General Unpopular Opinions


New member
Dec 14, 2010
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Cactoos said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Cactoos said:
Genetic manipulation is probably one of the least harmful things the human race has come up with recently. We've been manipulating genes through blind chance for thousands of years. The only difference is that nowadays it can be done precisely.
Yeah... not really. The difference is it can and will be used for warfare and to control the population, just like almost every other scientific discovery.
Sure, but then again, I don't think stopping all scientific research simply because it might (I can't stress the word 'might' enough, seeing as you decided to go with 'will', as in 'I can and will predict the future') someday be used for something evil is rational. Electricity has been (and, I guess, 'will' be) used to torture and kill people; surely you don't think lamps and computers are a bad idea?
Not at all. There's a difference between saying something's a bad idea and saying it's potentially harmful. I don't think we can stop our own progress. We'll keep going until we know everything there is to know, even if that may be our downfall. Plus there are beneficial aspects of gene manipulation.
I guess "least harmful" was kind of an unfortunate way to describe genetic manipulation on my part, but I'm simply getting tired of the general idea that the whole idea is somehow evil and will eventually lead to apocalypse and/or a genetically perfected army of evil soldiers from North-Korea. Possible, but doubtful. There's still nukes, and those are WAY easier to handle.

When I said "least harmful", I meant actually that it will (in my opinion) in the end do more good than evil. I think the answer to curing all diseases lies in perfecting gene manipulation. Oh, and also, future technology will probably be based on DNA, simply because it's such a perfect way of saving and sending information. But in order for that to happen, I do believe we need to learn everything there is to know about genes.

Let's hope I'm right, eh?


New member
Mar 29, 2010
FalloutJack said:
{1} I have no opinion of dubstep. I'm not into it.

{2} I do not watch Scrubs.

{3} Or Big Bang Theory.

{4} How dare you question the bacon! When you disapprove of bacon, BACON DISAPPROVES OF YOU!

{5} I don't like tattoos either.

{6} I got nothin' against Tarantino.

{7} I like Batman TAS and the Dark Knight movies. So there!

Apart from the bacon, you're normal.
That picture terrifies me. All I can think of is Suicide Mouse mixed with, now I'm even more scared.
Jan 11, 2009
TallanKhan said:
5. 99% of Modern Art is pretentios rubbish.
I'd like to expand on this one.

Art, as in paintings and sculptures, has always been pretentious rubbish and will only get worse from now on. Nobody really cares about what it is anymore so much as who made it and what obnoxious, unrelated message they can claim it is showing.

Studying English or literature above the level of basic comprehension is a waste of time, if a book is such a great, a student doesn't need to be told what to take out of it and therefore teaching it is pointless.

Apple isn't as evil a company as everyone seems to think and iTunes is one of the best things to happen in the music industry in recent years. Although, admittedly, their OS is terrible.

Prison should focus on rehabilitation and protection of the public and not punishment, as a follow on from this, there shouldn't be a set sentence for any particular crime but the criminal should be let out when they are deemed rehabilitated. (I admit this one is a bit of an 'in an ideal world' ones)

If I watch a movie or read a book or experience any art form and it doesn't engage me, it isn't my fault, the work failed to keep me interested.

There is no higher genre of music, they all have their own ways of appealing to a specific audience and whether that is through cheesy pop or complex patterns it doesn't matter, none is lesser or higher.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Fat/skinny people who ***** about being fat/skinny and do nothing about it. I'm slim, and I'm working to bulk up. Theres plenty of guides etc around that have helped me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I don't have unpopular opinions. I'm a neat little puzzle piece that fits in with the majority of society's way of thinking.

There, this is now the most unpopular post in this unpopular thought thread.


New member
Dec 16, 2011
BOOM headshot65 said:
These are from past threads that I digged up.

This seems to only apply on here, as they are perfectly resonable where I live:

Unions today are completely unhelpful and oppressive.

Corperations are, in fact, not evil.

We should be going out of our way to get industry back to America.

I am pro-life (with extreme exceptions[footnote]IE, Rape, incest, or harm to the mother. However, in all 3 cases, it should be the womens choice of what she wants to do. She still want to give birth even though it might kill her? My hat is off to you ma'am. You are braver than I.[/footnote]).

I am pro-intervention. COMPLETELY pro-intervention. The fact you, Mr. Dictator, used to be The US's ally should not let you off the hook for killing and opressing your people. Sic Simper Tyrannis!

I believe that all drugs that are currently illegal should remain as such...failing that, I would be ok with weed becoming legal, but NOT Cocaine, Meth, etc, under ANY situation.[footnote]At least I know that weed can be used in a medical purpose, and should be legal for such...those others cant and should not be.[/footnote]

In relation to the above mentioned drugs, my heirarchy of what should happen to those people gets alot of flak:
Low security jailtime for 1 year/mandatory rehab and probation officers

20 years hard time in a High security prison

Take your pick:
GBU-28 Bunker Buster


Mk. 77 White Phosphorus Bomb. No, I dont care about the bad rap WP got in Iraq. To me, it doesnt matter with those murdering, cowardly, child killers known as drug lords.

GBU-43B "Massive Ordiance Airblasting Bomb", aka, the "Mother Of All Bombs"

I am willing to take a tax hike to have those options happen.

I supported the war in Iraq and Afganistan.

I dont like Obama. I like(d) McCain. When he lost, I gave Obama a chance, and he blew it. Mitt Romney will be getting my vote in November.

I am in favor of the death penalty in the event of murder or rape. (but if, AND ONLY IF, they are 110% sure the guy did it.)

I am in favor of gun ownership. I will have guns to defend my home when I am on my own. Preferably a pump shotgun or single action revolver. Something that I can "fire" without firing. Because no one in thier right mind will continue trying to break in after hearing *Click-click* from a 12 guage.

I prefer charities to do the work that the social safety net does now, because the government screws it up.

I liked George W. Bush, if for no other reason then he was far better than Kerry or *snake hiss*GORE (ehhhh...) would have been.

I believe in God.

I believe All religion prays to the same God, everyone goes to the same Heaven, and the only people turned away are the truely evil (Murderers, Rapist, Genocideist, etc).

There is nothing wrong with religion...there is just something wrong with its emissaries (IE, the Church.)

Chivialry and Gentlemanly Code is actually a good thing.

I believe you should not have sex before marriage.[footnote]Serves some pratical purpose in my current relationship to my girlfriend/future fiance. If you want to know how, PM me.[/footnote]

I like ALL Star Wars movies. Yes, even 1-3...and even the animated ones.

I like the Micheal Bay Transformer movies.

I think Micheal Bay and George Lucas are good Directers.

I like Bill O'Reilly and the O'Reilly Factor. I also think Fox News, while biased, is accurate. My multiple source background check of thier info proves that.
Oh boy, I just know I am going to get chewed out for some of these:

1)Corporations are not evil, and if you dont like what they do dont give them your money.

2)Class Warfare doesnt exist, it is merely class envy taken to the extreme by people who cant stand others being more successful than them. ("Everyone is fine with Captialism when it benefits them, but not when it benefits others"-My Senior English Teacher, after reading a book on the Reign of Terror)

3)Likewise, the War on Women doesnt exist, and its startling that people think it does. Most of the things people are opposed to either affect more than women or are still supported by women in great numbers.("The 'war on women' is nothing but the Democrats trying to take advantage of women for votes"-One of my female coworkers)

4)Occupy Wall Street was a terrible failure of a "movement" and they should all just go home and stop annoying everyone because they have been forgotten.

5)The Tea Party is also a failure of a "movement" and it is a disgrace that they have highjacked the Republican party and I hope when Mitt Romney wins, the leave.

6)Unions are more detrimental to empolyees than helpful. They all need to be shut down.

7)I can understand restrictions on guns, but I hate the people who call for outright bans on them. There are PLENTY of reasons for owning guns, and I will continue to defend them.

8)The country will always be better [] than the city, [] no exceptions. [] To that end, Country and Rock will always be better than [C]Rap.

9)I dont care if you are athiest, just dont bash us who believe in God for believing, because you are doing LITERALLY the same thing that you complain about hard-core thiest doing.

10)NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE!!!!!! And if you are in a relationship with someone, sex should not even BE on the list of reason why you are dating them, and if it is, you sir/ma'am are incredibly shallow.

11)Drugs like Marijunia, Cocaine, and Meth should be Illegal [] public anyways. If you want to stone yourself to death in your own home, fine. Just stay AWAY from me, my frineds, and my family.

12)It is a shame and disgrace to the entire free world that we watch tyranny and genocide in Africa and the Middle East, then sit back and say "Its not our problem." I dont care HOW we do it, all dictators MUST be removed from power, either in handcuffs or in a body bag.

13)For me, the abortion debate is only going to end 2 ways:
A)My way: Illegal except in the cases of Rape or to protect the life of the mother. In both, it should be her choice of what to do, and she shouldnt be pressured into it. It will be proformed in hospitals rather than dedicated clinics, so there is no need to keep abortions happening to make money.
B)My Girlfriends ways:Remains legal in all cases, but it would be stigmatized to the point that getting one is commiting social suicide, because "You were the dumb ***** who had sex in the first place."(her words.)
You do know that sex is kinda fun yeah? How is it shallow to want to do it with someone you care about?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
JeffBergGold said:
Lumber Barber said:
All those opinions are fairly common.
Sorry bud, you're not a special snowflake, and being proud of having different, "unusual" opinions is moronic. Find better ways to comfort yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

JeffBergGold said:
I think most Asian women are weird looking and unattractive.

I think 4chan is one of the biggest congregation of idiots on the planet.

I think anyone who frequents 4chan is weird.

I think anyone who frequents reddit is weird.

I think anyone who agrees with "anonymous" is an idiot.

I think people who believe in non-violence are hypocrites.

I think religious people are dangerous.

I think WEIRD nerdy looking guys might be potential mass killers pedophiles serial killers etc.

I think psychology is pseudo-science.

I think most people lack empathy.

I think people who are not muscular have bad genes.

I believe the most dangerous type of person is a desperate white knight.

I think men with high pitched voices are weak.

I think modern medicine is the reason for overpopulation.
Lumber Barber said:
Funny you should think 4chan is weird because those opinions are exactly what you see when you go there.
It's also a near-universal opinion on the internet that 4chan is weird. Mostly said by people who only know of /b/ and never actually went there.
No, 4chan is a congregation of weird, nerdy, white knight, pedos who lack muscles, and also have high pitched voices. One of my friends frequents /b/ and he fits the description exactly. He's a failure and coward and real life, but one of the most vicious people you'd ever encounter behind a veil of anonymity.

Fuck /b/ and anyone who feels the need to white knight it.
He didn't white knight /b/. He said most people who think 4chan is weird haven't visited the site and seen anything other than /b/.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
1. Socialism is a good "idea" that will never work
2. Mostly, Religion is a good thing. It's bad people who use it for evil means that are bad.
3. Halo is good game franchise
4. Pistols should be outlawed to the civilian populous.
5. All people are equal just in different ways (i.e. You may be good at A but I'm good at B)
6. Science and Religion can support each other.
7. Any government can work, it's people who fuck it up.

Vetta E-dom

New member
Mar 10, 2012
ICantBelieveItGoesBoom said:
TallanKhan said:
5. 99% of Modern Art is pretentios rubbish.
I'd like to expand on this one.

Art, as in paintings and sculptures, has always been pretentious rubbish and will only get worse from now on. Nobody really cares about what it is anymore so much as who made it and what obnoxious, unrelated message they can claim it is showing.
I love the Irony of this being posted on a forum dedicated to gaming.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Frokane said:
Id watch any of the batman animated series episodes over all 3 films of the dark knight trilogy
I see that and raise you with this; Batman - Mask of the Phantasm is the best Batman movie ever put to film and released. While it's likely too dark visually for a 3D remake, I strongly believe that a remastered edition is well overdue for a theatrical release.


I still love Dead Baby Jokes...especially if a cannibalism joke is spun into it.

Cannibalism jokes also make me laugh

TMNT on Nick is going to be Awesome. Even if it doesn't turn out good I plan on watching on 9-29

I hate most types of cake and pie. If you're not a cheesecake or, a pumpkin pie than go away.

I think Superman is pretty great (depending on the writers of course)

Identity Crisis was a complete waste of a graphic novel. ("Clark hears what he wants to hear"...what the HELL is that?!)

Vetta E-dom

New member
Mar 10, 2012
ICantBelieveItGoesBoom said:
Gabe Yaden said:
I love the Irony of this being posted on a forum dedicated to gaming.
Umm, feeling a bit stupid here but I don't see why it's ironic?
Most artist working in the video game industry, specifically concept artist, designers, and sculptors are trained in an atelier style setup, cast drawing etc..., which was basically a lost art from either the Romans or Greeks I forget. This style was revived in the 19th century and then due to the heavy use of abstraction and nonrepresentational imagery in the 20th century basically dropped from every place teaching art cause it didn't coincide with what the market wanted. Back to the point most artist making work for the video game, movie, or what have you industry are responsible for helping keep a basically ancient form of study alive because its revered for its accuracy and dedication to skill. Most video games or movies you have absolutely no clue who designed/ sculpted what, so kind of hard to be pretentious when nothing in the work points back to your self except maybe a small credit at the end, that most people don't even watch. This might not be exactly clear but in essence most game/movie artist care very deeply for, "what it is anymore"
Jan 11, 2009
Gabe Yaden said:
ICantBelieveItGoesBoom said:
Gabe Yaden said:
I love the Irony of this being posted on a forum dedicated to gaming.
Umm, feeling a bit stupid here but I don't see why it's ironic?
Most artist working in the video game industry, specifically concept artist, designers, and sculptors are trained in an atelier style setup, cast drawing etc..., which was basically a lost art from either the Romans or Greeks I forget. This style was revived in the 19th century and then due to the heavy use of abstraction and nonrepresentational imagery in the 20th century basically dropped from every place teaching art cause it didn't coincide with what the market wanted. Back to the point most artist making work for the video game, movie, or what have you industry are responsible for helping keep a basically ancient form of study alive because its revered for its accuracy and dedication to skill. Most video games or movies you have absolutely no clue who designed/ sculpted what, so kind of hard to be pretentious when nothing in the work points back to your self except maybe a small credit at the end, that most people don't even watch. This might not be exactly clear but in essence most game/movie artist care very deeply for, "what it is anymore"
But for that, the drawing itself is not the final product as is the case with what I was referring to. I'm not denying that drawing/painting or whatever is a valuable art form, just saying that in its current state, in the cases where the final form of the art is the drawing/whatever itself, it is flooded with pretentiousness rather than skill or dedication to ones craft.

Vetta E-dom

New member
Mar 10, 2012
ICantBelieveItGoesBoom said:
But for that, the drawing itself is not the final product as is the case with what I was referring to. I'm not denying that drawing/painting or whatever is a valuable art form, just saying that in its current state, in the cases where the final form of the art is the drawing/whatever itself, it is flooded with pretentiousness rather than skill or dedication to ones craft.
Only in small personal galleries, that are ran by artist trying to sell their own work, and yes a lot of this is present in most contemporary galleries/ museums. That being said the actual number of pretentious crap that gets passed around is somewhere closer to like 20%. the pretentious stuff is very very present and shows up oooo soo much, but another big proportion of what is present in contemporary galleries is just general design stuff which is not really about the artist in any way, you really have to stay away from most museums/ galleries to understand that the pretentious stuff is really not a significant amount of whats actually out there.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
I'm Fond of autocracy .

People are assholes , all of em .

No one is a special snowflake .

War and conflict is necessary for humanities advancement.

Wow that is rather grim when I wrote it down .


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Here are some more:

The effect of religion on society has been no worse than net neutral. That being said, my personal belief is that the probability of any one religion on earth being correct is nearly zero.

Nihilism is the most sound and important philosophical ideal in the history of mankind. However, it only represents our current state, a state that we should be constantly striving to transcend (in effect, the undivided goal of humanity should be first and foremost the achievement of immortality).

We will never know all of the secrets of the universe because of the limitations of our senses. Additionally, we can never be certain of anything apart from our own experiences, and of those the only thing we can be certain of is that we experienced them. However, despite this, scientific research should still be a high priority of humanity, and we can still be relatively certain of things (in short, we can never be 100% or 0% certain of something, but as the probability of that occurrence grows large enough, we can merely assume that it is).

Morality is entirely a social construct. Things are right and wrong because as a culture we have decided that they are (and different subcultures have different perspectives on morality). The reason that common patterns of morality arise across the globe are as a result of cultural evolution (ie, a tribe that decides it is ok to kill people just because they look at you funny was not as likely to thrive as a tribe that made it a crime to kill somebody without significant cause).

America needs to drastically change it's political system. Right now they have the choice between Obama (bad) and Romney (worse). The US system is also corrupting the politics of other nations they regularly interact with. For example, the Conservative Party in Canada has been significantly influenced by the Republican Party, and as a result we have seen significant evidence of voter fraud, an increased number of unsubstantiated attack adds, liable, and multiple acquisitions of contempt of parliament that were only avoided through the use of political loopholes that caused them to be thrown out (such as proroguing parliament in order to cause the motion to expire). Additionally, despite their best efforts to dodge the issue, the government was found in contempt BY THE SPEAKER THAT THEY APPOINTED.

On the issue of government, democracy fails when the average citizen is too stupid to understand the issues at hand and too absent minded to remember anything that did not happen within the past 2 weeks. This also adequately describes your average voter.

The US invasion of Iraq probably set the country's development by 2000 years. Prior to the invasion, the country was more moderate than Saudi Arabia and would have in time eventually evolved to a successful and accepting country.

Taking a hard line approach against Iran is only making the situation worse.

The creation of the state of Israel was a mistake, and the creation of the state was due to racism against the Jewish people (nobody wanted to take the Jewish refuges from Germany, so they decided to take land from the Arabs to give them their own state). However, it was a mistake which occurred over 60 years ago, and the simple truth of the matter is that to try to make it so that Israel no longer exists would be just as big of a mistake. Work has to be done to create a peace between Israel and the Arab world. However, the actions of the Israeli government are not making the current situation better for themselves or the rest of the world, and should they act in a way which is unprovoked and detrimental to the stability of the region, western nations should impose drastic sanctions on the country.

DRM isn't necessarilly bad if implemented properly. Additionally, many of the arguments proposed by software pirates trying to justify their actions are full of logical fallacies.

Blizzard is still a very good company. EA is no where near the worst game publisher. Day one DLC is not necessarily a bad thing, although it can be.

The WiiU looks very promising. To me, in terms of hardware, the 3DS is the greatest story of missed potential in modern gaming. The PS Vita also looks amazing, and if I had the funds I would buy one in a heartbeat.

Windows 8 looks extremely promising, and given the Microsoft Surface's power, it could be the first tablet I see as being actually useful in a professional setting.

Xbox Live is worth the $60 a year, at least when you compare the quality of service to the PSN and whatever Nintendo calls its service these days.

Gone Rampant

New member
Feb 12, 2012
I think Deus Ex Invisible War is really good.

I don't really think mush of the Bourne Movies.

I like Buffy The Vampire Slayer Seasons 6 and 7, and like the comics.

I enjoy the Matrix Trilogy as a whole (Even though the third one has little to no Matrix).

I don't like the ending to Return Of The Jedi.

I enjoy everything about the Star Wars prequels that isn't called Hayden Christinson.

I think EA and Valve are two of the best publishers/developers out there (EA at least publishes a fair few games like Mirror's Edge/Dead Space before we all knew it'd be good), but I despise Origin and will never play modern day PC EA games because of it (Steam forever! Even though I don't actually use it!).

I think that's it, really. Oh, wait:

I think Karren Travis is a good writer when she's not bashing Catherine Halsey/The Jedi.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Gatx said:
regalphantom said:
The Dark Knight Rises was the best of Nolan's Batman Trilogy. Additionally, the target audience for Nolan's Batman films was not fans of the Batman franchise.
I would like to explain. I feel like the Dark Knight Rises actually went out of its way to appeal more to fans of the Batman franchise, and personally thought the epic scale of Rises and its pacing detracted from the overall film. I though thematically it tried too hard to sound like a logical next step to the conclusion reached at the end of the Dark Knight so it would appear as if it was always meant to be a trilogy even though it obviously wasn't.
My statement was based on my personal observations. I found that people who were less familiar with the batman franchise got more enjoyment out of the series. The most clear example are that people who did not know that Thalia was Ra's Al Ghul's only surviving child found a certain plot twist more surprising. Additionally, people who didn't already have their own ideas about how bane was supposed to be represented found him more enjoyable.

Gatx said:
regalphantom said:
The Twilight books are far from the worst series that I have ever read. Additionally, Stephanie Meyer is not a bad (as in untalented) author, she just knows her target audience.
I personally think she got lucky with her writing tapping into a large audience which I'm surprised was not reached before. Maybe it's because women were embarrassed to buy the most comparable type of books previous, the ones with a bare-chested Fabio on the cover.
I agree that her success was in part due to luck, but remember that you make your own luck, and she was able to effectively reach an extremely large female audience. You make an interesting point about the cover, as well. However, I still feel that the Twilight books did have some well written and developed characters, and introduced some potentially interesting characters and setting. However, those good parts were largely overshadowed by her obvious pandering to her target demographic, which is specifically women over the age of twelve who were not avid readers.