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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
First of all, religion can piss right off if it's used as an excuse to marginalize and treat others like shit.
I mean....agreed. But there are a shitload of religious people on the planet, you are never going to change that. Being mad that religious beliefs exist and they might not be things you like is utterly pointless, as is also the idea that you or anyone is going to create a magic gay sauce that will change people's minds.

Excuse or not, evil or not, religion is here to stay.

Like what? Seriously, examples please of straight characters in media who don't get, and ultimately kiss, a love interest. Even WALL-E, a fricking robot, got a female love interest.
So you're upset that relationships exist?

Let me think a second. How about Aliens? Predator? Rambo? Bruce Lee movies, I can't recall him every making out with anyone. Logan?

I mean it happens.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I mean....agreed. But there are a shitload of religious people on the planet, you are never going to change that. Being mad that religious beliefs exist and they might not be things you like is utterly pointless, as is also the idea that you or anyone is going to create a magic gay sauce that will change people's minds.

Excuse or not, evil or not, religion is here to stay.
Except society can progress past the need for religion to dictate our lives and progress past religion persecuting and othering groups of people. As a matter of fact, it's happened many times, and these are all moments that are celebrated, that we can look back on and think 'phew, thank god things aren't like THAT anymore'.

So you're upset that relationships exist?
No, I'm upset that straight relationships in fiction are never questioned while being so prevalent, while the handfull of gay relationships get scrutinized to hell and back, if not openly hated on.

Let me think a second. How about Aliens? Predator? Rambo? Bruce Lee movies, I can't recall him every making out with anyone. Logan?

I mean it happens.
Yeah, it happens rarely. Emphasis on 'rarely'.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
No, I'm upset that straight relationships in fiction are never questioned while being so prevalent, while the handfull of gay relationships get scrutinized to hell and back, if not openly hated on.
Because one is normal, based on basic normology. The other is crippled by the fact that it is not only incredibly niche, but also not an interest of even the most progressive of heteronormative people.

Whatever you want to call it is fine. But the line to acceptance is not forcing people to enjoy the thing. Nor is it shaming people for their discomfort, that will only push people in the opposite direction you want them to go.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Nor is it shaming people for their discomfort, that will only push people in the opposite direction you want them to
That depends on where the "discomfort" goes. Especially nowadays, when most of the time it's just a petty excuse not to watch or play something.

As pointed out:

And it reminds me of ultraconservative reactions to any minority's visibility in media. I've seen people online react with some weird "why do they force me to watch/play black characters instead of characters I can relate to" and I don't think I need to point out how creepy their discourse was, or how the majority/minority ratio wasn't really a valid argument. I don't think reactions to homosexuality are immensely different.
Took the words right out of my mouth. I still remember those jackasses that wine and complaints stating that blacks did not fight in World War 1. All because they can't accept the truth, and they ton't know jack crap about either World War history. Bitches rightly got called out on their complaints on Battlefield 1. Many gamers with actual sense and actual historians or more than having to show them how long those idiots are. They don't want to see us or acknowledge us, unless it's Uncle Tom foolery, only to be "funny", negative or racial stereotypes, in the background, or only as victims to propel the main straight white male (sometimes female if they have no other option) character(s) forward. the same applies if said characters are of a different religion, gay, lesbian, or trans.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Of course they did, they want to show that they have nothing to do with Jk Rowling. It's a damage control and a gesture of good faith that twitter will likely hate anyway.

That depends on where the "discomfort" goes. Especially nowadays, when most of the time it's just a petty excuse not to watch or play something.
Meh, let people be petty if that's what they want to do. Bottom line is that a major television production dedicated a whole episode to a gay relationship so the people who pushed for that should be absolutely happy and drinking cups of bigot tears or whatever.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I think the devs stated before this was gonna be an option, and I've seen character creation from the past few streams I've been watching.

There's the basic choice of being a Wizard or Witch, but you can make your character look as feminine or masculine to your desire, as well as altering the voice to be deeper or higher.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Of course they did, they want to show that they have nothing to do with Jk Rowling. It's a damage control and a gesture of good faith that twitter will likely hate anyway.

Meh, let people be petty if that's what they want to do. Bottom line is that a major television production dedicated a whole episode to a gay relationship so the people who pushed for that should be absolutely happy and drinking cups of bigot tears or whatever.
That depends on what it is. Things are that outright discriminatory and bigoted, or those jackasses try to spread false information just to hurt others or riol shallow asshole people into a frenzy that cause murder and mayhem; that I take issue with. I will not be afraid to call that shit out for what it is. You can't ignore the worst kinds of isisms by sweeping it under the rug, nor constantly play it off like it's no big deal. Show them for the ugliness they are on the inside.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Because one is normal, based on basic normology. The other is crippled by the fact that it is not only incredibly niche, but also not an interest of even the most progressive of heteronormative people.
Straight relationships as they are presented on film or even in games are not "normal", they are idealized. They're wishfullfillment. Also, most gay fan fiction, and there is metric fuckton of it, is written by straight women. So the excuse that heterosexual people aren't interested in gay characters or relationships is bogus. Even many "straight" men are interested in gay characters and relationships, but only in the comfort of internet anonymity. You completely take the societal sting and shame out of being gay and you'll see how not normal it actually is.

Whatever you want to call it is fine. But the line to acceptance is not forcing people to enjoy the thing. Nor is it shaming people for their discomfort, that will only push people in the opposite direction you want them to go.
Again, no one is forcing people to watch gay content, but then don't complain about gay content being a thing, being pushed, being "forced". You being uncomfortable with gay content does not take precedence over gay content existing. Unless we're going to argue there's something wrong with it existing, which I hope we won't, because that would be utterly stupid.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Again, no one is forcing people to watch gay content, but then don't complain about gay content being a thing, being pushed, being "forced". You being uncomfortable with gay content does not take presedence over gay content existing. Unless we're going to argue there's something wrong with it existing, which I hope we won't, because that would be utterly stupid.
My point is that someone has to take the high road in this right? So like if some bigots complain about men kissing in a show, it's on the shoulders of the LBGT and progressive journalists to ignore this. Because shaming people will not change their behavior. It's like feeding the trolls, you don't feed the trolls or the trolls get worse. Take it from Chis-Chan.

You can go back and forth about how shitty someone is but at some point someone has to walk away from that conflict. So considering that in this situation the LBGT side is the clear winner (because they got their TV show episode or content or whatever) then the victor should walk away from it and just be smugly happy that you got what you wanted. It looks bad that you get your thing, and then also rage when everyone everywhere isn't overjoyed about it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
My point is that someone has to take the high road in this right? So like if some bigots complain about men kissing in a show, it's on the shoulders of the LBGT and progressive journalists to ignore this. Because shaming people will not change their behavior. It's like feeding the trolls, you don't feed the trolls or the trolls get worse. Take it from Chis-Chan.

You can go back and forth about how shitty someone is but at some point someone has to walk away from that conflict. So considering that in this situation the LBGT side is the clear winner (because they got their TV show episode or content or whatever) then the victor should walk away from it and just be smugly happy that you got what you wanted. It looks bad that you get your thing, and then also rage when everyone everywhere isn't overjoyed about it.
Except there's still giant multi-million dollar media outlets focused on shaming and marginalizing the LGBTQ+ community, which has actual real-world effects, so no. The high road is calling it out. Maybe if there was a Fox News sized news outlet or a GOP sized political movement that was all about protecting the LGBTQ+ and the marginalized, we could ignore it. But you know as well as I that this isn't the case.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Except there's still giant multi-million dollar media outlets focused on shaming and marginalizing the LGBTQ+ community, which has actual real-world effects, so no.
Which company? If there are multiple which ones? Name names so people can avoid them. Call those companies out.

Here's the thing we can talk about the marginalized and the tramas they may or may not occur because someone reads a book about wizards. But thousands of people died in Turkey yesterday and continue to die due to the lack of any governmental standards. There are a lot of bigger problems in the world beyond people raging over a TV show or a video game or literally anything on Twitter.

Maybe if there was a Fox News sized news outlet or a GOP sized political movement that was all about protecting the LGBTQ+ and the marginalized, we could ignore it.
This kind of reads like complaining about the WNBA not being popular. The LBGTQ will never have such a large organization for that because it's too small of a group.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Which company? If there are multiple which ones? Name names so people can avoid them. Call those companies out.
You have a large amount of short-term memory problems. Work on it.

There are a lot of bigger problems in the world beyond people raging over a TV show or a video game or literally anything on Twitter.
People raging over are the symptoms to bigger problems, because of said racism/sexism/anti-LBGQT. These can and will act out on them in the worse possible ways. Please stop acting oblivious. You are fooling no one. Either you care or you fucking don't. Actually stand for something. Enough of this halfway-in-between that goes nowhere and only benefits the abusers. We've already had this conversation multiple times, and don't pretend otherwise.

Maybe if there was a Fox News sized news outlet or a GOP sized political movement that was all about protecting the LGBTQ+ and the marginalized, we could ignore it. But you know as well as I that this isn't the case.
The closest are MSNBC and CNN.

This kind of reads like complaining about the WNBA not being popular.
And with that you are being full of shit right now and being part of the fucking problem.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Which company? If there are multiple which ones? Name names so people can avoid them. Call those companies out.
All those donating to the GOP for one. Of the top 10 political donors last year, two are blue and one of those is Sam Bankman-Fried.

Here's the thing we can talk about the marginalized and the tramas they may or may not occur because someone reads a book about wizards. But thousands of people died in Turkey yesterday and continue to die due to the lack of any governmental standards. There are a lot of bigger problems in the world beyond people raging over a TV show or a video game or literally anything on Twitter.
Dude, have you seen what's going on in Florida, and what other red states are trying to accomplish? Don't act like this isn't happening, this isn't just J.K. Rowling being a cunty terf and some random people on twitter. And this extends beyond the LGBTQ+, to people of color and to women. Lest we forget what the supreme court pulled last year. If it was just trans people the GOP targeted and left everyone else alone, it's still be fucking evil, but that isn't the end of it. The LGBTQ+, specifically trans people, are the exposed thread that conservatives can pull at to get to everyone's rights.

And yes, thousands of people died in Turkey, and that's absolutely horrific. We can do both.

This kind of reads like complaining about the WNBA not being popular. The LBGTQ will never have such a large organization for that because it's too small of a group.
Which is why they can't take "the high road" and just ignore it, because even as small as they are as a group they're still being vilified and made to fear for their existence by bilionaires, lawmakers, and crazed newscasters.
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Feb 6, 2023
As of my training data cut-off, some of the popular games that are currently trending include:

  1. Among Us
  2. Call of Duty: Warzone
  3. Fortnite
  4. Valorant
  5. Apex Legends
  6. Genshin Impact
  7. Cyberpunk 2077
  8. League of Legends
  9. PUBG Mobile
  10. FIFA 21
Keep in mind that the trends and popularity of games are constantly changing and these may not be the most up-to-date.