MrBaskerville said:
Milanezi said:
lacktheknack said:
Milanezi said:
Anyway, very weak review, you can't blame GTA for having "scumbag criminals" as main characters anymore than you can blame Superman for being almost unstoppable. It's one thing to rage about the "scumbags" being "scumbags" due to POOR writing, it's another thing to complain, well that they look like cruel egotistical criminals...
Lowering the score because you don't like the subject matter is entirely valid.
No it's not, it's subjective, subjectivism has no place in reviews. Imagine when you were back in college, your teacher couldn't give you a zero because "Well, you did give the right answer. But I hate the color BLUE, and sadly you wrote with a blue pen, so here, you get half the score." That's why I say he CAN judge by "the characters are too cruel and that does not fit the reality around them because of this and that", he CAN'T go with a hollow "I don't like bad guys so I'll punish the game".
If you don't like the subject matter and you don't have the balance to keep yourself "cold to the game", as in, forget everything and focus on objective terms, you can't review. If you hate this sort of violence in games don't review a game that has this sort of thing as part of its focus, the same goes to someone who's an extreme Halo addict making a review of Halo, the guy might ignore major problems just to give it a great review. When Baldur's Gate got that make-over for iPad, I remember here on The Escapist a reviewer who was truly honest: the guy stated he would NOT review the game, because he was such a fan of the original that his emotions might make him over critical in a negative or positive way.
I didn't get the sense that GTA V's reviewer despised the violence of the game, nor am I complaining about the game not getting 5/5. For all I know, the "missing stars" might be for an objective reason. Be that as it may, it is stupid to criticize a game founded on violence because it is "too violent"...
okay, so if a reviewer hated the story and thought the characters were annoying he would still have to praise that part because the general consensus says it's cool? Why do we need several review sites if they all have to be objective, they are supposed to say the same afterall
You are basically suggesting that a person should stop talking about a game if he doesn't like it or he should start lying to echo public opinion. It seems like a lot of work to do reviews this way, how do you make sure that your opinion matches the correct opinion?
Personally i read reviews because i want to hear what other people think, i want to hear opinions of people who have experience writing about videogames. I want to hear their true opinion and if it's different than my own. then that's just interesting.
No, I believe he should say WHY the character or story or both is bad. Why didn't they like it? And they shouldn't jump at something they KNEW they wouldn't like it (do you buy games you know you don't like the subject?). He can review it and say "the game is overly violent, something I personally hate, however this falls in place with the game's context..." see, here there is a bridge to connect things there's fundamentation to either take away the subjectivism or lessen it to a bearable level, otherwise the review degrades to a friendly bar talk (or unfriendly discussion?) that leads to a simplistic point of view. And for that, well, for that I just sit around with my friends and discuss with one another. Given, even the technical and objective points carry, in their base, subjectivism, however, it's a subjectivism born of a mutual (or almost mutual) consensus, it's one of primal levels, where the given community has applied values that in general are held as the "standard" which is then taken as the objective value. In that, it's general consensus that it's "a good control scheme to always have the trigger (guns) button on the RT and magic/powers on LT" (just giving an example), then we had Too Human, with that sword swinging thing in the analytical button and everyone hated it, it was considered "wrong", wrong because it's not within the range of the subjective general consensus, that is, the objectivist perception of where attack buttons should be
Saying that there will alway be subjectivism is a fact, but it's only the base, the foundation of objectivism and, if need be, matter to enrich the review with, but not to pass judgment upon (which seems to be the case).
Thanks to be polite in the discussion, I downright lost my temper with other people lol