Give Nintnendo a chance!

Matthew Jabour

New member
Jan 13, 2012
So, Sony kicked ass at this E3, smashing down Microsoft and any chances that it had. But where was Nintendo? Why, they were out announcing games!
New Smash Bros. New Donkey Kong. New 3D Mario. Bayonetta. Wonderful 101. Wind Waker HD. What do these things have in common? They are all games - probably good ones, at that.
Now, for the longest time, people have complained that the Wii U has no games, and they were right, for the most part. But now that's not an excuse. They've got plenty games coming. So what else is the problem?
The price, though bemoaned at the time, is $100 less than the cheapest competitor. Nintendo's third party support, while not all encompassing, is certainly on the rise. They don't block used games, they don't have DRM, and they're the kindest to indies of anyone. And for once, they are the only ones of the big 3 who are actually focusing on games. So what are you waiting for? What hoops must Nintendo jump through to please you? How have they not yet proven that they are worth buying? And it's great that Sony called out Microsoft, but don't you want to actually play some games?
Look, I know Nintendo kind of abandoned the hardcore gamers. But now they're back in full force, and they've got games to prove it. So I ask you, give Nintendo a chance. Try some of their games. You'll have fun, that I can guarantee. Wii would like to play. Would U?
Sidenote: Captcha: You can do this. I'll say you can.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I did, right from the beginning.

And you what it's gotten me so far?

Besides the occasional game of Nintendo Land when people are round, sweet fuck all.

Now hopefully, I'll get Monster Hunter soon, and I'm looking forward to pretty much all those games you listed (especially Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101), but I can't exactly blame people for waiting, because none of them are out.

Also from what I've seen anyway, Sony are the ones being kindest to indies, although maybe they are just promoting them better than Nintendo are.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
Maybe I will give them a chance when they offer some more games I actually give a shit about, and just releasing more Mario titles, which let's be honest are getting less creative and more derivative with each game, isn't going to draw me in. Sure I'm interested in Sonic: Lost World, Super Smash Bros. and that Monolith title, but that still isn't anywhere near enough for me to drop £250+ on a Wii U.

The PS4 isn't even launched yet and there's already more titles I'm interested in.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I'm sorry but I won't actively pursue Nintendo games and follow their news until they really start to make new IPs that look interesting to me. New Sonic, new Mario, new Zelda, new compilation of all of the above.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
The question is not to give or not to give Nintendo a chance, but rather for Nintendo to actually take it.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Hazy992 said:
Maybe I will give them a chance when they offer some more games I actually give a shit about, and just releasing more Mario titles, which let's be honest are getting less creative and more derivative with each game, isn't going to draw me in. Sure I'm interested in Sonic: Lost World, Super Smash Bros. and that Monolith title, but that still isn't anywhere near enough for me to drop £250+ on a Wii U.

The PS4 isn't even launched yet and there's already more titles I'm interested in.
I'm pretty sure a lot of those titles are still in development. These are games that had actual extensive gameplay footage and are coming out in the near future.

Also, not talking about you, just people in general. When it comes to a big mario game like 64 and galaxy, they usually do this once every generation.

N64 was Super Mario 64

Gamecube was Super Mario Sunshine

Wii was Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2

We have yet to see a WiiU title yet.

These Marios we are seeing right now are mini fillers or little pet projects by higher up devs and producers that Iwata and Miyamoto liked enough that they thought they were worth producing. They aren't meant to be "THE Mario game" These are just smaller scale Mario titles.

Just like how you have Zelda fillers like the Ocarina of Time remake, the Windwaker remake, and the Spirit Tracks remake. They are all just that- fillers.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
The question is not to give or not to give Nintendo a chance, but rather for Nintendo to actually take it.
Yet few third party devs hardly took the opening Nintendo gave them.

Third party devs complained that when they put any game on a Nintendo console they have to compete intensely with Mario and Zelda. Yet here we are, the WiiU has been out for a full year with hardly any real serious first party competitors and it seems that aside from Ubisoft, Platnium, and a couple other studios not a single one has taken advantage of the open space to get their games on the system without any serious competition from Mario. What the hell were they doing the entire time? Sitting on their hands and waiting for the other two to come out so they can make games on them?

They say that the WiiU architecture was too different, yet the WiiU came out first for the next generation. Once again they had an ENTIRE YEAR to figure this out (which shouldn't be that hard considering how the Wii had so much garbage from studios with less money than them.) and program their games for the WiiU(and once again they didn't have to utilize the tablet) and they don't. So again, what exactly did these devs do in their spare time? Wait for the other two? It's not like the WiiU on the inside changes every two weeks. Once you figure it out your solid for the rest of the generation cycle.

They said the WiiU is underpowered. Yeah? Well so are the other consoles. Everyone uses PC's to develop videogames. They later have to lower the graphical power for it to work on consoles anyway. And seeing as how the gap between visual differences is getting smaller and smaller, this is starting to become a weak argument.

AC: Black Flag looked great on the WiiU. Looked no different than the other versions.

Like Jim said third party devs are no longer for innovation, and challenges. They are all for playing with the shiniest toy and when it's no more "fun" they throw it away and do nothing while waiting for the newest one.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Nintendo is not some starving orphan with a talent to play rachmaninov, you know. They're a big fat billion dollar corporation. Stop treating them like they're a fragile lamb that gets picked on, for Christ's sake.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Nintenso has no games . Announcing games =/= having games . Until those games are released , the WIIU doesn't have games . And really , that's all i care about ( apart from the lack of DRM , F U X O ). So until i have games to justify having the console , i will not buy the console . When they release some games , then we'll talk.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Plenty of games?
You named 1 new game, 1 sequel and 4 remakes, it's not the most impressive list there and none of these are out any time soon.

Seem to me now is actually the best time to wait with the WiiU purchase.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
X looks absolutely stunning and Bayonetta 2 looks really good as well apart from that I am underwhelmed and those two arent even out yet and theres the problem wheres the killer games Nintendo they are all coming soon they should be out now.

Nintendo are focusing on games and along with Sony have also benefited from a PR boost thanks to the Xbone disaster, they had a huge lead in release but they are running out of time they needed to shake their image from last gen that alienated core gamers and stunted games sales but instead they seem content with doing nothing.

Soon they will be the least powerful system again and many people will bypass them just for that and their perceived casual and kiddy image even though they will likely get some awesome games like the Wii did.

Also they will need to drop the console price soon 265 pounds for a premium is to much now, 200 is more like it odds are at 265 many will just think ah sod it I will just save a bit more and get the newer and more powerful PS4.

Anyway Nintendo release X and Bayonetta then I am in release Darkstalkers 4 and I will be all over the system, monster hunter looks good to and its out now wooo but I am not buying the system for one game.


New member
Nov 16, 2012
Here are the games I'm interested in:

Last of us
Ninga gaiden x
Batman origins
mirrors edge 2
Killer is dead
Saints row 4
murdered, soul suspect
rayman legends
bayonetta 2
deep down
witcher 3
the witness

Sure, sure, it's a boring un-fun list and can't hold a candle to the genius of mario games, but that's my list...and wii U is hardly the best bet is it for me. It's not about hate, or giving poor nintendo a chance. It's me selfishly giving myself access to the most games I'm interested in.

Matthew Jabour

New member
Jan 13, 2012
Mr.K. said:
Plenty of games?
You named 1 new game, 1 sequel and 4 remakes, it's not the most impressive list there and none of these are out any time soon.

Seem to me now is actually the best time to wait with the WiiU purchase.
Try 1 new game, 4 sequels (which are still new games) and 1 remake.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
The only title on the new consoles to interest me is Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, so I guess that's their chance.

Frankly, I'm sick to death of all these generic apocalypse games, shooters and apocalypse shooters. The ones that already interest me still have my attention, but I don't think I'll be looking in to any of the ones coming out any time soon. I haven't even finished Red Dead yet.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
When the Wii U gets enough games that are significantly different from what I currently have on my Wii (no, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101 and X aren't enough) to be worth the price for the console, then I'll consider buying the console. I already own a Smash Bros, a Mario Kart, 3 Zeldas and a Pikmin, I can buy a Donkey Kong and a good 3D Sonic at any time I want, and, for a while, I owned a 3D Mario, a 2D Mario and a Yarn game; I don't need any more of these types of games.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Honestly, I feel Nintendo should drop out of the console business and become a 3rd party dev.

They would be THE best 3rd party dev in the industry if they did that, and everyone would benefit from being able to play their games.

I'm sorry, but I purchased a Wii...I ended up kinda regretting it as after a few fun launch games, there was NOTHING to play on the system that interested me very much. I won't make that same mistake with the WiiU and therefore, I likely won't be playing any of their new games.

It would help if they would create something new as well. I get people love Zelda and Mario, but ANYTHING new would be nice.


Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Err I pretty sure people are given Nintendo a chance now thanks to the Xbox One, remember the Wii U sale sky rocket when the info to the Xbox One came out?

Sure I admit the upcoming games like the possible sequel to Xenoblade Chronicle 2, Bayonetta 2, the new Super Smash Bro and The Wonderful 101 are tempting me to get a Wii U but it is still a great risk for my money.

I still haven't forgotten the gaming drought period with the Wii (I don't care if past expierence with the console is a invalid excuse to not buying, you HAD to experience what it is like especially when owing the Wii is the sole well main console you have!!).