Generally Accepted Gaming Facts


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
"Generally accepted facts"? You mean stereotypes? Like that all gamers are teen-age boys who are nerds or that all games are for kids? I've lived long enough to know that stereotypes don't reflect the truth very well.

I think for everything I would propose there is a counter-example and to be well educated is not to know a lot, but to know all the counter-examples.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
Jamboxdotcom said:
QTEs suck.
Escort quests suck.
and finally, bad controls are not an acceptable substitute for actual difficulty.
Depends on the situation. Nobody ever seems to have a problem with God of Wars QTEs.
And yes.

Movie games always suck with the exception of Spiderman 2.
Platforming with fixed camera angles will always suck.
Everybody who uses legitimate strategies either cheated or their strategy is overpowered.
MCDeltaT said:
The Water Temple is equivalent to receiving a colonoscopy from Edward Scissorhands
Actually I normally find the water temples piss easy. No it is the temples that use darkness (As in lack of light in the rooms making things completely black) as the main gimmick are the ones that get under your skin.


New member
Dec 26, 2010
Tutorials are becoming more prevalent and less likable. Same goes for QTEs.

Also, every game ever is overrated. It's just a matter of how overrated it is. A lot (anything Halo or Final Fantasy), or a little (anything by Valve, plenty of indie games). Don't worry, I've already got the self-immolation covered.


New member
Dec 26, 2010
Oh, and while I'm at it, the whole quest mechanic found in virtually every WRPG ever (multiplayer or not) isn't nearly as fun or exciting as anyone ever makes it out to be.

I mean... is having to kill twenty kobolds in order to get a randomly generated artifact from an NPC who stands in place forever really the pinnacle of video game storytelling? Maybe if it happened once or twice in a game, but there are games built entirely around this mechanic (Bethesda anyone?). It basically turns the player-character into a glorified errand boy/delivery man. Be nice if I had some emotional investment in these tasks for a change.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
efrafa_6 said:
MercurySteam said:
2. Some of the best RPGs you'll ever play will be Bioware RPGs.
Oh my god.
Even if you don't play any of Bioware's older games there's still the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening. I made that post before DA2 came out, but even so you don't have to act like a jackass.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
MercurySteam said:
efrafa_6 said:
MercurySteam said:
2. Some of the best RPGs you'll ever play will be Bioware RPGs.
Oh my god.
Even if you don't play any of Bioware's older games there's still the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening. I made that post before DA2 came out, but even so you don't have to act like a jackass.
Good one.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Bethesda games will always be ridiculously glitchy, but people will buy them anyway and complain when they knew exactly what they were getting into when they bought the game.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
1. Most Japanese games suck balls
2. The Japanese games which don't suck balls were all made over 20 years ago
3. Japanese games sucking balls is a good thing for the games industry because it has taught us what not to do when making a game.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
when you have to sprint more then 10 metres in any FPS the character is out of breath like a fat bloke on a treadmill.

MMO related - its sods law that an item u want from a dungeon for a perticular character never drops for that character but momment you do the dungeon on a diffirent character it will drop first time.

in any RPG 80%+ of the worlds populous have it in for you and want to kill you.

Chanel Tompkins

New member
Nov 8, 2011
Well...the main one I've run into is that most games are either successful franchise games or knockoffs of those successful franchises meant to snag cheap and clueless granmas looking for a present. However, I do heartily disagree with the notion that games that aren't franchise cows are bad.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
There's always something wrong with the controller. (also known as the "I can't lose to you excuse.")

There's always one more baddie and he will kill you.

In a good game if you take your eyes off the clock time will jump forward 2 hours.

In a bad game 10 minutes will feel like 2 hours.

Non-combat portions of games will always be more engaging then combat portions.

Combat portions of games will always be more stimulating then non-combat portions.

AAA titles will always focus on the latter.

Rushed Movie tie-in games will never be good.

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

100% Bug free is a fantasy even by fantasy standards.

The game will be pirated, no matter what developers try.