As long as they improve some of the jankieness (as these classic PC games usually tends to do) and add some QoL, im in!@FakeSympathy, @Chimpzy, @Casual Shinji, @CriticalGaming, @PsychedelicDiamond, @Dirty Hipsters, @Old_Hunter_77, @NerfedFalcon, @The Rogue Wolf, @TheMysteriousGX, and @Xprimentyl.
The time has come (Palpatine voice):
System Shock 2 Remaster - 6/26/25
Well, it is considered the spiritual predcessor for Bioshock 1, as the same guy designed both games. Kinda miss that guy.I've never cared for System Shock and never understood the hype for it.
I remember playing it (but never go around beating it), and loving the atmosphere, where you are pretty much the only sane individual onboard the space station. While resource scavenging is very common nowadays, I remember how much of a thrill and a struggle it was to find that one more health item.
Also, I am pretty sure this was one of two key influences that made me terrified of the very idea of advanced AI, the other one being Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
It really was one of those influential game which can still be seen this day, As the upcoming game Clockwork Revolution seems to be inspired by Bioshock Infinite, which in turn has its roots back to System Shock 2. Or Alien Isolation, which really couldn't have come out any other way, which also seems to borrow a lot of ideas from SS2
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