"Girl Gamer Syndrome"


New member
Feb 28, 2011
What I hate are girls who make fun of gamers and say they are dumb. Then talk about angry birds for 15 mins.
"You play video games you must be a loser"
"I like the black angry bird he's the bomb"


New member
May 10, 2010
I would just like to say that I mean absolutely NO offense by my message on this, which is;
I find this a very funny (though I understand your point) because all the girl gamers I know at the moment, are lesbians. I'm not kidding and I'm definitely not making fun of them or anything, but the thought that they are trying to appeal to guys that way is kind of outlandish to me at the moment :p maybe later.


New member
Jun 6, 2011
Crazycat690 said:
I'd also like to add that you as a girl might find this annoying because... well how do I say this without making you and everyone else hate me... Because they become your rivals, so yes I'd also say you find them annoying because they are your competition (that is if you are also a gamer girl). People easily get jealous of many things, this could be one. Doesn't have to though, I mean I like to paint and make art, then there's a girl who also paints, and she advertise it every chance she gets and I find that also very annoying. I'd guess that's because she's a competitor in a similar interest.
I don't know, for me that feels all a bit much like living in some anime high school comedy. I don't have rivals - there will always be other people who are better at stuff than me, but that doesn't make me any less than I am. I'm certainly not competing for men - I'm married!


New member
Apr 5, 2010
It's partly the guys' fault for paying attention to them.

I personally like gamer girls better than non-gamer girls because we have more in common.


New member
Aug 20, 2011
I'm a girl who happens to play videogames but I would never in a million years call myself a "Gamer Girl", I'm just a Gamer.

I notice a lot of the girls on Facebook post numerous comments about how they loved playing COD and how they're unique and special because they were "Gamer Gurrls". However, ask them simply questions that a gamer would know and their clueless. Most of them are just doing it for attention.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Personally, I accept with the greatest of ease that gamers come in both genders. "Girl gamers" announcing their gender are really just segregating themselves. If they want to be accepted, they need to act like they're no different from anyone else.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Personally, I accept with the greatest of ease that gamers come in both genders. "Girl gamers" announcing their gender are really just segregating themselves. If they want to be accepted, they need to act like they're no different from anyone else.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
ms_sunlight said:
Crazycat690 said:
I'd also like to add that you as a girl might find this annoying because... well how do I say this without making you and everyone else hate me... Because they become your rivals, so yes I'd also say you find them annoying because they are your competition (that is if you are also a gamer girl). People easily get jealous of many things, this could be one. Doesn't have to though, I mean I like to paint and make art, then there's a girl who also paints, and she advertise it every chance she gets and I find that also very annoying. I'd guess that's because she's a competitor in a similar interest.
I don't know, for me that feels all a bit much like living in some anime high school comedy. I don't have rivals - there will always be other people who are better at stuff than me, but that doesn't make me any less than I am. I'm certainly not competing for men - I'm married!
Well it was simply a sleepy hypothesis, besides, even though you're married doesn't mean you might still compete for attention. I mean, no matter how innocent and in love with your man you might be, attention from the other gender is always wanted :)

Techno Squidgy

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Nov 23, 2010
I've ran into one or two girls on the servers my clan runs. It's interesting how you get accused of being a white knight when you kick someone for harassment. It's no different to me kicking someone for harassing somebody else due to race, sexuality, music taste or any other stupid thing. So yeah the 'OMG GIRL ON THE INTERNET' thing is still fairly prevalent but that's not the issue of this thread.

A handful of girls I know play games but most of them don't draw any attention to the fact. I wouldn't of known about it unless I'd asked. Turns out that one of them also enjoys programming and wants to become a game dev. If more girls were like this, just enjoying their hobby without making a big fuss about it, or putting guys in their place when they try and make a big fuss about it this issue wouldn't really exist.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I cancelled my XBox Live account because of all the crap I took every time I opened my mouth. I wasn't shouting about being a girl; I was trying to talk tactics. It's hard to get a rational word in edgewise when people start hitting on you/swearing at you as soon as they hear your voice.

My friend and I did an experiment once. He's got more experience than me in Gears, so I played and he wore the headset and spoke into the mic. Then we switched. It was tragic how much crap he got because I was the one they heard speaking, even though he was a better player. I don't think people said much of anything insulting when he was the one talking. But for now, that's apparently the world we live in.

As for the original post, I'm not sure how many girls do it for attention. Maybe they just like to post what they're into. I don't post every detail of my life on my social media pages, but some people do. It doesn't necessarily mean that they're desperate for attention or anything.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
I've noticed it, and I tend to ignore it. If they want guys to flock to them, then whatever. I only get defensive when they say they're a major gamer, after a hundred statuses about COD. Usually goes like this;

Me: So, what's your fav. Call of Duty?

Her: The newest one!

Me:...um, okay. So do you play anything besides COD?

Her: No, not really.

Me:... But you've said you're a major gamer.

Her: Yeah, I am.

Me: But you only play COD.

Her: Yeah.

Me:... I'm just going to leave now.

I don't care if they play COD, but it kind of irritates me when people say they're a hardcore/ major gamer and only play one game/ series. At least play a different game from the same genre.


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Jul 14, 2011
museofdoom said:
I honestly haven't renewed my Xbox live account in ages because it's almost not worth it. Guys will either hit on me shamelessly, or they're asses. I once got booted from a game of scavenge in Left 4 dead 2 because of my gender. My team was losing, and they instantly booted me. What. The. Hell. And I wasn't doing horribly either, I was contributing more than some of the other players. I dislike people sometimes.
Oh yes. Yes-yes-yes. Gamers are massive pricks, about 87% of the time. As a bi-sexual My Little Pony fan, with a username/avatar that shows my Pony "worship," I'm often kicked the second my team starts to lose, despite me often having the highest score on the team. And as far as the original post goes, yes, girls who expect me to treat them differently often end up pulling the sexism card and trying to kick me, because I could not give less of a shit. From other posts, most men do seem to find female gamers attractive because they game, and I might merely not give a shit about that due to my bi-sexuality, but I really find it annoying. (Having re-read that, it really seems like I'm going on about my bi-sexuality in much the same way they do... I'm not trying to.)


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Oct 13, 2010
Sansha said:
I've seen a fair amount of females who milk it. Some are shameless 'Yeah I'm a girl so what?', and it just irritates me.

A while ago there was some lunatic spouting nonsense on chat in TF2, so I said "Would you please just shut up, moron." and they replied with "You'd call a girl a moron? Wow." to which I replied,
"I don't care what gender you are, if you act like a moron I'm going to call you out for it. Moron, be the fuck quiet."

And every time it's revealed there's a girl on a server, it hits like a plague of stupidity in men. I hate it.

I know it sucks, but for the peace of all please keep your genders to yourselves, and if you have to please just act like a person, not a girl.
You should've just said, "Are you suggesting that girls can't be morons?" xD

Hipster Chick

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Sep 3, 2011
As a girl, I'm told on a regular basis that I'm "not a real gamer" and never will be one because I'm in possession of a vagina. Hence, I tend to do quite a bit of posturing in an effort to gain respect that I know I'm never actually going to get because of the rampant vein of misogyny running through the geek subculture.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Personally I accept that gamers come in both genders. "Girl gamers" are only segregating themselves by announcing their gender. It's like proclaiming "I'm different" in order to be accepted. It just doesn't work that way.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Hipster Chick said:
As a girl, I'm told on a regular basis that I'm "not a real gamer" and never will be one because I'm in possession of a vagina. Hence, I tend to do quite a bit of posturing in an effort to gain respect that I know I'm never actually going to get because of the rampant vein of misogyny running through the geek subculture.
The solution to that is to start playing games with learning curves build like complete overhangs (Dwarf Fortress, ARMA II, X3) whip it out as your geek card and challenge them to either compete with your achievements.

It's almost a guarantee, as quite a few gamers that I've known would get squiggly eyed over the ASII of Dwarf Fortress and the general difficulty of other listed games.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
museofdoom said:
Has anyone else ever noticed how many girls lately seem to think they're a "special snowflake" just because they play video games? It's really prevalent on Facebook especially. Statuses like "Yes I'm a girl, and yes I play video games <3". Or "lol I'm such a nerd, playin COD text ittt." Seriously, do they expect guys to just jump all over them like the fact that they play video games makes them hot suddenly? I'm not a guy though, so I guess that's why I'm posting this. Thoughts?
Why do you expect girls do this just for guys attention?

Why are women judged by everything they say? Maybe they are just glad in and of itself of being a gamer/nerd whatever and/or perhaps want to challenge the impression that "video games are for boys". We all do it, we ALL make assumptions on peoples gender by their interests.

I don't care if you are a woman. People can be sexist towards their own gender and you are unfairly judging women by reasonable and normal comments.

This is not a "syndrome" any more than "boy gamer" is a syndrome. This is a simple commentary.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
museofdoom said:
JET1971 said:
I think its an attention deficit issue. You still have guys who are "OMG! yer a girl and you are playing video games!!!!".
This is true. I run into guys on xbox live who instantly send me friend requests and start hitting on me. It's pretty ridiculous haha.
Rather. Honestly everyone, what are you going to get through an xbox?

I find this might be applicable:



New member
Feb 1, 2010
Treblaine said:
museofdoom said:
Has anyone else ever noticed how many girls lately seem to think they're a "special snowflake" just because they play video games? It's really prevalent on Facebook especially. Statuses like "Yes I'm a girl, and yes I play video games <3". Or "lol I'm such a nerd, playin COD text ittt." Seriously, do they expect guys to just jump all over them like the fact that they play video games makes them hot suddenly? I'm not a guy though, so I guess that's why I'm posting this. Thoughts?
Why do you expect girls do this just for guys attention?

Why are women judged by everything they say? Maybe they are just glad in and of itself of being a gamer/nerd whatever and/or perhaps want to challenge the impression that "video games are for boys". We all do it, we ALL make assumptions on peoples gender by their interests.

I don't care if you are a woman. People can be sexist towards their own gender and you are unfairly judging women by reasonable and normal comments.

This is not a "syndrome" any more than "boy gamer" is a syndrome. This is a simple commentary.
I have yet to see someone point out in the same sentence that they're male and like video games.