My understanding is that the rights for the game are a complete mess and it's more or less impossible for that game to be rereleased anywhere.
How and why? Fox and Matt Groening own rights to the show, and Konami only collaberated with them at the time and no one else as far as Simpson related things go. That's literal infinite money! For Fox, Matt, 1UP, and Konami!
It's a pity- it was one of the better four-player beat-em-ups that ever hit the arcades, despite the seemingly-unsuitable license.
It's good, but there are better 4 player brawlers that surpassed it in terms of gamepay. The Japanese version of
Simpsons Arcade is better due to the fact that's it is not as absurdly difficult. Still hard, but a bit easier. I feel
TMNT/Turtles in Time, Vendetta, Captain Commando, Metamorphic Force (as long as you're playing the Japanese version)
and Ninja Baseball Batman (almost no one knew it existed until the Internet) took it further with 4 players.
The Simpsons is definitely more memorable, because no one was expecting their first game to be a brawler. The show had only barely reached its second season at the time.
What I do love about the Konami brawlers are all the details and interacting with the environment or hazards. That's the advantage Konami has over most Capcom brawlers, the extra details they did not have to do, but chose to do so out of passion. I still have fond memories of
The Simpsons arcade with my older brother, class mates, and friends.
Man, that's one of the few beat-em ups I remember beating multiple times in the arcade back in my youth.