Geohot Claims He's Never Heard of Sony Computer Entertainment of America

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
I don't care now that he may be in wrongdoing, which 99.99% he is, but I'm just in it for the lols now. And there big lols.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Kalezian said:
John Marcone said:
Honestly I just hope he throws every single trick in the book at them just to be an asshole.
Even if he loses, I hope he costs them so much in legal fees and bad press that it is still worth it. He can declare bankruptcy avoiding most of the costs and wander off smiling.

no he cant [].

Again, we have laws that prevent people from walking away when they are forced to pay X amount to Y person/company/municipality, because this is in court, and due to the amount that Sony is seeking, Geo would have to sell everything and basically work for free to pay everything that is owed.

sure, he could perhaps file for a settlement and have to pay a fraction of what the damages are, but then again, if he is as stupid as he is claiming, then he wouldn't have the slightest idea on how to go about doing something like that.

all in all, bankruptcy isn't a magical tool used to get out of paying things, it fucks your credit beyond fuckable, most companies wont hire you if you filed for bankruptcy in the past 7 years, and even if you did scrape by with barely any damage utility companies would gouge the hell out of your security deposits since your credit is in the negatives.

Xzi said:
Frostbite3789 said:
Xzi said:
Sony screwed their customers, and then Sony got screwed right back. They deserve no sympathy.
Having been a PS3 owner for sometime around release, I haven't ever felt screwed. You only feel screwed if you're trying to cheat the system and do things with your console you aren't supposed to.
Oh, things you aren't supposed to be be doing? You mean like install another operating system as advertised by Sony?
a feature that was later removed BY Sony and is no longer advertised, you mean?
But a feature that was advertised at the time many of the consumers purchased it, with the intention of using that feature. The removal of the install other OS is unjustifiable, somehow removing it from all future consoles (Such as was the case with backwards compatability) is fine (ish... still a dick move) removing it from consoles that people have purchased, and purchased with the knowledge they could use that feature is not fine.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Hahaha... No.

I'm pretty sure if you played any sony games or opened the box it says SCEoA somehwere. Thats like killing somebody then saying I didnt know there was such a thing as murder, I just thought it was his/her time.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
So he's going with a loophole defense out of the gate, eh? For a second there I though this case was going to be about the legality of the terms Sony puts on him but...

Have at him Sony. I may not agree with everything you do but after this guy did what he did I say you're in the right to go after him.


Aug 24, 2009
KafkaOffTheBeach said:
Holy jesus fuck.
I can't believe there are people actually supporting him.
It's almost as if you think he was trying to do something good and noble, and that Sony, that big, bad, multinational corporation, are just trying to crush the little man for wanting to have more fun with their products.
He hacked it purely to pirate games under the guise of bringing back the Other OS for private use, a feature which he failed to activate on any of his hacked consoles. This is not a case of some white knight of justice and good standing up against an innumerable and oppressive evil - this is a case of somebody basically saying "come at me bro" to Sony by fucking with their shit and releasing said 'fucking with' tools on the internet, and then, when Sony actually decides to come at the bro, he becomes some sort of paragon - as opposed to a paramour.
Also - "Hotz has thus far been pretty straight about the stuff".
What the fuck have you been following?
All he has done is create smokescreen after smokescreen - "I never had a PSN account" "It was made to restore the Other OS" "I don't know who SCEA is and I have never heard of them" "Please give me donations because I am a good and just person that is fighting the badguys who want to take my fun away".

And remember, this is not a case of "oh, I might like Sony, therefore Geohotz is the devil his ain sel!" - this is a case of Geohotz facing consequences which he knew he might face, but didn't think he would.
On another note - I find him pretty fucking annoying, so...
I'm with you 100% on this.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Wait, so first you leave the country, then you say you don't know that the company you sued existed? Playing stupid to get away from this won't save you, and to quote Duke Nukem:

What a pussy.
(yes, I know this is more just a quote, but I find it really amusing when Duke Nukem says it)
Then again, this guy could just be trying to piss them off. That would be funny.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Xzi said:
I don't even have a PS3. I'm just tired of these companies believing that they can abuse the paying customer in any way they like, and sue anybody who gets in their way. With that being your policy, of course there's always going to be somebody waiting to fuck you right back. It's unfortunate, but it happened. Time for Sony to move on.
It's funny, y'know, because its like you think that Geohotz is in the right, or that he has some sort of 'moral high ground' in all of this.
Apr 29, 2010
I find it really hard to believe that this guy has never heard of Sony Computer Entertainment of America. It just seems impossible.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Erm I've had my playstations for about 2 years now, I've changed it's hard drive and replaced it's blue ray laser and you know... I've never heard of SCEA(not until I read of it in this thread any way) so I see it as a plausable response to sonys lawyers even if he is lying through his teeth, it's not like Sony are exactly playing the good guys in this case from what I've read so I'm glad he's pulled this trick.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I cannot stand this guy. All he does is make himself look more guilty every time he he tries to make a defense. I hope Sony gets him for something. They must be catching so much crap from game developers and publishers because of this guy.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Xzi said:
He's not right. He's less wrong than Sony, however. So there you have it.
He might be less 'wrong' than Sony morally, from your perspective.
In terms of actual legality - despite the fact that both cases are pretty shaky - Sony have quite the upper hand.