"Girl Gamer Syndrome"


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2008
mb16 said:
Nerds are the innovators of society.

Think about it, nerds start something which is considered "uncool" and are picked on for it, for example gaming. However over time "normal people" see that this "uncool thing" is actually quite fun/useful and then start doing it. This then attracts the "attention whores" who up to this point have been too cool to be seen anywhere near this social trend. However now its becomes the social norm and totally accepted in society they think they can grab the spotlight

in order of society accepting things
nerds -> closet nerds -> "normal people" -> "cool" people -> attention whores (AKA girl gamers)

PS: when i say "girl gamers" i dont mean a girl who play games as part of her normal life, as she is just a "gamer".
In other words, you were a nerd before it was cool.


New member
Oct 16, 2011
I (as a girl) think that doing this on the internet is so stupid. On the internet it's not uncommon for you to be female and making a deal out of it just proves you're an attention whore. That being said, I don't know many girls who play video games, and therefore I can't discuss many things that I would like to, like female sexuality in games and often talk about it on forums. It's annoying to read comments like "You girls are attention whores" for just talking about video games. I wear shirts related to video games, and when guys call me an attention whore for doing so it pisses me off. Guys can wear shirts decorated with references and not take flak but I'm called an desperate for doing the same.

TL;DR: Girls on the internet who say stuff like "I'm a gamer girl, I'm an endangered species LOL" are idiots. Not everyone who mentions they're a girl is.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
AnyNamePlease said:
I (as a girl) think that doing this on the internet is so stupid. On the internet it's not uncommon for you to be female and making a deal out of it just proves you're an attention whore. That being said, I don't know many girls who play video games, and therefore I can't discuss many things that I would like to, like female sexuality in games and often talk about it on forums. It's annoying to read comments like "You girls are attention whores" for just talking about video games. I wear shirts related to video games, and when guys call me an attention whore for doing so it pisses me off. Guys can wear shirts decorated with references and not take flak but I'm called an desperate for doing the same.

TL;DR: Girls on the internet who say stuff like "I'm a gamer girl, I'm an endangered species LOL" are idiots. Not everyone who mentions they're a girl is.
ive said this before buy guys get all the best T-shirts...those lucky bastards

yesterday I just said "fuck it" and got an assasins creed revelations and saints row 3 t shirt, male cut yes..but I will ware a t shit I want..gender be dammned

but yeah, while I admit I's be the first to call out a faker (if I ever saw one) I really do like talking about games...


New member
Jun 17, 2008
My wife is a gamer girl and has never once suffered from your "snowflake" syndrome :)
I like tha term by the way, very witty.
She remains a fairly solid gamer who started out on Killzone 1, tried her hand at prince of persia ( breaking her first controller in rage ), now she is into RPGs. We are looking forward to Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning hitting our shores in Feb :)


New member
Dec 21, 2011
ms_sunlight said:
ThatNewKid said:
The term on 4chan's /v/ is called "gurl gamur" and is classified as the worst gamer ever. On the Faggotry vs. Skill chart, the "gurl gamur" is placed on the highest faggotry with the lowest skill.

Girls that play video games should act just like guys that play video games. The only reason she should bring up that she's a female is if she's explicitly asked. You don't expect males to go, "a heyurp drup im a man dat palys vidya gamurs!!!", do you?
Hmm, it's not quite the same. I think most of us would admit that women and girls who game do have to face things that men and boys don't. Gamer culture is sexist as hell. I think sometimes the reactions that you all find so annoying are more of a reaction to this than anything.

That is, after being told "tits or GTFO" and "make me a sandwich" or being told you're not a "real" gamer however many times, you're gonna have a reaction. I don't think that particular reaction is an effective one, but I can sort of understand it, especially in younger girls with less experience.

I'm overt about my gender - I have "Ms." in my user name (just like Ms. Pac-Man) because I don't think hiding your gender is a good way to combat sexism. I'm also happy to tell anyone who I am IRL. The more of us women and girls that are out here, just being who we are and getting on with things, the better really.

Oh, and by the way, anyone who uses "faggotry" as a perjorative is a fucking arsehole. It's hate speech. I'm not calling you out on it - I know you're just quoting 4chan here - but it's not cool.
If you're putting "Ms." in your username or whatever, it's cool. I can understand a male putting "MrManoftheYear" or something like that. But it's not cool if you're going out like, "Oh, hahaha! You males are so sexist!!! Us females deserve the same rights like you!!! Gosh!!!".

Also 4chan has an extreme superiority complex. Still, it's hard not to think the overly, "I am [insert minority of subject at hand here], so deal with it." are annoying.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
No idea. Perhaps they think they're winning, or changing things, by blatantly stating such things. Thankfully, most of my friends don't do this. It's just known that they're gamers, without them having to continuously call attention to the fact. It's like the guys who stand around saying things like "I don't like sports!" It doesn't accomplish much, except to clarify that you don't ascribe to a given set of preconceptions about your gender. To which one could easily and readily reply "Okay. Good on you, I suppose. So what do you like?" These things are allowed now. It's even wanted.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Bete Noire said:
Well said, I personally don't advertise that I'm a gamer (at least, not often). But if someone is discussing gaming, I will of course, say that I game. That said, if you DO advertise the fact, it's cool, as long as you aren't bragging, in which case, can it, I could likely cream you :p

As a kid I was always told I should be playing sports instead of wasting my time with gaming (the good old "your brother plays sports, why don't you?"), and to this day I'm still rather reluctant to discuss my hobby, unless someone else initiates. I used to get a lot of flak for gaming, although now my family is more tolerating (or they've just given up).

With time, I'm sure gaming will be more a more widely acceptable hobby, for both genders.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
There's very few chicks I associate with that I wouldn't jump at the chance to fuck anyway. Otherwise I probably wouldn't associate with most of them.

If they played games that would just be a perk.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
My friend is female, plays games and runs her own gaming website. She never boasts or makes an issue of it. A person playing games isnt a big deal regardless of gender. Although i do agree with the aggro girls get in games just for being female being wrong. I guess most of that is from incompetent men or immature boys who never had the balls to approach a girl in real life and now have one on line. An like all those idiots who insult you and slag down your family in online games.....its the knowledge they can say what they want online. Its safe and its not in person so they can act like arseholes if they want and there is no consequences.....eg a smack in their faces.

Also blogging "im off to play COD ttyl" isn't as attention seeking and fairly normal comment. Saying "OMG im playing COD, im such a nerd!!!" is just drawing attention and making a big deal about something that really isnt that big a deal. The point of gaming is that anyone can game, just a matter of finding the game you like.

Attention whores, just ignore them, same as the idiots who harass you online.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
museofdoom said:
This is interesting, I've never really looked at this from a guy's perspective. I may just find the whole thing annoying because I am a girl. Although, sometimes I think girls that have "girl gamer syndrome" make the rest of us look bad. Like, I feel like I don't get taken as seriously when I play online and such because I'm a girl. Perhaps that's a different topic entirely though.
Well, I've only met one girl that advertise her gaming. First, I thought it was nice, something in common, I ended up dating her and we had a decent relationship. So I suppose it really is an attractive characteristic in girls to play games for an gamer guy :p

Although it can go too far, later when I broke up with her it was like she used her interest in gaming to try and win me back so to say, making it seem very false to begin with. That was annoying.

So I suppose you already have your answer on this topic but I'd too say it's just a way to lure guys if they openly advertise it alot. I'm gonna go the Sigmund Freud route on this and say it's all sexual motives. I mean I'd also guess it's to impress friends and such, but that can also be traced back to sexual desires and motives.

I'd also like to add that you as a girl might find this annoying because... well how do I say this without making you and everyone else hate me... Because they become your rivals, so yes I'd also say you find them annoying because they are your competition (that is if you are also a gamer girl). People easily get jealous of many things, this could be one. Doesn't have to though, I mean I like to paint and make art, then there's a girl who also paints, and she advertise it every chance she gets and I find that also very annoying. I'd guess that's because she's a competitor in a similar interest.

Hope you people can find some sense in this rant, I'm in a hurry to get to a Xmas party :p Btw Merry Xmas everybody!


Jan 4, 2010
United States
A robot has penetrated the capcha defenses! NOOOOOO!

On a similar note, good job OP. Your thread is so popular spammers are coming to it now!


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Funny, I haven't really noticed anyone doing that.

Most of my friends are just nerds and talk about video games because they like video games.


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Fappy said:
A robot has penetrated the capcha defenses! NOOOOOO!

On a similar note, good job OP. Your thread is so popular spammers are coming to it now!
I'm so proud! I'm going to think of the spammers as a trophy of success. xD


New member
Jul 16, 2011
I know what you mean :(

I'm a girl and I play video games, but I never advertise it. I just talk about it naturally to other people who play video games. That's the start and end of it.

Those type of girls are seriously trashing the image of a lot of 'girl gamers'. It's sad.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
The annoying thing about it is that they've got it oh so wrong.
Playing CoD once or twice ≠ Gamer
Girls who claim to be gamers who've only played one or two games in their lifetime are just... Wrong.