Grand Theft Auto 5 Review - People Suck


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Well, this don't answer my question of what is the mechanics of the Stock Market is. Can the player manipulate stocks by (off-script) trashing rival companies?


New member
Mar 9, 2008
MammothBlade said:
WarpZone said:
*award-winning internet content*
Looks like we have a winner!

1st place Gammel Dansk award for bitterness goes to WarpZone.
Thank you! Thank you! Whatever, this dram's probably too sweet anyway. I'd like to thank E3 for consistently lowering my expectations year after year, The Escapist for forcing me to channel my natural anger and vitriol into tight, moderator-friendly posts, and Jim Sterling for keeping it real in the age of overly-positive YouTube letsplayers! This award is not as good as award shows they had when I was young. PEACE OUT!!!


Dec 16, 2008
While the central criticism seemed so somewhat miss the mark of what a GTA game is supposed to be, I think it was a fair review of the game. It praised the technicalities and gave an honest opinion of the game as a whole, while still recommending it on the basis of having a different personal opinion. A decent explanation of the mechanics was present and the game received 70% of the maximum score based on your personal taste.

This sounds exactly like what I want in a review. Thank you.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
It's gta, you're supposed to be a scumbag..... In gta 2 i remember driving people to the butcher so they could be turned into hotdogs for a party.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
I get it this is the internet, and you're never the only one, but...


It's just my opinion, but I've never gotten into the GTA franchise, I just find it boring. But this is a nice review, thanks for the brilliant write up.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Fuck this thread makes it seemed like he shot up the development team or something.

OT: What this review said about characters sounds appealing to me. If it doesn't sound appealing to you then cool, different minds, different audiences. Pulp fiction does a similar thing with two of leads of vincent and jules. There only motivation is being paid and they do fuck some people up.

I'd have to play for myself to see if they actually did this well, but if not then the technical stuff sounds good enough to justify giving it a go.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Dear Mr. Tito,

Well done. You expressed yourself beautifully and evenly. You had the courage to say what you thought, not what was expected of you by the masses. This is why i take the opinions of the writers at The Escapist so seriously.

Tim Chuma

New member
Jul 9, 2010
Contrarian just for the sake of it? Link bait? Surely not?!

I envy people who have the time to invest in this game. If you were planning on buying it I am not sure any review is going to change your mind on it.

A local muso wrote a song about losing yourself in a previous GTA game after a relationship went south

Given recent events in the USA regarding mass shootings, I do not want to play any shooting games for a while. I even traded going to see 5 John Woo movies in a weekend for an all Kung Fu weekend for a screening I am going to.

Anthadlas Babyeater

New member
Feb 26, 2013
seems stupid during this review that he moans how depressing the world and characters are compared to a game like Saints Row and then later says the attempts at humour on the radio and place names come off as childish.
What compared to Saints Row where you kill people with a dildo bat?
Make your mind up over what you actually want from this game.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Greg Tito claims that if the characters were better written this would not only be game of the year, but game of the decade. I would assume that 'Game of the Decade' implies a 5 star review. As such, this one flaw is worth 1.5 stars against the game.

I haven't played GTA5 and I never plan to. I bought GTA 4 due to all the perfect 10's hyping it and personally hated the title. That said, this seems like an unusually harsh knock against a game for a single area of failure. What if people 1.5 out of 5 or 3 points out of 10 on Oblivion just because the main quest sucked? Is that really giving the game justice?

Greg Tito could be right, I've not played the game so I don't know how much some poorly written characters would hurt my ability to have fun in the open world. It just 'feels' like this one flaw impacts the review score (as well as dominates the video review itself) far more than it should.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Everything he said appealed to me about this game. Even the negatives... I want to play a story as a vile individual because that's actually something the industry is lacking at present.

So if the only cons he has with the game is how ruthless, evil and despicable the protagonists are? Sounds like a 5/5 review to me.

Will get when on PC.

Edit: upon further reflection I think giving it a 3.5/5 is a bit strange since the only reason given is what could be considered a truly subjective one.

Using a recent release like Total War: Rome II as an example the game has issues that are simply not subjective: incredible load times, bugs bugs bugs, a lack of transparency in the political system, leveling paths hidden in the in-game manual, terrible battle AI, and baffling building pros/cons (like something that gives you 12 bonus to public order in one way also gives you -12 to public order in another way). All of those things can be universally agreed to be negative for the game.

On the flip side, disliking an evil protagonist is a subjective thing, other people might love the idea. To rate the game in a negative manner because of it, rather than mention it as a problem the reviewer had on a PERSONAL level, I feel isn't doing the already broken gaming metric score any favors.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
WarpZone said:
Remember when GTA was actually fun? Tooling around the city in a 2D car, watching convicts sprinkle out of a jail you just crashed into like chips from a slot machine? Or actually engaging storylines like Tha Ballad of Gay Tony? Now it's like the developers said, "Whelp, Retro City Rampage stole our fun, Just Cause stole our comedy, Saints Row stole damn near everything. What do we have left for an identity?" And someone shrugged and said "I guess Fox News associates us with violent crime?" And then they spent 5 years and 20 billion dollars making the most ZOMG REELZ VIOLENT CRIME GAMZORZ EVAR!!!oneone.

Seriously, though, there's no point in even looking surprised at this point. It's a new pointless console generation. These people equate polygons with "EMOTION!!!". That means every single title coming down the pipe is going to get brownification like you've never seen before. Everything has to be DARK and GRITTY because GRITTY = REAL! Just ask the most serious and legitimate decade evar, THE 90'S! Wait...
The game is actually pretty fun. It's closer to saints row 2 than gta 4. Also the writing is funnier than in saints row.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
GoddyofAus said:
The game itself is perfectly fine yet the author of the review had a problem with it on a moral grounding.

Yep, this will certainly end well.
If only he was a woman, in which case this review would be burnt, and the entire website credited as unreliable, lies and trolling. You know what I am referring too.


New member
May 24, 2011
The videogame reviewer here is saying that crime needs to be justified for more than money. It's bad that the portrayal of characters is a serious one and crime isn't all dandy? That's nice you know, the characters are loveable in a way (Michael & Franklin at least), but maybe GTA V isn't about making crime fun, it's about making it true to itself. From what I've seen it's doing all right. It takes a certain type of character to resort to crime, theft and all that and it shows that crime and money doesn't make you a happier person. The characters are addicted to it, it's what they do.


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Balkan said:
The game is actually pretty fun. It's closer to saints row 2 than gta 4. Also the writing is funnier than in saints row.
It's funny even though the protagonists are unsympathetic and the plot is depressing? If you say so. I just can't imagine how that squares with Greg's description of the game. Guess it's subjective.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
At least no body can accuse the game of having Lugoscababib Discobiscuts. [sub]ha... Jimquisition reference[/sub]

Anyway, good on you Tito it's nice to see someone who cares about gaming as an artform and doesn't just blindly give "the next big game" a good score