Gogogic CEO Says Single-Player is a "Gimmick"


New member
Mar 13, 2010
bafrali said:
Single player gives you a consistant and immersive experince that has no risk of being ruined by other people.
Agreed. I generally dislike online gaming for that exact reason.

Azuaron said:
The only multiplayer game I've played in months was Mass Effect 3's multiplayer (speaking of gimmicks), and I only did that to get my galactic readiness level up for the single player.
Me, too. I was so desperately bored by the multiplayer, as well, and the immaturity I ended up having to deal with only added to my lack of enjoyment. I haven't touched any form of multiplayer since.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
BiscuitWheels said:
Yeah, because people weren't playing tag or catch since the freaking Stone Age. Games existed before the Atari 2600, kids.
Actually no, first "game" was born when some lone man, perhaps a child, perhaps some hunter, gatherer started to daydream to kill some time and amuse himself, which isn't that different from modern storytelling.

That's the flaw of this whole trolling - it recognizes only organized play as "gaming".

However, indulge me : the first computers weren't mean to run any games at all. Should we drop this gimmick and make PCs what they are really made for ?


New member
Dec 31, 2010
*Facepalm* So enjoying epic stories of saving the world and fighting the villains in games like FinalFantasy 7, Skyrim, Mass Effect, and ect. are a gimmick? I'm SUPPOSED to try and get deeply involved in a story/game universe through getting paired up with obnoxious people online, who may or may not be trolling me and trying to ruin my enjoyment of the game for their own amusement?

I'm sorry, but that's just the blind/ignorant ramblings of someone who simply wants more money for the games HIS company produces. It'd be the same if I went outside and told people "Hey, don't read a book! Books are just a cheap gimmick! You need to ONLY watch TV, Books aren't interactive enough!".


New member
Nov 29, 2010
This guy has a voice... why? The CEO of a company that "create games for social networks, web browsers and Apple devices" has something important to say about the state of the whole medium... how? I mean, look at this. This is the stuff being developed by Gogogic. Hell, I could do that (probably). Oh, I'm being unfair, you say? They have also cross-platform MMOs? Like "Project Rupture", which "will be the biggest Gogogic project in 2011" and it is "coming soon"?



New member
Nov 21, 2009
I don't know, guys. He DOES have a point. Look closely.

Solo-Wing said:
"Now we can connect people in and around a game through real time PvP and PvE mechanics and the need for pure single player games had gone down. We have multiple plots and stories and build the meta-experience for the entire audience. The premise for making games has changed - reverted back to building multiplayer experiences that are true to the game form," he said. "This doesn't mean that we have run out of room when it comes to great single-player titles or games that make you sweat and curse every couple of minutes. It means that those titles have to be very appealing and cater well to the hardcore audience."
Now THAT I can get behind. Only allow single-player campaigns if they don't suck? I'm all for that.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
Just let him try bringing multiplayer to Elder Scrolls, I'll have console ready with "kill" and crosshair pointing. Perhaps I don't want some obnoxious person spamming mic or text chat, or ruining my exploration.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I hate high scoreboards, it doesn't matter what game I'm playing, I just want to enjoy the game, I don't want to know that I am number 348645 on the scoreboard seriously.
Also, Skyrim anyone?


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
Well, fuck you too, Mr. AndersonAntonsson. If it's a gimmick then it's a gimmick I require.

"...it became an industry need to project the game as the other player."
And it still is.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I remember when EA said something like this.
And I just want to paraphrase my favorite comment someone else said (If it's yours feel free to claim it).

Meanwhile the CFO of Zenimax is laughing his way all the way to five different banks.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well, multi-player is where the money is right now, so that is of course what most companies are going to want to defend at the moment.

One also has to remember that with all the masses being brought into gaming, the guys who want to be interconnected by things like Twitter and Facebook, serious gamers, many of whom are the solitary "geek" types are now a minority within the hobby.

I disagree with this guy, but I do understand where he's coming from. Personally I like both kinds of games, for the most part I prefer single player experiences though because to be honest other people being involed frequently ruins immersion or inevitably leads to them being obnoxious. As fun as MMOs and such can be, a time inevitably comes when I feel my brain cells melting listening to other people talk or chat, and just need to get away to do my gaming elsewhere.

In the end though, the lowest human denominator that has been brought into gaming represents the most profit, and does outnumber the more serious gamers. Catering to them, and being able to sell say virtual shirts and such to people to show off to each other is a big business. Few companies can resist the temptation to chase after the biggest profits possible, what's good for gaming itself, espcially in the long term, be damned. Companies will always try and find some way to justify their actions and position, including doing things like spouting banality over how single player is a gimmick.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Gogogic CEO Says Single-Player is a "Gimmick"

That's like saying masturbation is a gimmick because sex was meant to be done in pairs (or groups). What if you don't have (or want) friends and wanna do it on your own? BAM.

?that metaphor is gonna get me in trouble ˘_˘


New member
Jul 2, 2012
everything thats wrong with the gaming industry ill never buy a online only game unless it blows my mind never buying cod for that reason terrible game made by the worst developers out there sooner devs realise online isnt the primary thing people want the better


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
Jadak said:
Bernzz said:
Yeah okay. Have fun convincing Bethesda that single player is a gimmick and nothing more.
You mean the company that is taking their historically single player franchise and making an MMO out of it?
I was talking about Bethesda Game Studios, the people who make the main Elder Scrolls series, not ZeniMax Online Studios, the team developing The Elder Scrolls Online.

And The Elder Scrolls Online doesn't mean Bethesda will stop their single player Elder Scrolls series. It's, uh, way too damn successful. Therefore, single player isn't just a gimmick.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Some guy I've never heard of who makes games I've never heard of and don't care about made a comment about the validity about the way I play? RAAAAAAAAAAEG!


New member
Sep 17, 2011
leet_x1337 said:
VoidWanderer said:
Sounds as pretentious as Jonathon Blow...
Here's the thing - Braid was actually pretty freaking awesome, whereas, as has been demonstrated many times before, nobody knows who this guy is.
I'm not debtaing that, while I haven't played Braid it seeems like a great game, I have heard nothing but good things.

However, some of the things Jonathon Blow has said in articles since then come off as pretentious.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I kinda agree with him. I mean, he is basically saying that you can't earn anything by making shitty single player games and therefore need to make actually good single player games.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ThunderCavalier said:
Solo-Wing said:
It means that those titles have to be very appealing and cater well to the hardcore audience."
Now THAT I can get behind. Only allow single-player campaigns if they don't suck? I'm all for that.
Are you 100% sure that it's what he said ? Because as far as i understand, it can also mean that everything below Mass Effect epicness is shit. Which, of course is pure nonsense as proved by let's say "Faster Than Light" or other indie gems.