Keava said:
While this whole argument is idiotic, i still find the fact that picking a State in US law can pretty much win or loose you the case. That's the most idiotic law system ever invented and even with such ignorant excuses, it well deserves to be abused. Just decide on one law and get over it rather than trying to choose the 'best' judge for your case.
You may be missing one crucial thing here. The US in USA stands for "United States". It is not a single country like Canada is for example but is effectively
fifty separate "countries", each with their own laws and by-laws. They are however united and share some common laws, a common currency, common armed forces and so on.
A state with enough people could if they chose decide not to be a part of the US. States vary on the death penalty, age on consent, tax rates and social welfare, driving test requirements and so on. The US is not one country but a Union of 50 separate ones, like the Federation in Star Trek is many planets, how the United Kingdom is 4 separate countries, the European Union is made up of all the European countries, etc.
On original subject, I hope Geohot gets away with it because he's this generations foremost hax0r. The problem I would have with him trying to let that excuse fly is that he's a damned genius and knows Sony, Apple and their hardware/firmware inside and out and top to bottom. There's zero chance someone with that intelligence didn't realise Sony America existed.