Girls Would Love Heavy Rain, Says CliffyB


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Cleril said:
Woodsey said:
Jumplion said:
Woodsey said:
David Cage seems like a pretentious dick to me, so I don't think I could have bear it if it did outstandingly well.
Sometimes you need a little pretentiousness to move the damn medium forward (but that's a different topic for a later day...)
Move it where? To scripts full of plot holes, or to games that are trying to be movies instead of embracing the medium's full potential?
Okay so Heavy Rain had some plot holes, big deal. At least it has a good story compared to 90% of games out there, that's moving the industry forward, no?

How is Heavy Rain trying to be a movie? So what if you don't press X to jump like Crash Bandicoot or that Heavy Rain is mostly about the story? Big whoop, not every game needs to focus on the gameplay strictly, not every game is Peggle, Audiosurf, etc. To me complaining or stating that Heavy Rain is less of a game is silly as gameplay can be about fucking everything nowadays. The mediums full potential has to do with grabbing the player and presenting them knowledge. If Heavy Rain needs to do what it does to do that (and it does) then what is your problem?

This is all opinionated of course but I find your reasons for it not pushing the medium at all forward is nonsensical.
Articles shot up all over the place discussing the plot holes in the game (sometimes not even covering all of the same ones), yet the main man behind the guy is preaching about storytelling.

You'll rarely find a person more keen on storytelling in games than me, so creating stories full of plot holes defeats the point of what he's trying to do, and makes him look ridiculous when he starts preaching about it.

If you want to advance storytelling in games then look at HL2 or The Sands of Time or Mafia - all different takes on how to handle it, all very worthy examples to take into consideration (and you won't fall into a black hole whilst recounting the plots).


Apr 8, 2010
Wow, who knew CliffyB, creator of Gears of War (of all things) would promote someone else's game that doesn't include gallons of blood to women.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Woodsey said:
Jumplion said:
Woodsey said:
David Cage seems like a pretentious dick to me, so I don't think I could have bear it if it did outstandingly well.
Sometimes you need a little pretentiousness to move the damn medium forward (but that's a different topic for a later day...)
Move it where? To scripts full of plot holes, or to games that are trying to be movies instead of embracing the medium's full potential?
Ah, but one could argue that Heavy Rain was embracing a different aspect of the medium's potential. But I will discuss this with you through PM, seems more appropriate that way.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
icame said:
I'm sure they'll just eat up that scene where a man forces her to strip at gunpoint.
... which you're putting completely out of context, considering she ends up beating the crap out of him and hates every minute of it, as I recall.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
WrongSprite said:
Do the people who read womens magazines typically own PS3's though?

I think that's possibly the main point here.
If the girl is trendy enough, she might buy one to try it out.
And another joins our ranks.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
It would likely be too difficult of a game to get older women into gaming.
They're probably just happy with their Mario Kart and Wii Sports, which they'd play as a family.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm a girl and I absolutely loved Heavy Rain but I don't buy gay women's fashion/gossip magazines, so I don't think advertising in them would do too much. It's like placing an ad for a cookbook in Playstation magazine, all the readers will turn to it and be like... what? Also I think we all know how bad Sony is at marketing decisions, the only good one they made was Kevin Butler so I don't think we're due for another miracle for the next 10 years.

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
The reason for that is there ARE no girl gamers. Oh, you play your boyfriend's xbox. That does not a gamer make.

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
It was just supposed to say what I didn't feel like typing 15 times to every girl who starts bitching at me


New member
Jul 21, 2009
La Barata said:
The reason for that is there ARE no girl gamers. Oh, you play your boyfriend's xbox. That does not a gamer make.
Quit trying to talk like Yoda. It doesn't make you sound cool. And don't be a jerk. You have no idea what you are talking about, since I own a PS3 and a PC that I bought myself, not borrowed from a boyfriend or guy friend.

Also, try the quote button, genius, otherwise no one knows who you're talking to.

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
1. Well, seeing as you're here to harp at me within 2 minutes of my post, it's safe to say that the reply button is working just fine.
2. have you even SEEN Star Wars? You obviously have no idea what Yoda sounds like
3. Personal attacks don't solve anything
4. Stop trying to create a flame war, being an internet tough guy doesn't do anything to make you look cool


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Veldaroth said:
La Barata said:
The reason for that is there ARE no girl gamers. Oh, you play your boyfriend's xbox. That does not a gamer make.
Quit trying to talk like Yoda. It doesn't make you sound cool. And don't be a jerk. You have no idea what you are talking about, since I own a PS3 and a PC that I bought myself, not borrowed from a boyfriend or guy friend.

Also, try the quote button, genius, otherwise no one knows who you're talking to.
Enh at this point I'm going to say that this guy is a troll. A very dumb troll who is unable to use the "quote" button.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Lissa-QUON said:
Veldaroth said:
La Barata said:
The reason for that is there ARE no girl gamers. Oh, you play your boyfriend's xbox. That does not a gamer make.
Quit trying to talk like Yoda. It doesn't make you sound cool. And don't be a jerk. You have no idea what you are talking about, since I own a PS3 and a PC that I bought myself, not borrowed from a boyfriend or guy friend.

Also, try the quote button, genius, otherwise no one knows who you're talking to.
Enh at this point I'm going to say that this guy is a troll. A very dumb troll who is unable to use the "quote" button.
I certainly hope he is >_>


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Woodsey said:
David Cage seems like a pretentious dick to me, so I don't think I could have bear it if it did outstandingly well.
Worst post ever.

How would something innovative and unique hitting the market and becoming extremely successful be a bad thing? If Heavy Rain had moved 2 million or more, it would have convinced more publishers to take risks on unproven ideas.

Do you like playing the exact same game wrapped in a new skin four times a year? I know I sure don't.

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
Oh, dear god! Your barbs, they sting with the fire of a thousand suns! Also, I love how disagreeing with you automatically makes someone a troll.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
La Barata said:
Oh, dear god! Your barbs, they sting with the fire of a thousand suns! Also, I love how disagreeing with you automatically makes someone a troll.
Dude, you are not disagreeing you are being an offensive ass hat.

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
RoBi3.0 said:
La Barata said:
Oh, dear god! Your barbs, they sting with the fire of a thousand suns! Also, I love how disagreeing with you automatically makes someone a troll.
Dude, you are not disagreeing you are being an offensive ass hat.
And we're down to the level of petty insults. Obviously you have no case whatsoever, and I am far too tired to put up with you lot.