Geohot Claims He's Never Heard of Sony Computer Entertainment of America

Apr 28, 2008
Can we just move on so people an see how much bullshit the EULA's are so that they can be revised to be more consumer-friendly? Please?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
this is ether the most brilliant bullshit move ever (that could very well win it for him)
he really is that dumb, ether way, this has finally gotten interesting for me


New member
Mar 19, 2010
But if he didn't know murder was wrong and kills someone, should he be able to play the ignorance card? He knows hacking is wrong. His excuse doesn't fly.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Holy jesus fuck.
I can't believe there are people actually supporting him.
It's almost as if you think he was trying to do something good and noble, and that Sony, that big, bad, multinational corporation, are just trying to crush the little man for wanting to have more fun with their products.
He hacked it purely to pirate games under the guise of bringing back the Other OS for private use, a feature which he failed to activate on any of his hacked consoles. This is not a case of some white knight of justice and good standing up against an innumerable and oppressive evil - this is a case of somebody basically saying "come at me bro" to Sony by fucking with their shit and releasing said 'fucking with' tools on the internet, and then, when Sony actually decides to come at the bro, he becomes some sort of paragon - as opposed to a paramour.
Also - "Hotz has thus far been pretty straight about the stuff".
What the fuck have you been following?
All he has done is create smokescreen after smokescreen - "I never had a PSN account" "It was made to restore the Other OS" "I don't know who SCEA is and I have never heard of them" "Please give me donations because I am a good and just person that is fighting the badguys who want to take my fun away".

And remember, this is not a case of "oh, I might like Sony, therefore Geohotz is the devil his ain sel!" - this is a case of Geohotz facing consequences which he knew he might face, but didn't think he would.
On another note - I find him pretty fucking annoying, so...


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Not knowing the law doesn't make you exempt from the law. I was a juror on a drunk driving case where the man wanted his license back. He lost it because he refused to take the breathalyzer which automatically takes away your license. He said that he didn't know that was the law. At the end of the day, he didn't get his license back.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Irridium said:
Can we just move on so people an see how much bullshit the EULA's are so that they can be revised to be more consumer-friendly? Please?
I don't care about Sony or GeoHot in this case. I care about the precedent that will be set. The EULA was never a reasonable legal agreement and needs to be started from scratch. I'm with you.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
John Marcone said:
Even if he loses, I hope he costs them so much in legal fees and bad press that it is still worth it. He can declare bankruptcy avoiding most of the costs and wander off smiling.
It isn't as easy as that since BAPCPA was enacted. The banks (shortly before they needed a bailout from the same people that they inflicted BAPCPA on) made it a helluva lot harder to "wander off smiling". Also, if he declares bankruptcy, his lawyers don't get paid and, if he thinks they won't turn on him like a rabid pitbull in an attempt to get any bankruptcy case either dismissed or shuffled over to Chapter 13, he's got a big surprise waiting.

Plus, the time period that it takes for the bankruptcy to be written off your credit score starts when it is resolved which, under ch. 13, is when you've paid off the amount that the amount that the bankruptcy judge orders you to pay which can be the full amount. (Remember that BAPCPA forces you to take credit counseling and that information is then released to every credit source on their mailing list.)

And a lot of creditors use accounting tricks to keep the bankruptcy on the books well after the 7-10 year period. While you can take legal action against them if they do....oops! Your credit score is still crap because of the bankruptcy and lawyers are likely to be a lot more hesitant to take your case.

*pant, pant*

Sorry. It's just that, while I don't work in personal accounting, I am an accountant. Watching people continue to perpetuate the internet/talk radio fueled myth that Bankruptcy is something that you can just "walk away from smiling" is like watching people claim that walking up to a full-grown grizzly and slapping it in the face is perfectly safe. It just grates my Wensleydale.

OT: A long while back, I said that it's a good thing that Jack Thompson was incompetant (and mildly insane) because, in the hands of a more competant person, some of his arguments might actually have gained some traction. Hotz is beginning to seem more like the homebrew version of Jack Thompson. Amusing for awhile but impossible to side with. At this point, I'm beginning to root more for both parties to get wrecked by the case......or for Sony to just follow Sega's lead and get out of the hardware side of the video game industry.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Xzi said:
Oh, things you aren't supposed to be be doing? You mean like install another operating system as advertised by Sony?
But he didn't....none of his hacked consoles had Other OS reactivated....


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Xzi said:
Frostbite3789 said:
Xzi said:
Sony screwed their customers, and then Sony got screwed right back. They deserve no sympathy.
Having been a PS3 owner for sometime around release, I haven't ever felt screwed. You only feel screwed if you're trying to cheat the system and do things with your console you aren't supposed to.
Oh, things you aren't supposed to be be doing? You mean like install another operating system as advertised by Sony?
Really? You were forced to download the patch? I know I wasn't, I chose to because I enjoy playing games online. Which meant I had to accept the new terms of service, which meant I could no longer use Linux on my PS3. I was perfectly ok with this. Sucks if you weren't, but you didn't have to patch.

"Ohhh, but then I couldn't play games online." Ok, so? Don't play games online? I really don't see the huge problem. It was unfortunate, but it happened. Time to move on.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
LeonLethality said:
How in god's name does he think he can get away with playing stupid? The guy clearly is not that much of an idiot to not know that SCEA exists, he was smart enough to crack the PS3 so I'm 100% positive he is smart enough to know SCEA exists. Heck I knew it existed more than ten years ago!

Also thank you for using the rap video picture of him in any news related to this, it always makes me laugh.
While I believe he knows fine well that SCEA exists knowing that isn't based on how smart you are I doubt the majority of MENSA members know of its existence and they are certified geniuses.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
If i may say so i never knew that "Sony Computer Entertainment of America"... i alwayys tought it was from Japan.... guess i never got around to read the manuals myself.... xD