Girls Would Love Heavy Rain, Says CliffyB


New member
Mar 29, 2009
La Barata said:
RoBi3.0 said:
La Barata said:
Oh, dear god! Your barbs, they sting with the fire of a thousand suns! Also, I love how disagreeing with you automatically makes someone a troll.
Dude, you are not disagreeing you are being an offensive ass hat.
And we're down to the level of petty insults. Obviously you have no case whatsoever, and I am far too tired to put up with you lot.

Good bye then.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Actually... [!/therealcliffyb] "When bad pullquote summaries attack. If you see the Heavy Rain quote please read the full quote. Fred, next time I see you it's on! :)" and "This type of journalism is going to force devs to never be able to comment on peers products and force devs into talking PR fact sheets."

CliffyB said both of those things. I felt like I should bring this to your attention.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
My sister's the one who got it. She didn't finish it though. I ended up liking it more. Girls are attracted more to the concept than the execution.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Then again, that was the same with most males as well. Heavy Rain had a GREAT atmosphere and a REALLY novel idea. It's just that some of the scenes and plot twists were a little bad. Still was a good game though.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
How about making a game people actually care about, then it would be much easier to market. Now it is too late since it is very hard to appeal to a broad audience with a glorified FMV game.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
IAmTheVoid said:
icame said:
I'm sure they'll just eat up that scene where a man forces her to strip at gunpoint.
... which you're putting completely out of context, considering she ends up beating the crap out of him and hates every minute of it, as I recall.
Ahaha, very much this. My roommate and I (both female, gasp!) had a grand old time at that scene, actually. It was kind of nice to see that turn on the classic sexualization that tends to happen.

While I do agree that the crime drama watching crowd would be a perfect market to advertise to, dime store gossip rags would not be the best place to reach them. Ads during crime shows, maybe? That seems like it would make a whole lot more sense to me.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
If Sony released Jersey Shore the Videogame with a shower head peripheral, they'd definitely have the female gamer market. Rescue Me the Videogame might also work.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
"only going after core gamers", several women I know would probably be offended that you do not include them as mainstream gamers. Anyway, I don't really think that heavy rain was advertised one way or another, it was simply advertised as a crime thriller and if people were interested in that they would have checked it out.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
La Barata said:
I can honestly say that I've never known a female gamer, and with the attention spans of the girls I know, they'd be lucky to get past the intro cutscenes. Trying to market a game like this to women is effectively crippling its sales, as women won't play it and guys won't touch it because it's been branded a 'girl game'.

P.S. To all the 'girl gamers' who are about to rage at me for this post, please look at the following link first. (No, it isn't goatse, pain series or anything like that)
I can see why you don't never met any, they avoid you like crazy. My girlfriend plays games just as much as me, and gets more into the story than I do, and I am visiting the local game store every week for any new launches.

As for the topic at hand, I like Cliffy, but sometimes he doesn't think before he talks, and I would disagree on his assumption that the game would do better if it marked towards the ladies. Sure it might have worked, but it wouldn't pull in the record numbers that he believes it might have.

EDIT 1337th post. How about that.


New member
May 15, 2008
La Barata said:
I can honestly say that I've never known a female gamer, and with the attention spans of the girls I know, they'd be lucky to get past the intro cutscenes. Trying to market a game like this to women is effectively crippling its sales, as women won't play it and guys won't touch it because it's been branded a 'girl game'.

P.S. To all the 'girl gamers' who are about to rage at me for this post, please look at the following link first. (No, it isn't goatse, pain series or anything like that)
I.. You.. We... Say what now?

I'm fairly sure that AS a girl gamer, I still have an attention span and from what I've seen, I would love to try Heavy Rain. Cut scenes and all. All you've effectively done is show how fragile the male ego can be by labelling a game a "girls game" and saying men won't play it.

Ew, cooties. Grow up.

La Barata said:
The reason for that is there ARE no girl gamers. Oh, you play your boyfriend's xbox. That does not a gamer make.
Oh. And as for this. My EX boyfriend didn't have an xbox, but he sure liked using mine! My well loved, well stocked xbox that I play on a regular basis with a lot of my other girlfriends who bring their controllers and games from THEIR xboxes.

So, y'know...


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Radelaide said:
[snip]I'm fairly sure that AS a girl gamer, I still have an attention span[/snip]
Yeah, the attention span of an Xbox player! *hides*

Radelaide said:
Oh. And as for this. My EX boyfriend didn't have an xbox, but he sure liked using mine! My well loved, well stocked xbox that I play on a regular basis with a lot of my other girlfriends who bring their controllers and games from THEIR xboxes.

So, y'know...
Hey, that's only when it's a game that isn't out on PC yet (or is a really shitty port)!

PS: Please don't hurt me.


New member
May 15, 2008
karl_eller said:
Radelaide said:
[snip]I'm fairly sure that AS a girl gamer, I still have an attention span[/snip]
Yeah, the attention span of an Xbox player! *hides*

Radelaide said:
Oh. And as for this. My EX boyfriend didn't have an xbox, but he sure liked using mine! My well loved, well stocked xbox that I play on a regular basis with a lot of my other girlfriends who bring their controllers and games from THEIR xboxes.

So, y'know...
Hey, that's only when it's a game that isn't out on PC yet (or is a really shitty port)!

PS: Please don't hurt me.
That's it. I'm uninstalling EVE, Eller.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Stupid idea is stupid. Women who read glossy magazines are more concerned with getting their hair done than spending 10 hours playing an 'interactive movie.' You'd have more success selling the game if you'd, say, handed out freebies with movie mags saying it's the 'new step in interactive media' or something. Or demos along with other, game related paraphernalia.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
FloodOne said:
Woodsey said:
David Cage seems like a pretentious dick to me, so I don't think I could have bear it if it did outstandingly well.
Worst post ever.

How would something innovative and unique hitting the market and becoming extremely successful be a bad thing? If Heavy Rain had moved 2 million or more, it would have convinced more publishers to take risks on unproven ideas.

Do you like playing the exact same game wrapped in a new skin four times a year? I know I sure don't.
No, but then I'm perfectly capable of finding games that are different to each other.

Still, you miss the point of my post - it's Cage I can't stand, although I'm not sure I want other games to push Heavy Rain's direction.

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
My lack of boobies probably explains my lack of interest for this interactive movie then. Pfew, for a moment I thought that there was something wrong with me.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Why do I get the feeling Cliffy B is this huge frat boy who just happended too get lucky and get a job at a gaming Company? now i'm sure he works hard, but part of me can't help but picture him drinking in his office surrounded by half naked women.

OT: an interesting idea. i'm also surprised that Heavy rain only sold 1.5 million. mind you its still an impressive number, but I expected it too do better.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
i'm not sure how well this would workk heavy rain is filled with qte. qte require knowledge of where the buttons are. i still get confused over circle and square a new person would have no idea where the buttons are.