I'm slightly terrified that at some point one of these stupid bastards will work out a way to force us to use whatever nightmarish corporate playpen version of VRChat or Second Life they come up with. Moreso, I'm baffled at why so many big companies have been sucked into the idea that VRChat is the way a profitable fraction of people will want to interact with content day to day. I like VRChat, but it's not an efficient way of doing anything except its intended purpose of goofing off with weird people. For everything else I use GUIs and text interfaces like everyone else, because those just work and require minimal effort. Capitalism tries to make stupid things happen all the time. A lot of them fail, because they are stupid and consumers recognise them as stupid and refuse to give them their money. However, sometimes bad ideas do get through and get embedded in our day to day lives and I really, really hope this shit isn't one of them.