George R.R. Martin Wants A Song of Ice and Fire to End With Him


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
1337mokro said:
rob_simple said:
1337mokro said:

I don't agree. Sure it would be a sad thing but in the end you are dead. Your idea now belongs to humanity rather than just one person. Now thanks to Disney though we still have to wait 60 years after you croak before we can start desecrating your work but it will and should happen.

Such is the nature of ideas. They can't be yours forever.

Imagine if we still had to pay money to build airplanes and could only build biplanes just because the original inventor didn't want his "vision of biplanes sullied by single winged planes" (yes powered flight, all flight with engines, WAS patented at one time).

You can have the original books be the only thing that is actually canon but you can't section of a part of our culture as private territory forever.
Then why not go make up your own stories in a completely different world, instead of desecrating the work of others with fanfic nonsense? If you concede that anything that does get done after his death is not going to be canon, anyway, then it's still abiding by the guy's wishes.

This is why the world is full of over-saturated bullshit nowadays, because people never know when to leave well enough alone.

Also, your plane analogy doesn't work at all, since air travel is actually hugely beneficial to international trade and hindering it would have a catastrophic effect on the global economy.

The only reason to bastardise a classic work of fiction is to line the pockets of the greedy and serve as a masturbatory aid for fanboys who don't know what's good for them.
Why is there a right to not have shit floating around? Why not be allowed to use something as inspiration several decades after it was first made?

Seriously imagine if George Lucas did not have copyright till fucking 2070? The time around which I fucking retire from the job I don't even have yet and I was born after the movies were made! Imagine what you could do to salvage that universe with someone who actually can make movies at the helm?

You see you focus on the bad parts. I can ignore the bad parts. What I can't do is ignore the possible gems I might never get to enjoy because of restrictive copyright and auteur mentality.

Though please do explain to me how bastardizing a work of classic fiction worked out for Disney. Are they not some of your favourite movies from your childhood? What BASTARDS!!! It's a good thing they lobbied long and hard to make sure no one else could build an empire on public domain work... not even small time fans who just enjoy to write short stories or make small fan movies or fan mods for games. What horrible greedy people those are.

Like the Middle Earth Skyrim mod that was slapped in the face righteously so because these horrible disgusting scummy people were bastardizing the Tolkien works by making a mod for a game for it...

Narrow views. They are abundant.
Cherry picking, ain't it something? If you're asking me to weigh up my enjoyment of Disney films --and yeah, they're alright, although I enjoy the originals more than the ones lifted from existing stories-- against the fucking deluge of slashfic bullshit that floods the internet I think I could live without The Jungle Book existing.

There's a difference between 'taking inspiration' and just jumping on the bloated cash cow corpse to try and wring out a few more sequels to an already convoluted universe. I don't think there's a single author in existence who doesn't admit to taking inspiration from other great authors, but the ones we remember are the ones who use that inspiration to build their own stories, rather than just hitch their wagon to whatever's popular.

Case in point: J.K. Rowling. She gets a lot of shit for ripping off Tolkien, and while the accusations aren't entirely unfounded at least she created her own universe with some borrowed ideas, and as a result has created a story that is now just as beloved by a generation as Tolkien's work was.

Other than that, you talk almost entirely in hypothetical situations, with this stuff about 'gems I might never get to enjoy,' but I say, if there really is someone fit to take Martin's place as writer to this Game of Thrones stuff, but he is not allowed to do so, then they will use their inspiration to create their own worlds with their own characters.

A good writer will create good material no matter what they are writing about; a hack writer will only succeed by cashing in on an established universe.

And I'm sorry but I don't really understand your Star Wars point? Given that it's the strongest argument we have in this day and age for leaving a property alone.


Notably Neutral
Jan 12, 2010
Akichi Daikashima said:
ecoho said:
Akichi Daikashima said:
First of all, I hope he is okay: people rarely discuss their own mortality unless things are at least a tad wrong

Secondly, I would like it to end with him too, I don't want another Wheel of Time ending on our hands, or the way that Dune went.
ok gotta ask what do you mean by another wheel of time ending?
Well how the author died.

And the work had to be continued by someone else and it wasn't as good.

Good, but not as much, like Season 4 of Community(without that ending though).

Though that may be a harsh comparison, as S4 was definitely the nadir of the entire show.
Isn't like, any and all criticism of Community irrelevant since Dan Harmon is coming back to the show for season 5? I kinda get sick of people shitting on Community lately. I mean yeah, we're losing Donald Glover (And frankly, I'm kinda pissed off it's because 'IMMA GET MY OWN SHOW, KEWL BRO') but gaining Harmon back after the dudes who had to handle season 4 CLEARLY were just trying to keep the show alive long enough for NBC to kick Chevy Chase's ass off the show for being too much of a pompous asshole, I'm pretty happy with it. And it did a decent job picking itself back up in the later part of the season.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Valkaris said:
Rednog said:
Knowing how much of a troll Martin is, he'll finish the last book and then torch himself and the book while laughing like a maniac as we all shit out pants.

My guess as to how it all ends:
John Snow is actually a Targaryen, Daenerys finally comes across the sea, her dragons wipe out the others, the wartorn and tired Westeros unite under her and John's marriage.

Yup. That's about how I expect it will go down.
Isn't this the most popular theory. Jon will likely even get Viserion to mirror Ghost.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
rob_simple said:
And I'm sorry but I don't really understand your Star Wars point? Given that it's the strongest argument we have in this day and age for leaving a property alone.
I'm sorry what?

It's the strongest argument we have that we should not let the original author have their ways with their work all the time. There is a limit to an artist's power over their works because they do not only belong to him. They are as much the "property" of our culture as they are the artist's actual property.

You see the man meddling here is not some fan making bad movies, it's not a jungle book fanfic. It's the original creator. Star Wars is essentially similar to if Martin decided that he didn't like all the deaths after all and released a Directors Rewrite that removes all deaths in his books. Not to mention several pre-quel books that explain why the mad king was the mad king.

It is the ultimate example of how auteur behaviour can go wrong. How something can be destroyed by their own creator simply because they can't stop meddling with it. Solo shot first.

Like I said, the bad things you can ignore. Why are you on spending all your time on fan fic sites reading Jungle Book when you can't stand them? You created that problem yourself. I am not much bothered by jungle book fan fics because I don't read them. However the Skyrim Mods? I would have loved those. They might have been horrible. They might have been awful. You know what I'd do then? Uninstal and move on.

Bad fan works or bad works based on public domains are not some inescapable evil. You decide how many of those you actually get to see. Now a work that was never made because the children of a dead author somehow have the rights to his works despite that being the exact opposite intention of copyright law is a greater crime to culture than any 100 god awful final fantasy fan fics.

Also how amusing that you seem to think that authors are flawless. That the only two options are Author with 0 bad works or Author with only bad works. People make shit all the time, you might not get to read the shit because the publisher blocked it, you might get to read the shit if the publisher thinks it will sell anyway. Even people good at their job make mistakes. There is no such thing as the perfect artist, most certainly not Martin.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
1337mokro said:
1337mokro said:
rob_simple said:
And I'm sorry but I don't really understand your Star Wars point? Given that it's the strongest argument we have in this day and age for leaving a property alone.
I'm sorry what?

It's the strongest argument we have that we should not let the original author have their ways with their work all the time. There is a limit to an artist's power over their works because they do not only belong to him. They are as much the "property" of our culture as they are the artist's actual property.

You see the man meddling here is not some fan making bad movies, it's not a jungle book fanfic. It's the original creator. Star Wars is essentially similar to if Martin decided that he didn't like all the deaths after all and released a Directors Rewrite that removes all deaths in his books. Not to mention several pre-quel books that explain why the mad king was the mad king.

It is the ultimate example of how auteur behaviour can go wrong. How something can be destroyed by their own creator simply because they can't stop meddling with it. Solo shot first.

Like I said, the bad things you can ignore. Why are you on spending all your time on fan fic sites reading Jungle Book when you can't stand them? You created that problem yourself. I am not much bothered by jungle book fan fics because I don't read them. However the Skyrim Mods? I would have loved those. They might have been horrible. They might have been awful. You know what I'd do then? Uninstal and move on.

Bad fan works or bad works based on public domains are not some inescapable evil. You decide how many of those you actually get to see. Now a work that was never made because the children of a dead author somehow have the rights to his works despite that being the exact opposite intention of copyright law is a greater crime to culture than any 100 god awful final fantasy fan fics.

Also how amusing that you seem to think that authors are flawless. That the only two options are Author with 0 bad works or Author with only bad works. People make shit all the time, you might not get to read the shit because the publisher blocked it, you might get to read the shit if the publisher thinks it will sell anyway. Even people good at their job make mistakes. There is no such thing as the perfect artist, most certainly not Martin.
So what is it you think other people would achieve by heaping more lore on top of the already convoluted Star Wars universe mess? If I'm not mistaken, there are plenty of writers working on expanded universe stuff for Star Wars and, while some is good and some is bad, all it is doing is throwing more shit on the pile.

It's probably not a coincidence that Lord of the Rings is still considered a classic work of fiction (and I say that as someone who hates LotR) while Star Wars is a complete joke nowadays. It doesn't matter if it's George Lucas or any of the people writing expanded universe stuff, we simply don't need that much Star Wars shit in the world.

Also, at no point have I implied authors are flawless. I love Stephen King in spite of the fact that he has written some god-awful shit, but the thing is even when his stories are bad his writing is still good so it makes his crap stuff bearable. There's a reason why Stephen King is known for having written some ropey stuff, and that is because he has written a shitload of different stories. I struggle to think of any of his famous novels that are based on the exact same premise. He may be hit-and-miss at times, but he is an extremely varied writer.

The problem with your whole anti-auteur attitude is that I can think of considerably more works that have been ruined by the rights holder pimping them out than I can examples of work that has been ruined by the content creator saying 'please leave my stuff alone'.

The difference is, if I'm not allowed to write my own James Bond novel, I can just write a spy story about Bames Jond, and maybe it'll be just as successful and launch my character into the spotlight or maybe it will fail and never be heard of again, but if I write a James Bond novel and it turns out to be shite then it's permanently attached to the franchise --whether it's declared canon or not-- and slowly but surely all that shit mounts up until the franchise becomes as much of a joke as Star Wars is, today.

As to your mod example, that's a completely different story, because it was in no way official or for profit (I assume) and I agree it shouldn't have been blocked. For that reason my fanfic example doesn't stand up either. What Martin seems to be talking about is official successors to his work, and I think it is his right as the creator to ask that, as far as the official canon goes, it die with him.

Let people write their fan fiction or their alternate universe stuff --because even if it isn't published, you're never going to stop that anyway-- but sometimes people need to learn when to let go, or else by the time I'm 60 I'm still going to be seeing trailers for Star Wars Episode XCIV.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
If George RR Martin dies and I don't get to see the end of ASoIaF, I will be crushed. I've been reading the series for over 10 years now.

The last time I got this into a big fantasy series, Robert Jordan ate shit and I was left with an unfinished saga. It drove me crazy!!! Sure, Sanderson wrote the rest of it using Jordan's notes. Kewl beans, it's too late though.

If Martin dies, I don't think I'll ever read a new big series again. There will never be a match for ASoIaF!

That being said, I would rather have things end the way they are than have some hack try to falsely forge the end of Martin's masterpiece. I would hope that he would put something in his will that upon his death, Westeros is no more.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Well, maybe if you'd FINISH THEM first, you wouldn't have to worry about that.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Lovely Mixture said:
Sounds good Martin
FalloutJack said:
Well, maybe if you'd FINISH THEM first, you wouldn't have to worry about that.
No fair, I was gonna post that.
I second this motion, even if it might sound entitled and spoiled.
But I had this kind of stuff already with Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time. Just finish your work before dying, alright?


New member
Feb 19, 2013
Game of Thrones is one of the most brilliant things i've ever seen, and it would be a massive shame to not see a canonical ending to the series. I want to know where he's going with this.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
1337mokro said:
Tell me, really, what is the difference between an established author publishing free fanfic that would end ASOIAF and him continuing it with the copyrights? The only difference is that there we actually respect the author's wishes. The series is like a child to him, and you want to give it to someone completely different who doesn't even know how the story is supposed to end? I don't want to hear the story of ASOIAF just because it's ASOIAF, I want to hear the story because it's a genius story created by GRRM, not somebody else. Anything else is just as good as fanfic, which there will be plenty of if he dies, so take your pick from that. If you so badly want an ending, you should not care about a stupid stamp that says "Yep, this is the official end". Because honestly, that end, will never be the real end, the way the original author had built everything. It's like building a massive castle, but someone else finishing the architecture with something that doesn't fit the slightest.

Robert Jordan passed his story along because he had someone he trusted who was close to him and the world he had created. If GRRM doesn't have anyone that truly understands the world he's created, then there's nobody who will be able to make it right.

Imagine a musician passing away, and someone else taking over his artistic name and making music under his name? It would be like spitting on the guy's grave. You seem to be under the impression that art belongs to the audience, not the creator. I'm not one to say that we must pay respect to the dead all the time. But when it comes to an artistic creation, we should do right by him and let him have his legacy. It's the only thing we have, and I'm sure GRRM would rather have him and his series remembered for what he did with it, not for how someone else did it (and possibly ruined it).

Speaking as someone who doesn't trust the afterlife, the only thing I think is truly worth anything is the legacy one leaves behind. To desecrate someone's legacy, is truly the face of utter disrespect.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
I would hope he comes to his senses and does the decent thing (Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time style) and make sure there is a pretty detailed sketch of where the story is going to end up at and the major pieces that will get it there, then make sure he's signed the legal documents to authorize the appointment of a "ghost-writer" (either from a pre-selected list or within certain guidelines for approval) to finish off the story if based on his sketches within a set number of books. And end it there.

It's totally possible, and he should seriously consider it. Oh, and don't bring up the DUNE thing, that isn't one story that is being stretched out - the original story was FINISHED and nobody cares that the son is recycling garbage now - if you read that crap you know what you're getting and deserve it.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Is the book series any better than the show?

Cause the show is boring as hell. All it is is talking and sex. I'd hope the books have better pacing.


Nov 5, 2013
yellost said:
Considering what happened to the Dune series, I'm totally with him on that one...
That was the first thing I thought of as well. Haven't bothered reading any with Brians name on the cover, but I've heard the sentiment from most people who have.

He'd better not die though. We've got science and the devil, with the two we should be able to keep him kicking long enough to finish the series.


Nov 5, 2013
RaikuFA said:
Is the book series any better than the show?

Cause the show is boring as hell. All it is is talking and sex. I'd hope the books have better pacing.
The books are awesome. The pacing in the show gets screwed up some times due to the crazy amount of material they need to cover. The book has all the time it needs to let things build and develop.

McMarbles said:
Do we have the technology to put heads in jars yet?
Heads in jars and people traveling through tubes. It's 2013, get your shit together science.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
AdagioBoognish said:
RaikuFA said:
Is the book series any better than the show?

Cause the show is boring as hell. All it is is talking and sex. I'd hope the books have better pacing.
The books are awesome. The pacing in the show gets screwed up some times due to the crazy amount of material they need to cover. The book has all the time it needs to let things build and develop.

McMarbles said:
Do we have the technology to put heads in jars yet?
Heads in jars and people traveling through tubes. It's 2013, get your shit together science.
That's good. I might have to pick it up sometime then.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
Rednog said:
Knowing how much of a troll Martin is, he'll finish the last book and then torch himself and the book while laughing like a maniac as we all shit out pants.

My guess as to how it all ends:
John Snow is actually a Targaryen, Daenerys finally comes across the sea, her dragons wipe out the others, the wartorn and tired Westeros unite under her and John's marriage.
Honestly, if it ended that way I would be disappointed. In a series as harrowing as A Song of Ice and Fire, I want an ending that live up to it's legacy, that ties things together thematically as well as logically.