Give Nintnendo a chance!


New member
May 7, 2009
Sorry, Matthew, the Escapist hivemind has agreed that we do not acknowledge Nintendo. You should have received all your opinions in your PM box when you joined the site, so go check there.

captcha: charlie bit me

Someone should muzzle Charlie.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
I'm never buying a Nintendo console because the Wii is unbearable. I don't think I've ever managed to enjoy myself playing a Wii game for more than ten minutes without getting frustrated with the controls - especially when I have to hold the controller sideways and the *#£$% reset button is right under my finger so I inadvertently press it and have to wait thirty seconds for it to come back online. I genuinely don't know how anyone manages to use the thing. And the WiiU just looks ridiculous.

I just last week downloaded the Project64 emulator for the N64 and have been playing Banjo Kazooie on my PC with an XBox controller. It's such a joy (although I'm really working my way up to Tooie, which is one of my favourite games of all time). I wish Nintendo hadn't hitched their wagon so firmly to the technological innovation horse and had concentrated on games for games' sake a little more.


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
The question is not to give or not to give Nintendo a chance, but rather for Nintendo to actually take it.
Spot on good sir.

Nintendo's idea of innovation is for you to use the latest in wonky controller gimmickery to decide whether or not Link is going to get the same fucking hook shot or the same fucking boomerang first this time.

Screw the N.


New member
May 8, 2013
Really hasn't been a problem with the main Nintendo consoles so far. Always liked the Wii. Made for some damn fine entertainment. Pretty much had more games for my Gamecube, then I did for the PS2. Always a sure fire bet with Nintendo. Realize that at the end of the day, I will probably end up owning at least 20 games for the Wii U. Don't really care what others think of it. "Oh they do the same thing every time." Shut up, the Wii mote wasn't that bad, get over it.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Y'know, I'd kind of like to play Bayonetta 2. But other than that, I really have absolutely no reason to buy a Wii-U right now.

Understand, I have a Wii and a pretty good game-capable PC. On the Wii, I still have all the Dance Dance Revolution games, the Rock Band games, ports like Okami and Gamecube offerings like Eternal Darkness, the latter two of which haven't even managed to crack my limited time allotment for gaming despite by all rights being quite excellent.

On the PC, I have the back-up in my Steam Library, plus most of the better AAA-games coming down the line sooner or later, a tide of indie offerings, and the increasingly agonizing excess of the Humble Bundles.

I also have a DSi, and access to a 3DS if I'm willing to pry it away from my daughter. And even Nintendo seems remarkably willing to pour their development time and energy into the 3DS rather than the Wii-U.

So... Why the Wii-U? I'm sure it's a perfectly fine machine, the demos I saw of Rayman looked enjoyable enough, but there's little there to lure me away from my alternatives. And perhaps most importantly, they really haven't succeeded in establishing the GamePad as a must-have offering unexplored means of enjoying games. Rather, it seems like a gimmick that ends up uncomfortably shoehorned in, mostly into ports that worked just fine without it.

When Nintendo figures out what the GamePad is good for (asymmetrical multi-player experiences, hello...?) and gets some third-party publishers more involved, I think they have a good chance to catch up. But right now, they're definitely playing catch-up.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Big_Willie_Styles said:
Zenn3k said:
Honestly, I feel Nintendo should drop out of the console business and become a 3rd party dev.
Because that somehow makes sense seeing as they won the last generation. Nintendo is the biggest video game company in the world. Just doesn't make sense, bro.
How many WiiU's have they sold now? They are going back to the basement this generation, and they may never come back out of it. They had a good gimmick with the Wii, it worked, they made lots of money. However that gimmick has kinda passed, nobody is that interested in motion control anymore (except Microsoft I guess, lawl).

Devs are jumping ship from the WiiU as well, because nobody is buying the console. Hell, I haven't even turned on my Wii in over 5 years, it sits in a box, its not even plugged in anymore, many other gamers have a similar fate for their Wii.

They reclaimed the throne for awhile, but they are losing again, and badly. Plus I'd really like to play Zelda/Mario/Super Smash Bro on my PS4 this gen, instead of buying an entire new console for 4 games like I did with the Wii.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I feel that by next year there will be enough games to make it worth buying the console at a deep discount. However with the rate the WiiU is looking by the time it's in enough homes to attract exclusive 3rd parties the console will nearing middle age if we factor in 1-2 years for development time.

Then there's the touchpad which besides party games has yet to see the type of games most fitting for it, and won't until Ninty get's its core platformers out of the way.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
they're the kindest to indies of anyone
Seems legit. Now let me get back to playing Limbo on my ps vita...

I know Nintendo kind of abandoned the hardcore gamers
Bingo! And that's the problem. I got burned when I bought a Wii and didn't get access to any of the great titles of this gen like fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption. And its SD graphics looked like shit in an age of high def because its specs were identical to the gamecube. The Wii U has been out about a year and they still have no signs of changing their ways. More Zelda, more Mario, and the only "hard core" games they have are remakes of games from last gen. I refuse to buy a full blown console for just first party games

But the 3DS on the other hand is getting Super Smash Bros... That, I'm thinking about

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I have a Wii U and some games for it. I have a 3DS and some games for it. Several DS games for it, too.

How much more do they need?


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I am giving Nintendo a chance, to release some more original IP. Wonderful 101 looks good, Sonic looks good (not new IP, granted, but a new direction,) but I need a bit more than two or three games to sell me on a new console.

I'm interested in the WiiU, but just like the PS4, I'm waiting for the library to swell before I pick one up.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I grabbed a Wii U on day one and when it comes to games...well call me backwards because for the most part I've been playing Wii games on it. I've been catching up on DKCR, I tried some Sonic and the Secret Rings/ Black Knight and, various e-Shop/Virtual Console games. This is after having beating New Super Mario Bros U, Lego City Undercover and, putting in roughly 24 hours of Monster Hunter 3U. You don't need to convince me guy: I've been kicking myself for not getting a Gamecube since I got a used one and started catching up...Gotta get Twin Snakes...


New member
Feb 9, 2010
There's always an excuse to hate Nintendo it seems. No matter what they do right, it's never "enough" for people.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't need games to come out every week to keep me interested in my consoles. If I upgraded to a Wii-U now, I'd still have new Wii U games to play, Virtual Console titles, my inventory of WiiWare and VC titles from last generation, my entire library of Wii games (not all of which I've finished), and services like Netflix to keep me occupied until a new title that I want comes out.

Just the ability to play games away from the TV is enough for me to find entertainment out of playing the same games that I already own. I don't need a new Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc every month to keep me occupied. But the good news is those titles ARE already coming so... what's the complain about?

Has the internet just made everyone so bloody impatient that even the prospect of games being released in a few months enough for them to abandon a console who's life cycle is suppose to be 5-6 YEARS?

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
How about you let Nintendo speak for itself?
Or at least learn how to spell Nintendo?
Glad I'm not the only one that noticed.

OT: My new GIF sums up the current state of affairs quite nicely:



Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I'm a huge fan of Nintendo and I did gave them a chance in this. Now I love my Wii U and I got the games I need to justify my purchase. However Nintendo wasted their chance. They had a year to gain ground on the turfs of next generation consoles (if we choose to include the Wii U in that) and what have they done? They have focused a lot of effort on the 3DS and lost the head start they had. Now I don't think it's a bad thing because I really love my 3DS, but Nintendo really did waste an opportunity with the Wii U.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
R0B45 said:
TomPreston said:
There's always an excuse to hate Nintendo it seems. No matter what they do right, it's never "enough" for people.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't need games to come out every week to keep me interested in my consoles. If I upgraded to a Wii-U now, I'd still have new Wii U games to play, Virtual Console titles, my inventory of WiiWare and VC titles from last generation, my entire library of Wii games (not all of which I've finished), and services like Netflix to keep me occupied until a new title that I want comes out.

Just the ability to play games away from the TV is enough for me to find entertainment out of playing the same games that I already own. I don't need a new Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc every month to keep me occupied. But the good news is those titles ARE already coming so... what's the complain about?

Has the internet just made everyone so bloody impatient that even the prospect of games being released in a few months enough for them to abandon a console who's life cycle is suppose to be 5-6 YEARS?
There is always an excuse to hate every company apparently, but you have to admit that Nintendo has done a poor job with their Wii U so far. Sure 2014 will be a nice year, but why would they bother releasing their "next gen" console so early if they don't have the software for it?
I suspect that this was a result of listening to the third party complaints of having to compete (and losing) to Nintendo's first party titles.
So they left this year wide open for any third party developer to implement their games on the WiiU without any intense competition from Mario, or cluttered up by garbage shovel ware.
However none of them took this chance. Many of them gave them the middle finger and jumped ship. Which resulted in Nintendo having a very empty line up in the first year.
Now watch as the WiiU gains a good install base. They are going to come in and make games, then complain YET AGAIN how they can't compete with Nintendo.


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
If Nintendo can show some innovative games that make good use of the Gamepad controller I may be interested at some point down the line. However rehashing already existing games isn't enough, and that's all I really see the sequels as. Adding a catsuit isn't going to make me buy Mario. I have access to Skyward Sword and I never played it because it just looked limited. The New SMB games are okay to play alone, but it's just more of the same platforming that we've seen from Nintendo for years. SMB Galaxy didn't appeal to me. Smash Bros is just like every other fighting game, fun for a couple of hours, then good for a party now and then, otherwise boring.

There's just no point right now.