Grand Theft Auto 5 Review - People Suck


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Psychobabble said:
So a game full of violent morally bankrupt protagonists, from a morally bankrupt company that aggrandizes violence, written for a morally bankrupt generation that thrives on glorifying violence. There's a shocker.
Wow, so much hate, care to justify what you're saying?

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
You know what, opinions are opinions, and reviewers can say whatever they want I guess.

But people posting here about how they're glad that this review is dragging down the average, specifically because that person thinks that the GTA series is overrated, are equally as foolish as people who think that the score should be higher because they like the game.

Reviews aren't supposed to match the reader's opinion, either high or low. If you don't like the game, don't get excited when other people drag the average down, because it just looks petty. If you do like the game, don't worry about one negative-ish review, because it just looks petty.


Elite Member
Sep 18, 2010
Greg Tito said:
Grand Theft Auto 5 Review - People Suck

You can?t deny the game?s achievements, but the writing will push you away.

Read Full Article
That's brave in this biz, especially for a title with this much industry clout.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
I am genuinely not going to buy GTA V based on this review. The last time I enjoyed a GTA game was San Andreas and it was because I could on some level sympathize with the character.
Apr 5, 2008
The install business rules out owners of the 4GB console. This alone is quite a bad move. Along with, I believe, Halo 4 (or was it Reach) which also required more space than the 4GB console could provide, this is now the 2nd game which isn't available to all console owners. I'm sorry to say this is wrong wrong wrong and defeats the entire purpose of console, the main benefit to owning one (initial cost aside). All owners of a given console should be able to play all games for that console, without exception.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Sounds like they got the wrong guy to review it, but I see his point. I also like my bad guy characters to have some motivation for it, rather than just being sociopaths.

I'll probably pick it up when the PC version gets a Steam sale.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Meanwhile, Gametrailers gave it a 9.8, and it's sitting at a 98 on Metacritic.

I like you, Tito, but I can't say we see eye to eye on this one.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Everybody's offended by the part of the review that discusses the characters, but what about the satire and vanity comments?
When GTAIV came out it was packed to the brim with the same ridiculous billboard ads, same childish pokes at politics and the like, executed by the same exaggerated talk show host personas, and had the same pedestrians who would answer their phones and yell ME! ME! ME!
And yet, the previous game was back then referred to as the absolute smelliest and most solid of 'the shit'. The sequel pulls the same joke all over again and suddenly "WOAH! It's not funny anymore. Sorry if we gave you the impression that it worked last time."

Also one more thing. When Max Payne 3 pulled the brutal unbearable murder violence card, it was called some of the most artistic stuff, like, ever. All of a sudden, virtual killing that elicits a reaction is pointless and nihilistic?
(Hotline Miami also comes to mind)

It should be considered a fucking step forward for video games as a whole if you can't enjoy murder in a Grand Theft Auto game. I think that says a lot.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Look guys, it's his review. His opinion. If he likes DA2 enough to give it a 5/5 it's his right. And if he likes GTA V just enough to give it a 3.5/5, again, it's his right. He isn't telling you how you should feel about GTA V. You can't criticize someone's opinion of a subjective experience. Which is what a review essentially is. Personally, I think the game is flawless. It's more than I wanted it to be. The characters are finally fun again, unlike in GTA IV which is a boring piece of shit IMO. If someone thinks otherwise, fine. Whatever. It doesn't ruin my fun.

I can understand Greg. He's kind of right about these characters. I think they're all fun, but I can't really relate to any of them, but to me that's not an issue. It's still a first for a GTA game because even in Vice City I found Tommy's motivation to be very believable. And despite being borderline psychopathic, he was easy to relate to. If someone puts a lot of weight on character motivation and player's ability to relate to the character, this can be off-putting. That's why I never intend to buy another God of War game. I fuckin' hate Kratos.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Andante said:
Lol the comments to this review are pathetic, this is why The Escapist is the cesspool of the internet with Betas who never had their balls drop.

Greg, you are a GAME REVIEWER not a commentator for Fox News or MSNBC, as a VIDEO GAME, GTA V is a masterpiece and it was able to pull of everything it aimed its sights on. You are only docking the score because you are maintaining a holier than thou moral ground which SHOULD NEVER BE PART OF A VIDEO GAME REVIEW. Your job is to not commentate on morals but review a video game for what it is, its graphics, game play, is it effective in its story telling, etc.
While I agree that morals shouldn't be in a review of anything that could be considered art, this review isn't short of actually good points and critiques.
And although I still didn't play it, I really doubt the FIFTH installment of a game based on mindlessly killing people should be considered a "masterpiece". Very good, yes. Even great, maybe. But certainly not a masterpiece.
And just in case you thought otherwise, no, I don't consider pretentious pseudo-games like Gone Home a masterpiece either.

As for the rest of the escapist community, grow a fucking pair seriously. Literally half of the escapist community comprise of white knights thinking they are the main protagonist in a rated G JRPG or something.

If a feminist told the escapist community that they are all scum for being male, and should castrate themselves to atone for the sins of their male ancestors, I wouldn't be surprised most of the escapist would comply since you guys are all beta manchildren.
I can't see what this has to do with the review though.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Is there a particularly good reason that people that haven't played a video game are criticizing someone who has?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
While I agree with the sentiment of the review, what strikes me as odd is that this isn't the first time I've been unsettled by GTA protagonists. Nico Bellic's was a step in a 'gritty' direction that made frivolous killing feel very uncomfortable. Equally several points in CJ's scripted storyline felt gratuitous.

Perhaps this is a point all of us reach, at different times - when we finally start taking stock of the morality of what we're being coerced into agreeing with. It just seems that you've arrived at the table a little late, and I find it strange that you are calling up these problems without stacking them up against the same problems in previous iterations, let alone the serious moral issues at play in Saints Row 4 which you offer as a counterpoint. Just because that game screams 'DON'T WORRY IT'S ALL A JOKE' doesn't cure it of its moral ills, and neither - for me at least - did it make the experience any less uncomfortable or awkward.

For me, I feel that I've come out the other side of this debate. I've accepted that the intention of games like GTA is not to make moral or even narrative sense, but to offer flimsy, gutter-humour plotlines that are merely vehicles for outrageous set-piece missions. Because of that I am expecting to be able to enjoy the gameplay and worry less about the moral quandaries. (Please bear in mind this is coming from someone who has always considered themselves a snobbish game story connoisseur in the past).

Would it be fair to suggest that your issue is perhaps more with the unnecessary narrative constraints rather than purely the morality of the game? A lot of your moral qualms seem to be caught up in what you are 'forced' to do and witness, and you also mention niggling issues like Michael driving in scripted missions when you would have perhaps picked Franklin. It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts on GTA online when that turns up - maybe what this genre really needs is no definable protagonists at all...

As for Los Santos coming across to you as vapid and depressing, frankly I'm glad that was included, because that is exactly what LA was like for me and its nice to think I can go into that world as a complete madman and shake the people of Los Santos out of their self-absorbed stupor.

Anyway, I appreciated reading the review and I'm glad that you're willing to give game story enough weight to cast an influence on your overall impression, there isn't enough of that around.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Andante said:
Literally half of the escapist community comprise of white knights thinking they are the main protagonist in a rated G JRPG or something.
You're conflating two issues.
1. Whether the considerations of the reviewer are considerations for the audience.
2. Whether the considerations of the reviewer should be considerations for any review.

Most of the criticism here has been about point 2, and the defense of the review has focused on that. Again, it's been about whether the review is valid rather than sound. I think it's a good review and he's right to dock it points if he dislikes the violence, but I'm going to buy it and enjoy it anyway.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
KingsGambit said:
The install business rules out owners of the 4GB console.
You can buy a memory stick for like 4 dollars that will cover you.

Now, maybe not everyone will do this, but I don't see this to be a huge obstacle.

Andante said:
Greg, you are a GAME REVIEWER not a commentator for Fox News or MSNBC, as a VIDEO GAME, GTA V is a masterpiece and it was able to pull of everything it aimed its sights on. You are only docking the score because you are maintaining a holier than thou moral ground which SHOULD NEVER BE PART OF A VIDEO GAME REVIEW. Your job is to not commentate on morals but review a video game for what it is, its graphics, game play, is it effective in its story telling, etc.
And a game which promotes its story and characters should get graded on its story and characters. So Greg seems to be doing what one should do in this scenario.

Compatriot Block said:
Reviews aren't supposed to match the reader's opinion, either high or low.
Of course not. They're supposed to validate my opinion. That's why people who don't are teh bias.

Frankster said:
Can't say i agree with the reviewers opinion that playing unsympathetic and actual villainous characters is some sort of "step back" in gaming art *overdramatic hand gestures* I mean jeez, cut the drama, some of us wouldn't mind playing actual evil pricks for a change especially if its in keeping with a suitably prick world!
It's a breath of fresh air, at least.


New member
Sep 15, 2013
MammothBlade said:
Psychobabble said:
So a game full of violent morally bankrupt protagonists, from a morally bankrupt company that aggrandizes violence, written for a morally bankrupt generation that thrives on glorifying violence. There's a shocker.
Wow, so much hate, care to justify what you're saying?
Maybe they're just psychobabbling.

OT: Man, what a tough week for the Escapist. First Grey and then Greg. Still, despite GTA V no doubt being a great game, the low score is rather telling of what's probably the game's biggest problem: motivation.

I won't psychobabble too much myself because it'll be a long, long time before I'm able to play the game. Mostly, I just like sitting here and watching the shitstorm.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Andante said:
Lol the comments to this review are pathetic, this is why The Escapist is the cesspool of the internet with Betas who never had their balls drop.

Greg, you are a GAME REVIEWER not a commentator for Fox News or MSNBC, as a VIDEO GAME, GTA V is a masterpiece and it was able to pull of everything it aimed its sights on. You are only docking the score because you are maintaining a holier than thou moral ground which SHOULD NEVER BE PART OF A VIDEO GAME REVIEW. Your job is to not commentate on morals but review a video game for what it is, its graphics, game play, is it effective in its story telling, etc.

As for the rest of the escapist community, grow a fucking pair seriously. Literally half of the escapist community comprise of white knights thinking they are the main protagonist in a rated G JRPG or something.

If a feminist told the escapist community that they are all scum for being male, and should castrate themselves to atone for the sins of their male ancestors, I wouldn't be surprised most of the escapist would comply since you guys are all beta manchildren.

CHRIST, someone REALLY ticked you off didn't they?

You do realise that a review IS SOMEBODY'S OPINION, RIGHT?

And why, pray tell, can this apparent MASTERPIECE not be criticized on moral grounds? (which, you know, it wasn't anyway, but let's go with you on this one)

I'm not even sure WHAT THAT LAST half WAS ABOUT, so I'm not EVEN GOING TO BOTHER there.

Anyway, it just LOOKS LIKE you're mad that SOMEBODY DIDN'T AGREE with your opinion (whether you've played it, or not. My guess is not. Even though it did break release)

Sep 9, 2010
Andante said:
wAriot said:
Andante said:
Lol the comments to this review are pathetic, this is why The Escapist is the cesspool of the internet with Betas who never had their balls drop.

Greg, you are a GAME REVIEWER not a commentator for Fox News or MSNBC, as a VIDEO GAME, GTA V is a masterpiece and it was able to pull of everything it aimed its sights on. You are only docking the score because you are maintaining a holier than thou moral ground which SHOULD NEVER BE PART OF A VIDEO GAME REVIEW. Your job is to not commentate on morals but review a video game for what it is, its graphics, game play, is it effective in its story telling, etc.
While I agree that morals shouldn't be in a review of anything that could be considered art, this review isn't short of actually good points and critiques.
And although I still didn't play it, I really doubt the FIFTH installment of a game based on mindlessly killing people should be considered a "masterpiece". Very good, yes. Even great, maybe. But certainly not a masterpiece.
And just in case you thought otherwise, no, I don't consider pretentious pseudo-games like Gone Home a masterpiece either.

As for the rest of the escapist community, grow a fucking pair seriously. Literally half of the escapist community comprise of white knights thinking they are the main protagonist in a rated G JRPG or something.

If a feminist told the escapist community that they are all scum for being male, and should castrate themselves to atone for the sins of their male ancestors, I wouldn't be surprised most of the escapist would comply since you guys are all beta manchildren.
I can't see what this has to do with the review though.
There is a reason why people still play GTAIV and why GTA games have such long life spans, and here is a hint, it has nothing to do with the Story.

Maybe, just maybe, the draw of most GTA games is though to it being an open sandbox world with tons and tons of activities and areas to explore.

If you weren't a zombie white knight like the rest of the escapist masses, then you would realize this. That's why I am mocking you and your escapist community, you guys argue on moral grounds just to feel superior even though to everyone else you guys are a joke.

Just like how everyone here missed the part of GTA 5 being one of the greatest SANDBOX games to be released for this generation, but instead here we have a EPEEN battle with everyone trying to outdo each other in a pathetic attempt to portray themselves to see who is the most reasonable progressive free thinker... disgusting.
I don't know... Saints Row 4 was pretty epic, in terms of sandbox.

I mean just being to have a car form around you, rather than having to go to a garage and being able to race around the map.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Andante said:
There is a reason why people still play GTAIV and why GTA games have such long life spans, and here is a hint, it has nothing to do with the Story.

Maybe, just maybe, the draw of most GTA games is though to it being an open sandbox world with tons and tons of activities and areas to explore.
Ok? I already knew about this. In fact, I've only completed Vice City's story, although I've (extensively) played every GTA to date except Liberty City and IV.
I don't see what does this have to do with anything. Just because it is "an open sandbox world with tons and tons of activities and areas to explore." doesn't make it a masterpiece. There are tons of games like that. Yeah, it may be better than those games, I think we can agree on that, but it certainly isn't innovative, it doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Also, this argument doesn't actually invalidate the review, it actually agrees with it.

If you weren't a zombie white knight like the rest of the escapist masses, then you would realize this. That's why I am mocking you and your escapist community, you guys argue on moral grounds just to feel superior even though to everyone else you guys are a joke.
I think you couldn't be farther from the truth calling me a white knight, but ok. I don't consider myself part of the "escapist community", I rarely post here and usually disagree with other users. Anyway, this is off-topic.

Just like how everyone here missed the part of GTA 5 being one of the greatest SANDBOX games to be released for this generation, but instead here we have a EPEEN battle with everyone trying to outdo each other in a pathetic attempt to portray themselves to see who is the most reasonable progressive free thinker... disgusting.
Actually most people here (from the comments I read anyway) think that the reviewer is wrong, and agree with you. If anything, they are discussing whether morality should be into a review or not.