I disagree with everyone (when don't I ? I'm quite the piece of work myself). There is actually quite a strong financial and political power in favor of LGBTQ+ people, and it shows in the fact that the values of inclusivity are dominant (at various degrees of shyness and clumsyness) in most mainstream cultural products nowadays. Cartoons, movies, comics, videogames, etc. That's what the conservative outrage is about, they feel oppressed by the fact that, indeed, their views are more and more consifdered shameful in a more and more progressive world (where same-sex mariage tends to get legalized, and where the last homophobic states tend to be abominable dictatorships). And it's mostly due to the mirror, feedback effect of socio-cultural evolutions. Producers know where the money is, they know they have more to lose, nowadays, with reactionary narratives than with progressive ones - at least in the western world (they censor it for chinese exports, etc).
And this is due to the fact that, shock horror, while LGBTQ+ people are a minority, they don't represent a cause that is supported by LGBTQ+ people uniquely. A lot of white cis-straight people absolutely detest racists, homophobes and transphobes. What can I say. A lot of men support women' right to vote, a lot of whites are against slavery, a lot a straight people wish gays to have the same rights as them. A lot of people care transversally. The size of the target of bigotry simply isn't relevant.