blizzard seem to be officially giving up on OW2Could this signal the beginning of the end of Blizzard's app?
Blizzard’s bringing its PC games to Steam, starting with Overwatch 2
Players will still need a account,
At least this is one thing that we can probably thank Microsoft for.
But honestly, this seems like a little tiny thing, but it really opens a lot of opportunities. Frankly, I often forget about my library (and everything in it) because Steam really is the PC's one-stop-shop for my PC library, and everything that I own outside of Steam, just kind of fades away into the abyss that is my memory. Putting Blizzard's games on Steam gives them a brand-new spotlight.
And secondly: Steam Deck. Sure, you can probably fenangle the Steam Deck to allow you to install, but this is just going to make the whole process so much easier.

The Overwatch League As We Know It Is Dead
Around 50 people in Activision Blizzard's esports department were let go this week as OWL interest rapidly cools

Who would have tought that severely mismanaging one of the most promising new IP would lead to failure.