"Girl Gamer Syndrome"


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
ms_sunlight said:
Blargh McBlargh said:
It's always fun to call them out on their bullshit. Ask them some questions any self-respecting gamer would know and watch them fail horribly.

Public humiliation, the one cure for attention whores.
Okay, what is the gamer's shibboleth then? What questions can only gamers answer?

Seriously - we don't all have the same platforms, we don't all like the same genres and we're all different ages. I'm a PC gamer and I mostly play RPGs and action games. I'm not going to be able to answer questions about Halo.
what is the name of the main charachter in Zelda?
what is an RPG?
what is a FPS?
please explain in detail why you have chosen your current platform
what kind of games do you like to play?

your right in that theres no set of questions..but I supose you could tell if somone was just "posing" by answering those

to be fair I probably wouldnt have been able to answer alot of thease questions before I really started hanging out online..and persoanlly I wouldnt want to be quized on this anyway..it would be insulting

Bete Noire

New member
Dec 20, 2011
Vault101 said:
what is the name of the main charachter in Zelda?
what is an RPG?
what is a FPS?
please explain in detail why you have chosen your current platform
what kind of games do you like to play?
What if these gamers were brand new? What if they had never played Zelda? Hell, the only reason I know who Zelda and Link are is because I watched reruns of the ghastly TV series.

And, gasp, what if these gamers don't play videogames, and, instead play other types of games (boardgames, card games, Roleplaying games) -- does that make them lesser gamers? What if they are just starting now? How can we determine when someone is experienced enough to know a person deserve the badge "Gamer"?

I personally find that if someone draws enjoyment from games and likes them and WANTS to play them, no matter what skill, experience or even quality\types of games they have, they should be allowed to be called gamers. Hell, are we that pretentious and so full of ourselves that for someone to join our little group people have to follow certain "standards"?


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
Bete Noire said:
Hell, are we that pretentious and so full of ourselves that for someone to join our little group people have to follow certain "standards"?

Seriously though, the best way to "call out" a "fake" gamer would be to just talk to them like they are a "real" gamer (or *gasp* a person).
Vault101 said:
please explain in detail why you have chosen your current platform
what kind of games do you like to play?
Questions like this, and it doesn't have to be an interrogation, just a conversation. If they can't hold their own (or at least BS their way through it) talking about the supposed shared joy of video games then they'll prolly feel like a dumbass anyway.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
It's especially bad when they have the word "girl" somewhere in their gamertag for LIVE or PSN. I mean I don't have the word "guy" in mine. It's occasionally circumstantial, but most of the time they want people to know that they are female.

Also having a username like "gamerzgirl" on a site like this would be another example of an attention grab.

I too have seen a pic of a girl on facebook with a xbox mic captioned "Yes I'm a girl, and yes I play video games". The exact same as the OP. It's not a meme is it? Gaming isn't even remotely gender specific, get over it.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
The term on 4chan's /v/ is called "gurl gamur" and is classified as the worst gamer ever. On the Faggotry vs. Skill chart, the "gurl gamur" is placed on the highest faggotry with the lowest skill.

Girls that play video games should act just like guys that play video games. The only reason she should bring up that she's a female is if she's explicitly asked. You don't expect males to go, "a heyurp drup im a man dat palys vidya gamurs!!!", do you?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
Vault101 said:
Mallefunction said:
Vault101 said:
)rStrangelove]It all comes down to sharing someone's hobbies i guess. If i spot a normal girl wearing an AC tshirt next to the hot looking blonde i'd choose the former. Why?

Chances are higher that Mrs.Assassine will accept games are my main hobby, thats all.

Girls crying for attention by labelling themselves gamer-girls obviously have problems getting attention of guys in the RL.

Just wear AC Tshirts, its really easy
the thing is...guys get all the best T-shits..and its a fucking travesty (Becuase mabye "I" want to wear an AC T-hsirt...dammit)
Oh god THIS! Wanted a Bioshock shirt. Got it, but it's a male-cut and it's a small...which is basically huge on a woman. I have to use it as a PJ shirt T-T I want to wear it out though so bad.
I am Vault101 and I ask you a simple question

is a girl not entitled to a T-shirt of her favorite series?

NO, says the man the studo, "only boys play our games"

NO, says the man in the marketing department "boys make up most of the market, therefore the merchandise will suit boys"

NO says the man in the store "sorry the girls shits are over there...in that tiny corner"

but I chose somthing different..I chose the impossible.... I chose


ok no not really, Id probably really screw things up if I tried that...
YES says the guy who took home ec. I can let out those clothes for you. And now I'm stuck repairing my sister's, mother's, and girlfriend's clothes.

I only took it as an easy A. Let me finish my nap. D:
hahaha..I remember taking sewing..it didnt go well

I just got myself AC and saints row t shits..I know they are guy sizes..but ALL thease gaming shirt were toturing me I had to get some (in the store theres a girls side and a guys side...I always look at the guys side in envy)


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I know what you are talking about and I can tell you it happens for two reasons

A. the industry pretty much ignores our existence and for the most part only really caters to guys

B.many of us get flack from idiots and then sometimes might take it out on the wrong player(s)

I for one am guilty of the whole you just got your ass kicked by a girl thing
mostly during TF2 jerks on there think for some fucking reason that a girl could possibly play tf2 and that I must be some sort of prepubescence troll god just thinking of it makes me want to inflict much pain on someone


New member
Oct 25, 2011
Vault101 said:
I just got myself AC and saints row t shits..I know they are guy sizes..but ALL thease gaming shirt were toturing me I had to get some (in the store theres a girls side and a guys side...I always look at the guys side in envy)

Hahaha. Yesterday i got some attention wearing my old HalfLife 1 tshirt. Bought it in 1999 i think. Only male attention though. "Oh look, GrandPa played HL1 a decade ago" ;)

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
chickenhound said:
I know what you are talking about and I can tell you it happens for two reasons

A. the industry pretty much ignores our existence and for the most part only really caters to guys

B.many of us get flack from idiots and then sometimes might take it out on the wrong player(s)

I for one am guilty of the whole you just got your ass kicked by a girl thing
mostly during TF2 jerks on there think for some fucking reason that a girl could possibly play tf2 and that I must be some sort of prepubescence troll god just thinking of it makes me want to inflict much pain on someone
Don't forget the girls who think their gamers because they farm for their boy friends character in WoW or play guitar hero. True Gamer Girls have to wade through a lot of crap to get respected. Oh my wife would tell me all kinds of horror stories.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Mycroft Holmes said:
EmzOLV said:
Wow, you're willing to go through a lot more shit to make a gamer friend than I would be willing to. I have absolutely no patience for stupid behavior. I will either start trolling or point out the exact insanity of what they are doing, in the harshest language I can manage. But then again in like 10 years of gaming I've only made about 30 friends of whom I only actively talk to about five of, so perhaps I'm not the best person to comment on such.
Thanks (I think!)
I guess in that particular circumstance she was getting really... agitated towards me and because we had a lot of mutual friends it seemed beneficial to try and just, be mates with her rather than go in with guns blazing - which is exactly my initial reaction was to be like, BRING IT. But what good would it have done?

It was when she had some sort of 'boyfriend malfunction' and she didn't have many friends to talk to and she confided in a load of stuff over xbox live one night and since then not only has she calmed down with outrageously advertising the 'playing games' scenario, but also been a hell of a lot nicer to me.

And also I concur with the "be a person, not a girl" comment esque thing - i lost where it was, but yes, exactly that. I am just a person who enjoys games and yes, I see girls who act like OP's initial post, but... eh, why can't girls just get on with each other?

[sub] Ignore that last comment, I know that will NEVER happen but it's a nice thought haha [/sub]


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
I get the "are you threatened by me playing games" question? Like it's something to be all defensive about.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I have seen a few of those around and it is annoying tho none of my friends do that. t?s just another case of a small group of people being vocal.
As for why girls do it? I?m talking out of my ass here but:
A) Sadly it works. Allot of guys do jump over these girls.
B) People, especially teenagers like to think they are going against the grain.
C) There is still this belief that games are a guy thing, and that girls playing games are in a very small minority so as a reaction to that some feel the need to shout it everywhere. I can understand that, after being asked if I was lost, being redirected to the sims isle in stores and people being all shocked about it, thinking I'm faking or thinking it?s weird sometimes you just want to get it out of the damn way, get it out it more out in the open so people stop thinking it?s weird and the female audience doesn?t get ignored or...not quite sure how to explain this one but it?s sort of a defensive reaction for people who are a bit insecure about their hobby (like I use to be). You announce it everywhere because you?re trying to convince yourself that you're ok with it and it?s not weird.
D) Allot of the girls who get accused of being ?attention whores? aren?t. They are just girls who really like games but people assume that they are only posting about games to get attention when they are actually just genuinely into games. Strangely enough you get this from other girls a lot of the time. There also seems to be this idea that you can?t be a real gamer if you?re ?girly" in other things and girls who are and don't hide it seem to be the ones who get unjustified hate for being attention whores the most.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Personally, the "guy gamer talking about girl gamers" syndrome seems to be a more real syndrome.

In that a guy makes a butt out of himself by pretending that a stereotypice is totally true, when in reality there's barely any girl that actually acts like that.

Honestly, stop freaking out about girls who game, and the "problem" solves itself.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
My wife games with me, and occasionally it gets weird. Nothing wrong with saying what you enjoy doing, even if you say it in a childish away. The oddest experience we had was I was walking her toon in WoW to a zepplin, and as I was waiting, a guy started hitting on me in "say" chat.

He even lived in the same state as me. o_O Not even female avatars are safe from men.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Funny now that I think about it, one time while playing Halo Reach the MVPs on my team were yours truly, a girl and a little kid...yeah it was an odd match. One the plus side the girl seemed modest, she seemed more amused that the kid was doing so well than anything else, and GOD his voice was annoying. By some miracle I managed to keep my mouth shut.

In reality girls shouldn't feel that alienated, I can really only speak for Halo here as that is the only game that I really play, but in reality these assholes are just a vocal minority and in reality they are assholes to EVERYONE not just girls, if you let them get to you then they're winning, mute them if you need to and most definatly report them. I look forward to meeting you on the vitural battlefield...but don't expect any mercy from me.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind having a female friend on XBL, if nothing more than at least to get some variety in that sausauge fest.


New member
Jun 6, 2011
ThatNewKid said:
The term on 4chan's /v/ is called "gurl gamur" and is classified as the worst gamer ever. On the Faggotry vs. Skill chart, the "gurl gamur" is placed on the highest faggotry with the lowest skill.

Girls that play video games should act just like guys that play video games. The only reason she should bring up that she's a female is if she's explicitly asked. You don't expect males to go, "a heyurp drup im a man dat palys vidya gamurs!!!", do you?
Hmm, it's not quite the same. I think most of us would admit that women and girls who game do have to face things that men and boys don't. Gamer culture is sexist as hell. I think sometimes the reactions that you all find so annoying are more of a reaction to this than anything.

That is, after being told "tits or GTFO" and "make me a sandwich" or being told you're not a "real" gamer however many times, you're gonna have a reaction. I don't think that particular reaction is an effective one, but I can sort of understand it, especially in younger girls with less experience.

I'm overt about my gender - I have "Ms." in my user name (just like Ms. Pac-Man) because I don't think hiding your gender is a good way to combat sexism. I'm also happy to tell anyone who I am IRL. The more of us women and girls that are out here, just being who we are and getting on with things, the better really.

Oh, and by the way, anyone who uses "faggotry" as a perjorative is a fucking arsehole. It's hate speech. I'm not calling you out on it - I know you're just quoting 4chan here - but it's not cool.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
JabberBabyWocky said:
Smeggs said:
I hate people who talk in text speak when they have an ENTIRE KEYBOARD in front of them. You're replying to a forum post, not talking in a chat room. You have time to look over and correct errors, it isn't a race.*

then i guess im gonna be hated =)
I'll never understand people who are proud of this.

Why not just comply?


New member
May 23, 2008
So many people here are obsessed with the *idea* of a girl gamer. I married a girl gamer, and now we have to argue about who gets the xbox every night.

I wonder if you dudes know what you're asking. My wife doesn't play any multiplayer, co-op or competitive. I couldn't even get her to play Portal 2 with me for fuck's sake.

Not railing against my wife, just wondering aloud if a girl gamer is still going to be your ideal mate when you can't get the TV for a week because the next Bioware RPG came out.

OT: I agree that there should be equal footing on XBLive, but to be honest, the little shit-stains that harass women online tend to harass everyone in different ways. I find the solution to avoiding pre-pubescent dickspurts is to play offline or play games they don't.

I avoid COD, Battlefield, or pretty much any competitive multiplayer like the bubonic plague because I have a job and a life outside the game, so I don't really have time to play 70 hours a week. It's the same reason I don't play WoW. In order to be taken seriously, the game has to become your full-time job, and I have enough of those already.

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
Snowblindblitz said:
He even lived in the same state as me. o_O Not even female avatars are safe from men.
Yeps lot of desperate boys on mmo's gets a bit annoying sometimes. Easiest way to get rid of them is tell you are a guy playing a female character(truth or not the person hitting on you can not see it anyway). Most of the time they will stop hitting on you.