Honestly wasn't trying to, because my point had nothing to do with either. She wasn't censored, she had and still has all the freedom to say what she wants. And that doesn't remove my or anyone else's right to respond to what she has to say. If that response is a "boycott Mandalorian" movement... do they not have the right to organize that movement? Regardless of whether they should or not, they do have that right. If that becomes a problem for Disney, they can fire her, or have the writers kill off her character, or cancel the whole damn show... its their show. And they have to live with the consequences of doing whatever they do to respond. Just like she has to live with the consequences of the response to her posts. Nobody is infringing on rights in any of this.
My point was about having a filter. Recognizing that, as
@gorfias pointed out, she has a louder megaphone than most do. She may have felt that she needed to use that megaphone to broadcast a political point, but she also has to be aware of the consequences the statement has. She may be willing to accept the personal consequences (like getting fired) for what she believes in. And good for her for standing behind what she says if that's the case. But again my point... this isn't just about her. She and anyone in that kind of position should be aware of what the consequences could be for those around them. Her standing up for her beliefs is small comfort to the makeup lady, set dresser, or sound technician that could lose their job if the Mandalorian tanks. I'm not making the point that she CAN'T say what she said or think that way. That's the step toward censorship and restriction of political speech. I'm just pointing out that she maybe shouldn't have posted it. Maybe she should have chosen to remain silent. Or said the same thing in a different way (maybe without a holocaust reference.)
Cancel culture is people voting with their wallets. By posting on social. With letter campaigns, and fliers, and petitions. Its individuals exercising their free speech. Its publicly traded and privately owned businesses doing what they want with the products they produce in response. The backlash out there against cancel culture online is people using exactly those same tools to fight against cancel culture.
In an effort to cancel it I suppose. To silence the voices it contains. To censor and restrict that political speech. Someone once told me we should avoid that sort of thinking. And I agree.