NameIsRobertPaulson said:
th3dark3rsh33p said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Tenmar said:
Oh for the love of god delete this story. I'm a conservative and I don't want to hear anything about him or his crap. He left TV to start up his internet crap and we should let him fade into obscurity.
Remember, THIS is what happens when you let paranoia get the best of you.
Now go back to Fox News and find out what you're REALLY supposed to be afraid of this week.
Captcha : Double time
Hop to it!
Yeah! Let's call someone stupid for having a different opinion then you! Everyone point and laugh at him!
I'm fairly certain he was joking (it is DVS BSTrD, I don't think he has ever posted anything serious...) but overreacting works too.
Yeah... see that's often the reply I get when I see people say things like that. Usually its okay to make fun of people that have a different opinion, and then when they call you on it, say its a joke and miss the point entirely.
The point being is that these jokes are often easy, not well thought out and usually are aimed at the person not "ideology" in question. Like id totally understand if this weren't a prevalent response to someone answering with a conservative opinion or differing opinion here. Otherwise it just comes off as bullying. Just mob bullying because the guy knows that no ones gonna call him on it because the majority of the people agree with him on an ideological level.
Just goes back to the Bush jokes or the Glenn Beck jokes... there safe easy laughs that have become just a more mean spirited political or intellectual wank then trying to be clever or making an insightful joke and people KNOW they aren't gonna get called on it because the majority of the people they interact with agree with them.
I don't like Bush... or Glenn Beck. I don't have to constantly seek validation in my political beliefs concerning them by going to the interwebs and commenting on how much Glenn Beck is a fool.