Generally Accepted Gaming Facts


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Jul 12, 2010
Eadd said:
ShadowHand25 said:
MCDeltaT said:
The Water Temple is equivalent to receiving a colonoscopy from Edward Scissorhands
You know, I hear a lot of shit about the Water Temple, but I didn't think it was all that bad.
So either my memory is bit foggy (very possible), or I'm just better at Legend of Zelda (also very possible) [insert smug face]
Zelda Ocarina of Time was the mother-*****! Must be your memory dude. Dust off the N64 and prepare your bum bum for some not so fun times!
Nope... just played OoT 3D, and not only is the Water Temple not so bad, but Master Quest Water Temple ain't that bad.

I conclude that I am super awesome at Zelda games.

So, [raspberries]!


New member
Jul 12, 2010
chromewarriorXIII said:
Macabre9037 said:
IamQ said:
Red barrels explode.
Unless you are in Saints Row, in which case the white ones do.
Or if you're in Borderlands, in which case they all explode.

If you're in a racing game, you are invincible and no matter how bad the crash, you will be able to keep driving.
Destruction Derby 64. Myth: busted


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Even if it's on your side the computer still hates you.

Goddamn bots and your crafty ways.


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Jul 6, 2011
Battlefield will never beat COD

Daystar Clarion said:
Call of Duty games, despite no real improvements, will sell eleventy million copies every new installment. (don't get me wrong, I like the franchise, but it's taking the piss now).
EA will always make dumb choices and will always get away with untill eventully they'll be boycotted for good.

Activision will always be one of the richest comapnies in the world even that they are greedy and dont give a fuck about the consumers.

Valve is one of the only Develepoer & publisher that actually cars about their consumers.

Origin is obivously a way of EA to try to have an advantage on valve.

Fallout games have bad fire fights.

Microsoft is greedy as hell and still will always get away with it.

sony dont care about their consumers.

Oblivion & fallout games will always be glitchy.

IGN has crappy reviews.

Duke nukem lost his touch.

Nintedo will keep making old franchies remakes and with horribly fail

I add comapnies too.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
console gamers never respect AFK
Players always exploit A.I. weakness
Rockstar have been making the same game over and over again in different locations and still make money
Team Bondi were unfairly treated in the workplace
Valve never produce a bad game
Health and ammo mean a big battle is coming up
People love to play guitar hero but its hard to find a singer
No A.I. will be as clever as in Rise of the Robots
On hard difficulty A.I. team mates never kill A.I. enemies, they shoot at each other for hours until you get involved
In racing games when you crash all the other cars slow down allowing you to catch up
Every Codemasters game has issues with its online leaderboards
The A.I. in HL2 work in a hive mind format more so then any other game ever made
L.A. Noire's doubt question always over reacts
Crysis 2 is awful compared to the original
Powerful weapons have long reload times
Every bad guy carries 1 clip of ammo when they die even if they have been firing at you
Health regenerates if you hide behind walls
Battlefield is a PC orientated franchise and COD is a console franchise


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Call of Duty games, despite no real improvements, will sell eleventy million copies every new installment. (don't get me wrong, I like the franchise, but it's taking the piss now).
Thats why I only ever bought MW2 and called it a day.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
No matter how teamwork oriented a game is designed to be, there will be no teamwork.
TF2 is /sometimes/ an exception. But not always.

I will always always always hate spies.
Being backstabbed by yourself is horrible.

COD and Battlefield, as well as every sports game ever, will never really change. And Pokemon.

People who play train simulators are inexplicable.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
-EA exists to buyout, exploit and consume otherwise talented and respectable developers.
-MMORPGs require grind in some form to make money.
-Final Fantasy will never break "Mediocre" from FF10 onward.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
MercurySteam said:
All in the title. What generally accepted gaming facts to you believe in/you have grown to believe?

My top three:

1. Whether people like it or not, Halo has made enough money to warrant it's popularity.
2. Some of the best RPGs you'll ever play will be Bioware RPGs.
3. Gabe Newell ate HL2E3.


Duke Nukem: Forever is never coming out.

Your turn.

NOTE: If anyone has any problem with the first one then do try to remember back to to the good old days of Halo: CE or least try to remember what got you interested in the first place.
1) How do you know that? where in The Library or Babel says that it sold because it is actually good and made original ideas that no other game has done already?? how do you know that it wasnt well marketed?? Disaster Movie also made lots of money even if its a piece of crap unlike Citizen Kane that flopped at the box office.

2) So i guess that people no longer reinstall "Deus Ex 1" or "IJI" when they want to play a good Action RPG (not an action game WITH RPG elements) or even "Sacrifice" (3rd Person RTS with Roleplay on the story aspect)

I will make my own Duke Nukem Forever kind of joke:
Legacy of Kain The Dark Prophesy will never be released and the series already has too many plot holes to be saved anyway.

Roger Ebert wanted to feel needed and be special when he said that "Games are not Art" because no one gives a shit about his criticism on movies anymore (see his GOOD reviews of Revenge of the Sith and Avatar) and has to ***** about something that he knows that its too weak to defend itself properly (like the game industry)

Make your move


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
DioWallachia said:
1) How do you know that? where in The Library or Babel says that it sold because it is actually good and made original ideas that no other game has done already?? how do you know that it wasnt well marketed?? Disaster Movie also made lots of money even if its a piece of crap unlike Citizen Kane that flopped at the box office.
Becasue I still maintain that sitting down with a group of friends for a game of custom Slayer as one of the simplest pleasures a gamer can expericence, despite the fact that I don't even play Halo much anymore.

DioWallachia said:
2) So i guess that people no longer reinstall "Deus Ex 1" or "IJI" when they want to play a good Action RPG (not an action game WITH RPG elements) or even "Sacrifice" (3rd Person RTS with Roleplay on the story aspect)
I never said that. Stop making disingenuous assertions.

Besides, I made this thread over a year ago. I'm finding it difficult to care about arguments other people make as of now.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
MercurySteam said:
DioWallachia said:
1) How do you know that? where in The Library or Babel says that it sold because it is actually good and made original ideas that no other game has done already?? how do you know that it wasnt well marketed?? Disaster Movie also made lots of money even if its a piece of crap unlike Citizen Kane that flopped at the box office.
Becasue I still maintain that sitting down with a group of friends for a game of custom Slayer as one of the simplest pleasures a gamer can expericence, despite the fact that I don't even play Halo much anymore.

DioWallachia said:
2) So i guess that people no longer reinstall "Deus Ex 1" or "IJI" when they want to play a good Action RPG (not an action game WITH RPG elements) or even "Sacrifice" (3rd Person RTS with Roleplay on the story aspect)
I never said that. Stop making disingenuous assertions.

Besides, I made this thread over a year ago. I'm finding it difficult to care about arguments other people make as of now.
I just fail to recognize how something can be "fact" in this day an Age of Information. That is why i used the CK reference there, its because people give for granted or "fact" that is the best movie of all time and yet it didnt make money back. This kind of information may rise a few questions, just saying.

The formula of "Best movie ever almost ALWAYS flops at the box office and after some time, for some unexplained reason, people will declare it a gem and everyone should see it when the time that the movie needed support already passed and the producers will NEVER try something like that out of fear of another flop because people dont really know what the fuck they want"

Lets look at it from a more awful perspective. People say that the modern shooters of today are crap and that the older games are munch better but i know that someday someone will scream that they are the best games ever when they are already gone.
I fell that people said the same thing to Citizen Kane when it came out "the older movies are better" or "CK is an all-American triumph of style over substance" and yet years later its the best thing ever.......just in time for movies like John Carpenter's The Thing and Blade Runner get reviled for being inferior.........and just to be declared best things ever munch later over and over and over.

See why i cant take seriously the facts anymore?? i dont know where to stand


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
DioWallachia said:
I just fail to recognize how something can be "fact" in this day an Age of Information. That is why i used the CK reference there, its because people give for granted or "fact" that is the best movie of all time and yet it didnt make money back. This kind of information may rise a few questions, just saying.
Alright, well allow me to remedy this situation with a quote from my OP:

MercurySteam said:
All in the title. What generally accepted gaming facts do you believe in?
It's all about what you believe in. Beliefs are all about preference. If you have a common gaming belief then congrats, you've found something to add to the thread. The thread is not about questioning what other people have said, it's about bringing your own opinions to the table.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
If you are in the first town in a (J)RPG get out of there, chances are that the town will soon explode/vanish/other.

Also in a JRPG you have a hard time figuring out who's a guy or a girl.

Black Arrow Officer

New member
Jun 20, 2011
Making games less tedious and more fun is a mortal sin

Any sequel that does not play exactly like the predecessor is inferior

A good story makes up for poor everything else

Splinter Cell Conviction is never to be mentioned, as it has committed the heinous crime of being a fun new twist on the series

Grinding is what makes an RPG great, not fun quest lines or challenging dungeons