OOoooo Saga frontier 2 remaster!...
Square Enix has announced SaGa Frontier 2 Remastered for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 via PlayStation Store, Switch via Nintendo eShop, PC (Steam), iOS via App Store, and Android via Google Play…
Seriously, why is square so obsesses with the saga franchise?! They're putting out like 2 remake/remaster a year while ignoring the rest of their non FF/DQ work. As far as I can tell, none of them sells well nor have much of a reputation to carry them (frontier 1 is the closest to being popular and that's not saying much). I guess the Japanese market must love these like crazy, cause I barely ever hear anyone talk about them in the west.
Just bizarre that Square will dumb deus Ex/tomb raider when they sell millions of copy but will just keep plowing on with the saga franchise. I dunno, maybe there's like 2 intern working on min wage doing them somewhere out of sight.
Anyway, for people who never played any of these, don't bother.