Girls With Guns Strip in NSFW Duke Nukem Promo Game

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Stevepinto3 said:
Question; why do people seem to be cool with this but were outraged by the "Sin to Win" contest? Besides the obvious fact that misogyny is one of Duke's defining characteristics.
As another poster pointed out, this is not misogynistic. Duke does not in any way hate women. The overuse of that word on this site is really beginning to annoy.

As for the game itself? Funny, kind of sexy, and pretty fitting marketing for such an over-the-top, immature game. I'm definitely getting DNF, but I'm going to wait until the price goes down.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
This is hilarious. This game offers porn as a reward and everyone's complaining about the gameplay. Clearly a gaming forum lol


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Jonsbax said:
Bobic said:
CosmicCommander said:

I don't care about women's integrity or whatever, BOOBS MATTER MORE.
You do realise you could skip the pointless little game and just type boobs into a google image search?
Try the game. They do matter more when you do put even some effort into getting to see them.

Cheesebob said:
Kopikatsu said:

You have to wonder where they find the girls to do things like this.

I only find the one on the far right to be even the slightest bit attractive.
I agree.
Am I glad that I'm not so specific in my taste.

Not that I have anything against this stuff, but it's still plain stupid to me how this is a-okay to everyone but EA got all that undeserved hate for their Dead Space 2 ad campaign.
That's because they essentially marketed Dead Space 2 toward kids UNDER 17 with the "Your Mom will hate this" line. This game is not selling itself to kids, despite how appealing it may be. On top of that, this is basically taking Duke Nukem 3D, actually making it 3D, and changing nothing from the misogynistic era of gaming from whence it was born. And it's all just self parody, EA's ad campaign for Dead Space 2 was legitimate.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Classic. It's nice to see a return of that '90s trifecta of manly goodness: shootin' things, starin' at boobs and idolizing huge dudes with retarded catchphrases.

And no, there is no sarcasm in anything I write here.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Ozzythecat said:
Am I the only one that finds this hard... *ignores obvious innuendo*

Like really I can't find any but the first one >_> I mean I know I'm bad at shooters but...
I know, right? I started playing because of an idle curiosity of how they were tying it in with Duke, but now I just want to WIN.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I like boobs, I like shooting. I need to find an untalented shooting female for some RL shooting challenge. The controls on the game are kind of sluggish.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
HankMan said:
It's ironic that they call him Duke,
cuz there's hardly anything noble about him.
Neither do a lot of actual nobles or royalty. At least he makes no excuse for what he is. He is just Duke Nukem, a duke of destruction. (sic)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Macgyvercas said:
And cue Fox News calling that video games are destroying America's youth.

Seriously, when they get their hands on this, they'll have a field day.
if i remember correctly "any publicity is good publicity."-marilyn manson :p

besides, i think it might be a bit of a joke on fox, of "hey, lets see if they hate it! free advertising! yaaaay!" XD


New member
May 27, 2010
Radelaide said:
Bobic said:
CosmicCommander said:

I don't care about women's integrity or whatever, BOOBS MATTER MORE.
You do realise you could skip the pointless little game and just type boobs into a google image search?
Unless you're me, then you just look down :D

Also, WTF? This is just... Wait till the feminists hear about it.
Shouldn't feminists be more pissed at the women letting themselves be used this way for a couple of bucks? It takes two to tango, but three to make a porno.

For the record, 50% of everything I say is nonsense.

zehydra said:
This is hilarious. This game offers porn as a reward and everyone's complaining about the gameplay. Clearly a gaming forum lol
Well...yeah, it is kind of a gaming forum. Anyway, the game might have been slightly amusing if not for the fact that it cheats it's assless chaps off.

Then again, I don't really consider 'boobies' to be an adequate reward for the hell Rosie put me through. I'd rather have...I don't know...a $10 off coupon for Duke Nukem Forever or something.

Edit: What's so great about boobies, anyway? I mean, a single frame of female nipple suddenly shoots a movie's rating up to R, no questions asked. Why is a woman's breast considered too sexual to show children, who breast feed, but men's breasts are okay? Breasts are just lumps of fat 'n mammary glands, for flamin' babies' sake!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I tried playing, out of simple curiosity, and I hate it. Not because it's bad or wrong or anything. I just can't win, because i keep getting cheated. it arbitrarily decides a tiny bit of mouse movement means "jump to the other side of the screen" while frantic mouse moving gets me little movement at all, I fire, but it doesn't shoot till just after the cursor leaves the target, the computer finds targets faster because half the time I don't even see them pop open till after they're shot down, and the cursor in he game doesn't even match up to my mouse properly, so I sometimes end up off the game screen and need to hurry to get back in, but get beaten before I can because of the aforementioned crazy mouse.