Grammar, Spelling Nazis should just get over themselves

Aug 9, 2011
Queen Michael said:
Professor J. Luvwitt said:
Queen Michael said:
It's partly a matter of respect. If somebody can't be bothered to make sure she's used "they're" where she should, why should I be bothered listen to what she has to say?
Why did you use "she" instead of "they" or "he/she"? Are you insinuating that people who can't use "they're" correctly are normally girls? I'm very interested as to why you used "she" if the reason I stated is not correct.
Nope, it's because I figured that people always use "he" or something awkward like "s/he" or "they." I thought I might start using "she" as the default pronoun the way many use "he." But yeah, I'm aware that it might give the impression you're talking about.
okay... you're fine then :). Sorry, I have an over-analytical nature. I like to use ze as a default, but I stopped because people didn't know what I meant. It is a real gender-neutral pronoun, though... just most people have never heard of it.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
Except for the fact that language skills are learned early on in childhood and reinforced throughout the school years.

Also, it's you're, as in you are. Your means that something belongs to you; I do not own any grammar or spelling nazis, so you would be wrong. When I see things like this, they throw off a sentence completely, making the whole thing hard to read. nyone who doesn't use proper language needs to go back to kindergarten (or the first year of schooling) and start over, because if they converse like that on a regular basis, they clearly missed the vast majority of their schooling.


New member
Aug 26, 2011
similar.squirrel said:
Not speaking clearly is a faux-pas. Most of us are capable of doing so without any major hitches, and in most cases, failure to do so is a sign of bad manners, laziness and inconsideration.
Being that most of us are educated first-world citizens with internet access, there is no excuse for typing like a fucking imbecile. Because typing like a fucking imbecile usually means that you are one.
Seriously, I've read posts here from Swedish users who appear to have a batter grasp of English than their American or British counterparts. But they don't; they're just well-mannered.

If you've got dyslexia, fine. Firefox has a spell-checker. Lucky you.
And you might want to read your own stuff ? I don't think you meant a "batter grasp" of English. If you're going to be this exacting with other people's language, you have to watch your own.

Bad grammar isn't "bad manners" or "inconsideration." (It might certainly be laziness.) It's bad grammar. It's not inherently an insult to you or to anyone else. You're choosing to take it that way. That technically says more about you than about the person who made the mistake in the first place.

I can't stress this enough: I'm a grammar fiend, to the point where my vocabulary sucks in almost every language I can speak because of how much emphasis I place on it, and yet, somehow, I manage to keep myself from correcting other people's incorrect usage of the apostrophe, or whatever, unless it actively destroys my ability to understand what's being said. If anything, that seems to me to be good manners.
Aug 9, 2011
Bassik said:
I am not a grammar nazi, because I don't have a huge stick up my bum, nor an "holier then thou" attitude. Also I'm not English by birth, so affcorse there's gonna be mistakes in my posts.

Those nazi's need to get over themselves, it's realy quite pathetic that they have to feel superiour in such a small way, because that's all it is, realy, it's a "look I am smarter then you" attitude, let's not hide it under semi-noble ideas like "we must save the English language!"

TL;DR: I'm the sort of asshole who won't consider you a human being without at least an attempt at correct spelling and grammar.
Does that make you feel proud of yourself? It's not realy any acomplishment, you know, just people on the internet that have less of a grasp on a language then you do. Maybe the people that offend your bum so much are not English? Or dyslexic? But no, affcorse not. You described yourself very accuratly.
Think of it this way: we all have something we obsess over and we all have something that really annoys us. Our obsession just happens to be the English language. I don't do this to feel superior to people... In fact, I've never once felt superior to a person who doesn't use good English over the computer. It's simply to correct a mistake. Think of it as more of a pet-peeve. For example: I know someone who gets really worked up when people don't sing the lyrics to a song correctly. He doesn't correct people because he wants to feel superior to them, he corrects them because the lyrics they are singing are not the original lyrics intended for the song. The same idea is illustrated in someone using "ewe" instead of "you", which happens a lot because people think it's cute or something.

In other words, we are not "hiding behind semi-noble ideas," those are the ideas that are running through some of our heads. Some people do just like to feel superior, but not all of us.

On a different note, if you saw a typo every paragraph in your favorite book, what would you think? Probably that the editor didn't care about the message they were trying to convey enough to read it properly. I will agree with the non-grammar Nazi's that the message is the important thing. But if you care about the message enough, you should at least try to make it enjoyable to read and easy to understand so people might actually listen to what you're saying and/or read what you're writing. It just comes off better.

I will agree that Sebenko came off like an a**hole, but he did say "attempt." Even dyslexic people and people of non-English origin should "attempt" to use proper English/Grammar. In all fairness, he wasn't asking for them to use perfect grammar, just for everyone to at least try at it. However, he was a bit blunt... though I think that might have been intended.

On another tangent:
Once again I say, if we found something else to obsess over, people would just start bitching at us for obsessing over that.

Kenny Kondom

New member
Oct 8, 2009
To be honest, abbreviations are commonplace now-a-days, and frankly, i honestly don't mind. And I mean that for both sides. I don't mind those whom are, although a little bit creepy with their "Fanatic" defending of it, devotion to the English language (As it makes for a nice change, compared to many illeterate Chavs i see most days). But i also dont mind people abbreviating with the likes of "U".


HOWEVER!!! Only with-in a chat-like environment (EG, MSN, or other live updating communications services) and texts. Why use it on Exams!?!? And if you already know a lot of people (Like YOU, fellow Escapees') are going to correct you on your English, then try your best to minimise mistakes and proof read what you have typed to make sure it is at least legible! (NOTE: A mistake here or there is no enough to have a Hissy-fit over, and should someone have reading/writing difficulties of any kind, cut 'em some slack!)

Hell, after typing all of that, I probably have made a few mistakes myself. But I will proof read this myself to see if there is any mistakes I can rectify myself - A GOOD TOOL FOR EVERYONE!!!!


I believe I've done OK... Did I not?


New member
May 23, 2010
Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn?t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

I'll just leave this here. Clearly spelling is pointless. Okay, not pointless but the way the mind works how you can explain and say that we need grammar and spelling when you can read that sentence above perfectly.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
smal thins lk .s aernt taht bad butt hve u tired 2 reed stfu leik tis?

(I feel I should clarify for overzealous mods that the sentence was of awful quality to make a point.)


New member
Oct 5, 2010
RAKtheUndead said:
QtheMuse said:
Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn?t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

I'll just leave this here. Clearly spelling is pointless. Okay, not pointless but the way the mind works how you can explain and say that we need grammar and spelling when you can read that sentence above perfectly.
Case against: The words "tribune" and "turbine" contain the same letters, have the same first and last letters, but have significantly different meanings, and therefore, that research is not entirely correct. I'm absolutely sick of hearing people bring that up, because it does not always apply.
I hate that study too, it gives people an excuse to post things that are hard to read. Personally my reading speed slowed substantially to read that awful paragraph, and as RAK says, there are conflicts which would cause words to become indistinguishable if this were in fact true.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Hats off to you Jarlaxl, master of the Bregan D'aethre.

And disagree with this post, since I had work hard to actually learn how to use this language. I find it offensive to say/write something grammatically/orthographically correct.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I don't mind missing a comma or whatever, but native English speakers not knowing the difference between 'there', 'they're' and 'their' pisses me off to no end.

'herp there such idiots, there house over there got burned down'.

I mean a first grader should already know this.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Don't talk to spelling and grammar Nazis, they don't know how language works, what language is for or even how their language evolved. The shrillest of wails signals the most ignorant of people.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea. If someone doesn't use proper grammar, English or spelling, yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it, is it really necessary to nit-pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a person's intelligence, yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing. Using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a person's intelligence is just as prejudiced as using someone's color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if you're a grammar or spelling Nazi, just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
There you go, fixed that for you. ;)

Also, equating an aversion to bad spelling to racism is just about the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
I think what people are saying is,
'If you can't be bothered to type then don't!'

gnwerdish trollzor rages brek ppl's minds and teh also mek u look like de nubzor feeding at teh towerz11?!?!?!!11111

It's not even a case of being particularly literate or knowledgeable you could just install a spelling and grammar checking program.
The real issue is people are lazy, and they believe they can make people swallow excuses and label anyone that objects a 'Nazi' which rather proves the point, because it's far easier than actually bothering to defend their position

Also, tls14 love your picture it paints nearly a thousand words!


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Would you like me to correct your post? :D

I notice mistakes a lot, but I very rarely point them out to people (more than half the posts here have at least one or two mistakes in them). How one writes can tell you a lot about that person. For example, people who type without capitalisations, with spelling mistakes, and just with bad grammar in general are much more likely to be younger, and more ... easy going. People who are have perfect grammar are more likely to be older, more serious, and perhaps more knowledgeable, probably gained through age.

EDIT: additional info. I don't see any reason why people can't improve their grammar to make it almost perfect; it's not in the least difficult, and doesn't take much time. All you need to do is read a few Wikipedia pages and you're pretty much done.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
Allow me to frame this response in a way that you will be able to comprehend.

-- Your someone who dont understand that even if language is "fluid" and constantly changing that it dont mean you can do whatever it is that you want with that language and call it correct citing the fluidity of the nature of language as you're excuse --


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Excuse me, but I am offended at the politically incorrect useage of the word 'Nazi'. Being of German descent and loving and diversely minded individual, I am shocked and appalled at the violent Nazi era of my people. At the same time, I enjoy a wel written bit of literature, whether it is a Tweet or a fully developed essay.

All in all, I am quite dismayed that I would be called a white supremist fascist simply because I was taught how to speak, spell, and write correctly.

Allow me to frame this response in a way that you will be able to comprehend.

-- Your someone who dont understand that even if language is "fluid" and constantly changing that it dont mean you can do whatever it is that you want with that language and call it correct citing the fluidity of the nature of language as you're excuse --
Excuse me for a moment, I am allowing the irony to sink in a bit.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
Its the internet, besides grammar has never been my strong suite, language in general actually as I struggled in my French courses through school, I do rather well at analysing and cause and effect study (historical cause and effect) though grammar is not my friend. In other words I dont care espicially since its not like any great idea had ever been done on internet formes