*

Um... why is it that no one's complained about Duke being oversexualised?
For the same stupid reason only white people can be called "racist" while if someone hates white people its called "reverse racism"

a.k.a glaring double standard


New member
Feb 6, 2009
luckycharms8282 said:
She would definitely give the Duke a run for his money as far as kicking ass and chewing bubblegum goes.
Coming Spring 2035:

Sarah Palin Forever


New member
May 15, 2009
I don't actually think that Bayonetta fits the bill; on a very blanket "Female Aggressive and Male Aggressive" ground, how she treats her enemies, fighting style and goals is entirely different than Duke, and she's a lot more verbally teasing than verbally aggressive. Plus, she actually has character development, which Duke Nukem is too awesome to have.

I would certainly play a Dutchess Nukem, though. Sounds fun.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
ShenCS said:
cainx10a said:
Ain't Bayonetta the female Duke Nukem? :p
She's the female Dante. Although I suppose Dante could be called the Japanese Nukem. Hmm... That would be one HELL of a crossover game.
I would love that game where Bayonetta and Dante team up... come on CapGa, make it happen.

OT: A female Duke style game would just be wasted as feminists would complain that she isn't a true female, and men would just not care enough... unless she was hot.


New member
May 19, 2009
SomEngangVar said:
SinisterGehe said:
But hey neither does the male version - because I for sure am nothing like that.
Tell that to a modern self-righteous "feminist". I'll grab the popcorn. Haha.
Well, I am Asexual, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't like guns or killing, I am not physically strong (Hell... I got neurological disability on the right side of my torso), I am pro-equality (I speak against sexual harassment in gaming environments.). I am humanist on my academic field, I believe on politics when it comes to solve issues and I praise logical thinking.

Ok... I am blond and I wear sunglasses all the time and I am MALE.

AH... I forgot according to 3rd Generation feminist all men are assholes no matter what we do, if we help women - we get flamed as sexist because we don't think women can handle things herself??? But if we don't help women we are sexist because we didn't help them?..

This is why I hate humanity -.-... The illogical and stupidity is overwhelming.


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
SinisterGehe said:
If we get a female Duke Nukem. Can we males start crying out about sexism and being offended by the game.

You see if a female Duke Nukem were created, she'd still get called out as being a sexist stereotype. If she were exactly like Duke she'd be super self-absorbed which is considered a negative trait for women much more strongly than it is for men. Imagine if you Duke admiring his own reflection - funny right. Now imagine SheNukem (just as oversexualized as Duke) doing the same thing - she's just a sexist stereotype of female vanity, oh and she'd probably have big boobs too seeing as if you'd want to make a her true equivalent you'd need to exaggerate her feminine physical attributes to the degree Duke's are - so she's automatically pandering to the male audience and teaching us to view women as sex objects.

We can't win this shit man. No matter what we do we're sexist pigs!


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I'm on the fence about this. While Duke Nukem can be seen as a parody of the masculine stereotypes, one of which is the subjugation of women as unequal, but it still advertises misogyny as a core trait of his character. For me, Pitchford's argument doesn't hold water. Just because something is A doesn't mean it can't be B also. We don't stop calling tigers felines, just because they are tigers. Duke Nukem is a misogynist, this is a fact you cannot refute, no matter how many 'reasons' there are for it. The game portrays women as stereotypical sexualized objects, that is the definition of misogyny. But since the game blows out the masculine characteristics of Duke's character to parody levels we could claim that the feminine portrayals in the game are no more valid than the masculine ones. Does this make it okay though? I'm not sure, because the game is designed as a "kick ass and chew bubblegum" simulator, not a critique of gender dynamics and roles in society. Once games for the most part become less about the game, and more about the ideas and messages orbiting around the game we can make the argument that games are art and therefore can take on issues like these. Until then these concerns are secondary if that.