Germany embassy in Sudan stormed

Mar 30, 2010
Whilst there's no doubt the 'film' that sparked all of this off was offensive and (probably) deliberately inflammatory, it's a shame to see reactionist zealots using it for their own ends. Islam teaches peace and tolerance, yet particular sects seem determined to cause grief for the sake of it. I fail to see the connection between the offence of 'someone in the US has slandered our Prophet' and 'let's attack the Germans'. Militant assholes -of any religion- need little justification for their actions and give a bad name to the vast majority of tolerant, law-abiding believers.
Mar 30, 2010
DragonLord Seth said:
Fappy said:
It's disgusting how easily a peaceful religion can get twisted and corrupted like this. Hopefully cooler-heads prevail and they can calm the radicals down.
First off, I know this is the first post in a 7-page long thread, and secondly, I'm sure others have pointed out your stupidity, and thirdly, I'm sure this is a troll, but I don't give a fuck.

Have you ever READ the Koran? The entire fucking premise is "KILL THE INFIDELS", die or convert by the sword. Islam was never peaceful, it wasn't peaceful when Muhammad was alive, it isn't peaceful now, and it won't be peaceful until we nuke it off the face of the fucking planet.
Yeah, 'cause the Bible has never advocated "an eye for an eye". And let's not forget that worshipping a false God is a sin, and "the wages of sin is death". Christianity is hardly a bed of roses either, bud.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
How come it seems these people have the THINNEST skin on the entire planet?


People insult my clothes, my politics, my preferences and my face and I dont care.
I dont go and burn down their house, slaughter their family, then declare myself better.

No only a completely barbaric degenerate does that.

Its a shame that so many Muslims who never did anything get painted with the same brush as these idiots.
Also...WHY piss off the country with the largest military, intelligence service, and military budget? That is just asking for a cruise missile up the arse.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Fappy said:
It's disgusting how easily a peaceful religion can get twisted and corrupted like this. Hopefully cooler-heads prevail and they can calm the radicals down.
What is this peaceful religion you mentioned?


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
This stream of events is rather disheartening, and my heart goes out for those lost in the conflict. I hope the creator of the movie is punished for the results of his actions--a result a movie like his aimed to create--in payment for the damage dealt.

To be honest, thinking deeply about this event is rather chilling, as for the first major time in my mature life, I can see the impacts of one upon the world--in this case, in a vastly negative aspect. The horror of the fact is rather boggling, and I hope the world leaders can find a way to ease the situation back into a (rather uneasy) calm.

Edit: Ooh-one positive thing. I don't feel like quoting this because it was way far back in the pages, but people were talking about how George Washington was the only non-party president and they were talking about having a non-party system like them good ol' days.
I would just like to quote the Federalist Papers Number 10: "Liberty is to faction what air is to fire." America has a very high probability of staying divided by political/ideological/societal differences that will create their own factions in order to ensue their own goal is met. This, with the American political system, is how it has worked, and, with the framework laid out, how it will continue working.


$20 For Steve
May 18, 2009
DragonLord Seth said:
Fappy said:
It's disgusting how easily a peaceful religion can get twisted and corrupted like this. Hopefully cooler-heads prevail and they can calm the radicals down.
First off, I know this is the first post in a 7-page long thread, and secondly, I'm sure others have pointed out your stupidity, and thirdly, I'm sure this is a troll, but I don't give a fuck.

Have you ever READ the Koran? The entire fucking premise is "KILL THE INFIDELS", die or convert by the sword. Islam was never peaceful, it wasn't peaceful when Muhammad was alive, it isn't peaceful now, and it won't be peaceful until we nuke it off the face of the fucking planet.
Take Christianity back a few hundred years and you could say the exact same thing about it. The only reason Christianity is palatable today is because thanks to things like the legal system, education, democracy, freedom of speech and secular government. If we took away those things it'd be the Spanish inquisition all over again.

The problematic radicals we face in today's world are not the product of any specific qualities of their respective religions. The problems arise when people put faith above reason as the best quality in a person. Only enemies of reason could do murder in response to a film made in a country on the other side of the world. Those who willingly lap up dogma, whether that be ideological dogma like communism or religious dogma like Christianity or Islam, they are the problem.

So by all means condemn Islam as a single irrational entity, however I feel you should only do so unless you are willing to condemn Christianity or Judaism and even certain practices within Buddhism. If Islam is not allowed to exist in your world I see no reason why that can't be applied to more mainstream Western religions as well.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Is it just me, or is Islam going through the same "phases" that Christianity went through? Given that Islam is about a thousand years younger than Christianity, I think that now that Muslims are now going through their "crusade phase". I'm not even joking. About 1000 years after Christianity was formed (give or take a century or two), the crusades happened. About 1000 years after Islam was formed (give or take a century or two), this madness started happening. So... does that mean in a few hundred years Islam will control the majority of the population with an iron fist?

Honestly, I hope I'm not the only one who notices this.

Also, good luck to people 1000 years from now who will have to put up with the radical Scientologist extremists.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Fappy said:
Do these radicals even understand that they are only making us hate their people more?
That is WHAT THEY WANT. They WANT us to hate them as much as they hate us. This is what they LIVE for and what they imagine excuses their behavior--and they think, somewhere in their twisted little hearts, that it'll get them into Heaven. They don't want to live. They want everyone who does, to die.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The real horror of Islam is not these murderous beasts, it is that the Islamic credo acts to disarm the decent people who would ordinarily keep the hideous criminals in check. When the book you believe is the word of god tells you to kill the infidel and stone gays and adulterous women and beat your wife if she contradicts you and that non-Muslims are less than human, no matter how much you *personally* believe that this is Stone Age nonsense and not true now . . . you won't speak out. Every person who doesn't speak up just makes the crazies seem more and more like they're the majority. So more and more and more people go along with them and even start to act crazy themselves to "fit in".

Islam is no "religion of peace"--unless by peace you mean "human sheep barely able to speak". It is the religion of making WOLVES into SHEEPDOGS.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
erttheking said:
EDIT 4 up to date article, the Marines are being sent in.

What I thought of when you said that.

Yep, world's kind of screwed up, isn't it? :|


Oct 5, 2011
United States
DragonLord Seth said:
Fappy said:
It's disgusting how easily a peaceful religion can get twisted and corrupted like this. Hopefully cooler-heads prevail and they can calm the radicals down.
First off, I know this is the first post in a 7-page long thread, and secondly, I'm sure others have pointed out your stupidity, and thirdly, I'm sure this is a troll, but I don't give a fuck.

Have you ever READ the Koran? The entire fucking premise is "KILL THE INFIDELS", die or convert by the sword. Islam was never peaceful, it wasn't peaceful when Muhammad was alive, it isn't peaceful now, and it won't be peaceful until we nuke it off the face of the fucking planet.
...I'm sorry what? You think that we should nuke Islam off the world? let me get this straight, seven people get killed in these riots...and you want to kill 1 billion as a response, many of whom didn't even support the riots...I really can't see how genocide is the correct response.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
erttheking said:
EDIT 2: Oh son of a *****!

EDIT 3 This is getting out of hand, I'm starting to get the dreadful feeling that we've got a crisis on our hands.
I don't know if anyone has already questioned this (and if so I apologize) but what do either of these have to do with your topic? As a student at the University of Texas I have to say this is the first I've heard anyone relate our (ultimately bogus) bomb threat to the situation in the Middle East. The ND bomb threat also turned out to be nothing, so yeah...
Jun 5, 2012
JMeganSnow said:
Fappy said:
Do these radicals even understand that they are only making us hate their people more?
That is WHAT THEY WANT. They WANT us to hate them as much as they hate us. This is what they LIVE for and what they imagine excuses their behavior--and they think, somewhere in their twisted little hearts, that it'll get them into Heaven. They don't want to live. They want everyone who does, to die.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The real horror of Islam is not these murderous beasts, it is that the Islamic credo acts to disarm the decent people who would ordinarily keep the hideous criminals in check. When the book you believe is the word of god tells you to kill the infidel and stone gays and adulterous women and beat your wife if she contradicts you and that non-Muslims are less than human, no matter how much you *personally* believe that this is Stone Age nonsense and not true now . . . you won't speak out. Every person who doesn't speak up just makes the crazies seem more and more like they're the majority. So more and more and more people go along with them and even start to act crazy themselves to "fit in".

Islam is no "religion of peace"--unless by peace you mean "human sheep barely able to speak". It is the religion of making WOLVES into SHEEPDOGS.
Nope, The heyday of Islam is long since over. Its rather pathetic considering the dominance and might that the Ottoman empire once wielded.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
Devoneaux said:
the clockmaker said:
You say you're offended, but i'm calling you on that, I claim you're being disingenuous for the sake of the argument, but that's besides the point.

Your justification for not arresting someone for inciting a riot is ultimately pointless. Inciting people to destructive actions is no different than inciting people into fear, if anything it's worse. You can argue that people ultimately choose to be destructive, but I can argue Mob Mentality just as easily. My point stands: If you can arrest someone for saying ANYTHING no matter the justification, then it ceases to be a right, and instead becomes a privilege, ultimately making your argument moot.
What if it is a conflict of rights? The whole basis of restricting freedom of speech is based in the idea that there are times where it is in direct confrontation to other rights, such as that of a right to life. There is a hierarchy of sorts in importance of rights over others and it seems living is more important then being able to say anything under the sun. This was the justification used to restrict freedom of speech for people crying "fire" in a crowded theater where the resulting panic would cause bodily harm and death. Both are rights, both are inherent aspects of humanity that are protected from unjust restriction, it is just that the protection from unjust restriction sort of fails when there is a just restriction in place (such as, protecting the right to free speech in people by protecting their right to life (and thereby make use of said speech), even if that requires restricting the freedom of speech in and of itself.

In regards to the matter at hand, I am of the mind criticism or mockery is not justification enough to limit free speech. It does not instigate panic or fear the same way a crowded flaming theater someone is trapped inside would. It does not instigate a fight or flight response a threat of bodily harm might. It is just criticism and even if it is vapid and worthless in the grand scheme, their is still the right to say stuff that is vapid and worthless so long as they don't obstruct other rights. And no, the reaction of anger someone has from disagreement is not the same sort of justification in protecting lives. Much like how killing a man in anger is still seen as pretty unjustifiable, but killing a man in defense of one's life (or the perceived threat to one's life) is moe justifiable, so to does that apply to how people react to what you say. Fearing for your life may cause justifiable reactions in people that could be violent and dangerous, and thus should be limited in what small ways we can. Being mad and deciding to take it out on unrelated people is just indefensible, so we shouldn't prohibit speech any to protect people from the misplaced rage of others. Otherwise, there will be no end to how far we would have to go to protect people from the reactions of nutters.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
And like always, when the extremists from both sides start shit, we in the middle are stuck with the bill.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
JMeganSnow said:
Fappy said:
Do these radicals even understand that they are only making us hate their people more?
That is WHAT THEY WANT. They WANT us to hate them as much as they hate us. This is what they LIVE for and what they imagine excuses their behavior--and they think, somewhere in their twisted little hearts, that it'll get them into Heaven. They don't want to live. They want everyone who does, to die.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The real horror of Islam is not these murderous beasts, it is that the Islamic credo acts to disarm the decent people who would ordinarily keep the hideous criminals in check. When the book you believe is the word of god tells you to kill the infidel and stone gays and adulterous women and beat your wife if she contradicts you and that non-Muslims are less than human, no matter how much you *personally* believe that this is Stone Age nonsense and not true now . . . you won't speak out. Every person who doesn't speak up just makes the crazies seem more and more like they're the majority. So more and more and more people go along with them and even start to act crazy themselves to "fit in".

Islam is no "religion of peace"--unless by peace you mean "human sheep barely able to speak". It is the religion of making WOLVES into SHEEPDOGS.
You are aware the religion was by far the more civil one back during the crusades, yes? That the "murderous beasts" were the Christians invaders coming to invade and the like? Please at least tell me you have the mental consistency to call both Abraham faiths the same sort of evil. I mean otherwise you are nothing but a bigot, denying the simplest human element of individuality, the commonality of that religion in the civilized world for the past several centuries, the capacity for religions as a whole to change and grow, the history of a "decent" religion like Christianity and its own evils, and even the present day examples of the crazies you seem to present an entire faith as being.
So, would you care to start with how one religion of war could grow and adapt but Islam in the middle east is nothing but a lost cause? Or how about how a religion that spreads the globe and have MANY variations and interpretations, similar to both of it's sibling Abrahamic faiths, is somehow all making people "human sheep". I'll pass up the irony of the word of sheep and it's relation to the lamb's iconography of the bible...